Her family

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-Meliodas POV-

It was three people here. Bartra and two girls. It was also pretty big. We arrived in a living room. It was also a kitchen, that's where this smell is from. It looked like it was 4 bedrooms too and a toilet.

"Hey Elizabeth!" The girl with short hair said. They haven't seen me yet. The short haired girl come to hug Elizabeth, making me a bit jealous.

That's when she saw me.

"Who's he?!" The girl asked and took my wrist to pull me in front of everyone.

"This is Meliodas, I have already told him everything." Elizabeth explained.

"Why would you do that Ellie?!" The short haired girl asked. Elizabeth defended with "I have already done it and I don't regret it!"

"Silence. Meliodas the mafia leader?" Bartra asked, making me nod.

"I guess it's nothing more to do then." He said and sighed. Then Elizabeth spoke "We doesn't work for the Supreme deity anymore. I quit it."

They all cheered and congratulated Elizabeth, making me confused.

"Didn't you like to work for her?" I asked and the short haired girl said "No, that bitch should be in jail. Sorry for the word choice Ellie."

"No worry, I think so too." Elizabeth said. I'm starting to feel like the fifth wheel now.

"The pie is ready." The long haired girl said and come out with pie and some plates. We all sat down in the couches. The two girls and Bartra sat down in the couch in front of me and Elizabeth.

"Okay, so why are you here Meliodas? I know for a fact that Elizabeth never would let someone in here and tell anything about this if it wasn't to any missions, so why are you here?" Bartra was the first to speak.

"That's easy." I said and pulled Elizabeth closer before continuing "Elizabeth is my girlfriend now."

"What?!" They all asked at the same time as Elizabeth nodded.

"Since when?!""Is that true?!""You are kidding me!" "Elizabeth?!""If you do anything to her I will kill you!" "Don't do anything funny!""If you hurt her, I will kill you!""Tell me you are joking!""Is you treating her or something?!""That's why you didn't continue with the mission!"

They all talked at the same time as me and Elizabeth was just quiet.

"Told you." Elizabeth said, making me nod in understanding.

"It's for real, we are dating." Elizabeth said to them and then Bartra stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

"Have you done something 'funny' yet?!" He asked, making me smirk and pull Elizabeth closer, looking at her.

"Well, have we Elizabeth?" I asked, making her face go beat red.

"You are so dead." Elizabeth whispered to me, making me ask "What do you mean?"

Then I looked at Bartra and it was practically smoke coming out of his ears because of anger.

"Come here! I'm gonna kill you!" He said and started walking towards me.

"W-wait, y-you wouldn't w-want t-to kill your d-daugters b-boyfriend, r-right?" I asked. Elizabeth acted so calm. Well, she did say she wouldn't help me if this happened.

"Elizabeth, he-" I was about to say, but the next moment, everything was black.

I woke up and felt real pain at my cheek. I was laying on something comfortable in the couch.

"You are finally awake. I told you not to tell them. Father punched you so hard that you fell unconscious in just a second." I heard Elizabeth's voice and looked up to see her looking down at me, playing with my hair.

That's when I realized I laid in her lap.

"I would have defended myself if he wasn't your family." I said and looked up at her. Then I looked at the table. The pie was eaten up. I really wanted to taste it.

"I have some pie left that I took for you." Elizabeth spoke, making me look at her with a smile.

"I love you." I said and sat up. She was about to take the plate with pie when I pushed her back on the couch and kissed her. She kissed back immediately and put her arms around my neck.

Then a whole making out season started, but it was interrupted after 5 minutes by a cough.

We looked there to see Bartra really angry and the two girls trying to hold him back from attacking me. Guess one of her sisters was the one who coughed.

"How dare you kiss my daughter! I will kill you! Come here you little brat!" Bartra growled as he tried to get to me.

"Father, calm down. Meliodas is my boyfriend and we do this the whole time." Elizabeth said and pulled me in a hug, making my face go in her chest. It was so comfortable. I would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for that angry man trying to kill me.

Then I looked at Elizabeth and asked "Shouldn't you do your mission?"

"We already done it while you was unconscious. Sorry." Elizabeth said.

"What? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?" I asked and started with looking after cuts or bruises on her arms.

She rolled her eyes before saying "I'm fine, like always."

We stayed about a hour more and her family asked question after question. When they finally let us go, I drove home with Elizabeth behind me on the motorcycle.

I got to know so much about how they do things. It's not that different from bow we do things, but they do it much more complicated and professional. Well, we don't really have that many spy missions. The most is bets and we treat people to give us things.

I learnt how they do this secret massage thing. The first word in all the sentences made the massage. It's pretty easy to understand now.


"Elizabeth! You low life brat! Need I really tell you to give me my money?! To get you to pay back?! Get 10 000 dollars tomorrow! Here, I have paid for you your whole life!" Her father yelled in the phone.

"O-" Elizabeth was cut off.

"Hurry up you brat! It's my money! A low life like you shouldn't even be living! New things and a luxury life is the only thing you have thought of! Mission, adventures and live happy ever after is not real!" He yelled.

"Y-" Elizabeth was cut off again.

"Don't you even dare to be even a second late to give me my money! You slut! Do what I tell you! Something you never done before! Stupid slut!" He yelled.

"S-" Elizabeth was cut off again.

"You is just a burden for everyone! Meet me up and give me my money! Us, me and your sisters, have always hated you! Home isn't a place you belong to! At least go and die! 1 AM I want my money! AM, you hear?!" I cut him off from continuing


It's not that confusing now. To be honest, I thought he was really stupid at how he put the sentences over a phone. At that time at least.

When we arrived at the mansion, I got off the motorcycle and noticed that Elizabeth had fallen asleep holding me.

With a smile, I picked her up and walked inside to our room. I guess all the sins already is in bed.

I put Elizabeth in bed and then went in with her. It didn't take long before I fell asleep.

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