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-Elizabeth's POV-

It have been some weeks since Meliodas meet my family for the first time. He doesn't come that often, but about one time a week, Meliodas comes with me to do a mission. He doesn't want me to get hurt.

The sins have also got to know that everything between me and Meliodas is fine now. Meliodas have even had some 'father and son time' because he will soon be father's son in law.

It wasn't exactly Meliodas that chose to have any father and son time, he was forced. At first, father asked Meliodas it, but when he disslined it to be more with me, father talked to me instead. He begged me to convince Meliodas to have it and so I did. Now, they have one father and son time every month.

Meliodas have also talked to the commandments about that mission when I revealed my identity. They will have another meeting in just some days.

I also help Meliodas with paperwork when he have any, because my missions every day doesn't take more then 4 hours at most.

Today was one of those says Meliodas and father would be with each other, so he will come back pretty late.

Right now, I was just laying in bed reading a book. At the same time, I listened to some music because it was so quiet. It's 10 PM and I should probably go to sleep.

So I laid my book on the nightstand and before I could take out my headphones, I felt arms wrapped around my waist.

So I took off my headphones and turned around to see Meliodas. He looked so tired.

"I'm... so... ti-" He fell asleep before he could finish his sentence. It always ends like this when they have father and son time. Meliodas comes home tired as hell and falls asleep before even changing to his night clothes.

I smiled and went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling like I needed to throw up. So I walked to the toilet and began throwing up. After some minutes, I was done and walked back to Meliodas who was still sleeping.

He wrapped his arms around me immediately when I come in reach for him. I couldn't go back to sleep, even if I tried.

Every time I was nearly asleep or just fell asleep, I feel like I need to throw up again. After the third time of getting up of bed to throw up, Meliodas woke up.

I was throwing up in the bathroom when I felt him pick up my hair and rub my back. When I was done, I looked up to see Meliodas worried face.

"Are you sick? It's no missions for you until you get better, understood?" Meliodas asked, making me complain with "But it was just a one time! I'm fine, I can do it."

"No, you are staying in bed." Meliodas said and picked me up, walking me to the bed.

"But it's boring here. Please Meliodas?" I asked as he sighed and said "Okay, but I'm coming with you."

I just nodded, knowing he won't let me if he doesn't come with me.

We stayed in bed cuddling a bit until we started making ourselves ready. As usual, Meliodas drove the motorcycle while I sat behind him.

We arrived and was greeted by my family.

"What's our mission today?" I asked.

"You will steal the blue crystal..." Father said and we started planning. When the plan was done, me and Meliodas went to the mansion where we will find the blue crystal.

We went in, Margaret have hacked the doors. It will be open in 20 seconds. So we have 20 seconds to get through the guards and up 5 floors. There we need to go through 2 room before arriving at the right room.

I looked at Meliodas and whispered "Go inside, I will hold the guards up."

He nodded and I throw a rock to the other side of the gate. They looked there and Meliodas went inside. I made my gun ready while he did that.

When the guards saw Meliodas go inside, I shoot them in the head. Then I went in to Meliodas. I ran up all the stairs to see Meliodas is setting up to escape through the ventilation.

"Are you ready?" He asked, earning a nod from me. Meliodas slowly took away the glass over the crystal and the alarm went on.

I snatched the diamond as guards ran inside. Meliodas was the first who climbed to the ventilation. The guards was near me when Meliodas took my hands and pulled me up towards him.

When I was nearly there, a guard took my foot and pulled me towards them.

"You won't get away!" One guard said. I looked down at the guards and kicked one of them in the face, the other on the neck and the last one's wrist, making him let go of me.

Meliodas pulled me up and we crawled through the ventilation until we come out. When we was out, we drove back to my father and left the diamond with him.

When that was over, we drove home again.

"We need to be more careful on the missions." Meliodas told me. I just rolled my eyes and said "You are over dramatic."

"I don't want you to get hurt." Meliodas said and hugged me from behind.

"I'm fine and always will be-" I cut myself off when I felt like throwing up again. I got out of Meliodas hug and ran to the toilet to throw up.

Meliodas followed me and held my hair away.

"You are definitely staying in bed from now on." Meliodas said while I continued throwing up. When I was done, Meliodas helped me to bed.

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