Father called

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-Elizabeth's POV-

My waist hurt where Meliodas was holding me. I have been in worse situations, but still, this felt strange. Usually, I would be able to move fast and make as small damage on my body as possible, but this time, I couldn't.

I walked up to the bed. Sunday. It is 7 days. It was starting to get late and I slowly fell asleep. The last thought was 'why did I need to meet Estarossa and Zeldris again?' and fell asleep.

-Meliodas POV-

I walked in my room to see Elizabeth asleep. She looked so peaceful when she slept, but something about her is off.

Why aren't she scared of us? We have kidnapped her! What's with her father's bets? Why is it her concern with all his bets? And how did Zeldris and Estarossa know about her? They looked scared and tried to get away.

I laid down in the bed and covered me and Elizabeth in a blanket. I really like revealing outfits and what she was wearing just mow was as revealing as it could be. That is if you only count dresses.

Then it was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me, Merlin. The other's want to talk to you." Merlin said.

"I am coming!" I said and walked out of the room.

"Where?" I asked.

"Planning room." She said and walked another direction.

"You not coming?" I asked.

"No, I have better things to do." She said. Shrugging it off, I walked to the planning room and saw everyone except Escanor there.

I knew what that 'better things to do' is now. She and Escanor is making out like always. They are too open with their relationship as a couple, or at least Merlin.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"We heard what you did to Elizabeth, is she okay?" King asked.

"Yeah, she is sleeping. What I care about is that she knows my brother's and that they seem to be scared of her." I said.

"Well, I don't know why they are so scared about her and how they know each other, but I saw Elizabeth doing this." Diane said and took up her hand to her neck and slowly did the 'I will kill you' sign.

"To them when you wasn't looking." Diane continued. I nodded.

"She seems like a nice girl. How could they be so scared of her?" King asked.

"Yeah." Ban said.

"Still, she stabbed herself with a knife." Gowther said.

"How did you know that? You wasn't with us when I told the others about it." I said.

"Heard you panic when she did it." Gowther said. I nodded, regretted I asked.

"Anyway, I will go to bed. Night." I said. They nodded and most likely doing the same. When I walked in my room and lifted the covers, I saw where I held Elizabeth.

I really must have hurt her, she had a big bruise there. Slowly, I got in the bed and before going to sleep, I poked her bruise. She flinched in her sleep and her peaceful face turned to one with regret and sadness.

"N-no, d-don't!" She mumbled.

"Don't what?" I whispered.

"P-please, d-don't! F-father!" She said. Wow, she really mist have a asshole father. First he gave me her in a bet and she is having nightmares of him.

"I-I d-don't w-want to!" She said.

"Don't want what?" I asked. Suddenly, tears was steaming down her face. I tried to whip them away, but it just come more.

"Elizabeth?" I asked. Then she started to begging things.

"Please father! Don't do this! I'm sorry. I-I will get it!" She said.

"Elizabeth? Wake up." I said, more tears streaming down her face.

"S-st-aghh!" She started screaming. I really got worried.

"Elizabeth! Wake up!" I said and started shaking her. She woke up and breathed heavily.

"What happened?! Are you okay?" I asked. She back away from me until she fell off the bed. Then she continued to back away until she hit the wall. I ran up to her and kneed down to her.

"Are you okay?! What happened?! What's wrong?!" I asked. She backed away until she hit the corner of the room.

"Please, tell me what is wrong?!" I asked.

"L-let me be!" She said. Suddenly, a noise was heard and we both looked at Elizabeth's phone. It was her father.

I looked at Elizabeth and she looked at me. Then I got up and took her phone.

"Don't tell him I am here, have on the speaker. Act natural." I said. She shook her head.

"No!" She said. The next second, I ran up to her and pinned her to the wall.

"You are mine now! You do as I say!" I said. I was a bit ashamed to use her like this in this condition, but I needed to know what was wrong.

"N-no!" She said.

"Do it!" I said and accepted the call. She looked shocked and nodded. With that, I let go of her and put on speaker.

"Elizabeth! You low life brat! Need I really tell you to give me my money?! To get you to pay back?! Get 10 000 dollars tomorrow! Here, I have paid for you your whole life!" Her father yelled in the phone.

"O-" Elizabeth was cut off.

"Hurry up you brat! It's my money! A low life like you shouldn't even be living! New things and a luxury life is the only thing you have thought of! Mission, adventures and live happy ever after is not real!" He yelled.

"Y-" Elizabeth was cut off again.

"Don't you even dare to be even a second late to give me my money! You slut! Do what I tell you! Something you never done before! Stupid slut!" He yelled.

"S-" Elizabeth was cut off again.

"You is just a burden for everyone! Meet me up and give me my money! Us, me and your sisters, have always hated you! Home isn't a place you belong to! At least go and die! 1 AM I want my money! AM, you hear?!" I cut him off from continuing.

"Shut the fuck up! Elizabeth is mine now! Ever since that bet, she have been mine! So stop the fuck treating her! You have no right to speak like that to my things!" I yelled. He shut up.

"Meliodas. I see she is still with you then. I guess I will leave her alone then." He said.

"Fuck off!" I said and ended the call. I looked at Elizabeth who had tears in her eyes.

"I have some questions for you." I said.

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