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-Meliodas POV-

I woke up to see Elizabeth still sleeping like usually. Maybe I should confess. I mean, the sooner I do it, the sooner I will know my answer.

Then I went down to make some breakfast. She needs her sleep, besides, we don't have any missions until the meeting with my brothers and the ten commandments. She could chill a bit.

I ate my breakfast and then made some to Elizabeth before walking up to see her still sleeping. Not wanting to wake her up, I placed her sandwich and orange juice on her nightstand.

Instead of laying in bed and waiting for her to wake up, I took a shower. I'm gonna give her the clothes I brought her yesterday soon.

After I put on my clothes, I walked back to Elizabeth. She was about to wake up now. Smiling, I approached her and shook her awake lightly.

"Wakie wakie." I said and she sat up. She looked at me a bit annoyed as I spoke "I have something to you and you have breakfast on your nightstand."

She looked at her nightstand as I walked to get the clothes I brought her. They was all in bags. It was 3 big bags with clothes. Hope this is enough.

When she ate up everything, I placed the bags on the bed, making her look at me confused.

"I had no idea what you like for clothes, so I just brought some I think you like. You could look at it and tell me if it is something you do-" She cut me off saying "I'm sure they will be perfect. Just let me try it on to see that the size is right."

I nodded and let her go and change in the bathroom. I wouldn't mind if it was in here either, but I don't want to be too clingy.

She come out of the bathroom in a dress. She was so beautiful in it.

I gulped before I said "I have something to tell you." and looked away.

"What is it?" She asked and I waved for her to come closer. She did as told and walked closer to me. Then I looked at her and put her on my lap.

"Elizabeth... I-" I started and then gulped before continuing "I l-love you."

I was ready for her rejection when I suddenly felt a hug.

"I love you too!" She said and I pulled her away a bit. I looked at her seriously before asking "For real?"

She nodded and I kissed her immediately. She kissed back just a second later.

We separated and looked at each other. I was the first one to speak asking "Does that mean that you want to be my girlfriend?"

She nodded and said "Of course."

I hugged her and put my face in her neck. Never have I been as happy I am now.

"Do you want to go and tell the others?" I asked. She responded with "Sure." and we then got up. I put my arm around her waist and she immediately backed away.

"What's wrong?" I asked and looked at her. She did the 'are you serious?' look and then pointed at her big bruise I made.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that in the first place." I apologised and looked down. She hugged me and said "It's okay, just don't touch there. It will be fine in some days."

"Okay." I said and kissed her on the lips. She kissed back and then we went out. It was around 8:30 in the morning. I think I will spend the whole day with Elizabeth today.

We went out of the room and to the living room. I sat down and Elizabeth sat beside me, but I pulled her on my lap.

Ban, Diane and King, that already was in the room when we come, looked confused. Then Ban smirked.

"You finally got a girlfriend Captain?" He asked as I replied with "Who could ever reject me?"

"It was you that asked me. Not the other way." Elizabeth said, making everyone laugh. Escanor and Merlin come in the room a bit confused of what was happening until Merlin saw Elizabeth in my lap.

"Captain got a girlfriend I see." Merlin spoke. I nodded and pulled her close.

"She is only mine now." I said and put my hands on her breast. She immediately took my hands and put them in her lap instead.

"Anyway, where is Gowther?" I asked.

"Somewhere. We haven't any missions today, right?" Ban asked. I shook my head.

"Good, I'm going to visit Elaine today." Ban said and stood up.

"You are not touching my sister!" King yelled. Now they are on it again. I looked at Elizabeth who looked like she was going to bust out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked. She just said "Nothing, nothing. I just need a second to calm down."

"Anyway, want to go out and eat tonight?" I asked her.

"I'm in!" Ban yelled. Diane said "Me too!" making King say "If Diane is going then I am too."

"I mean just me and Elizabeth." I told them. Everyone went silent until Elizabeth said "Sure, I did love to.

I smiled at her while we all started talking. I can't wait for tonight.

-Ban's POV-

I was at Elaine's door. King was with me. I don't understand why he need to be such a party pooper, I mean, seriously, can't I be with my girlfriend alone?

The door opened revealing Elaine with a evil grin.

"Ban, King, I'm so happy you come today. I have something to discuss with you two." She said. This don't sounds so good.

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