Our baby

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-Meliodas POV-

I held in Elizabeth's hand. She screamed and pushed as the doctor got the baby.

I couldn't look. The sins was all outside our room. Suddenly, the screaming stopped and a cry was heard.

The crying made me open my eyes as the doctor held an baby in his hands. It's the same doctor as before.

"It's a boy." The doctor said. I felt tears of happiness dwell in my eyes as I took the baby from the doctor.

"A boy. We have a boy now." I said with a smile as I slowly moved my arms up and down to calm his crying. After a minute or two, he had fallen asleep.

"I will take my leave now." The doctor said, making us nod. I laid down the baby beside Elizabeth and she immediately put her arms around him.

"What should we name him?" Elizabeth asked. I smiled and said "Tristan."

"Tristan... it's perfect." Elizabeth said. I smiled and kissed both her and Tristan on their foreheads before letting in the sins.

"What is it?""Boy or girl?""What's the child's name?""How are you?""How does it feels to be parents?"

Questions was asked by everyone of them. I just put a finger over my mouth to show them to be quiet. They all quieted down as I pointed at the sleeping Tristan and now the sleeping Elizabeth.

"So cute! Is it a boy or a girl?" Diane whisper yelled. I smiled and said "Boy, we have named him Tristan."

I picked Tristan up and gave him to Ban first. He held him like if he inspected him, then he gave Tristan to Merlin.

"I think he will be strong when he grows up." Merlin said and gave him to Escanor.

"He is quite handsome." Escanor said and passed Tristan to Gowther as he asked "So this is the first hybrid between a goddess and a demon?"

Goddess? Wait, goddess?! Elizabeth is a goddess?! Of course her wounds would have healed that fast! She was using her powers! That's why it wasn't any blood on her bandages either, because she healed her hand just before I wrapped bandages around it!

I looked at the sleeping Elizabeth. Why didn't you tell me? Elizabeth? And how did Gowther know?

"How did you know Gowther?" I asked and gave him my attention as he passed Tristan to King.

"It stood on her spy-leg. It stood more facts about it on the back. Races is an example." He said, making me nod.

"He is really cute." King said, changing the subject and gave Tristan to Diane.

"Really cute?! He is adorable! But I was hoping for a girl. We could put on make up on each other and-" Diane started babbling about what she wanted to do with Tristan if he was a girl. By doing that, she woke up Tristan, making him cry.

"Oh, oh, I'm so sorry. Here Captain. Take him." Diane said and gave me Tristan. Like the last time, I shook my arms up and down to calm him down. After some minutes, he calmed down and started laughing. That was the first time I saw his eyes. He has one green eye and one blue.

"Wow." Was all I could say, making all the sins ask "What?"

"His eyes have different colours." I answered, making everyone come close and look in his eyes. Diane spoke once again, saying "So cool!"

She was nearly as excited for this child as me and Elizabeth. Then a tired yawn was heard and I looked at Elizabeth that was about to wake up.

"Let us be alone some time, okay?" I asked the sins. They all nodded and walked out, closing the doors after themselves.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I asked and gave her Tristan. He started laughing immediately as he saw his mother.

"He have different eye colours." Elizabeth said as Tristan held one of her fingers. A bit worried that she doesn't like him for that, I asked "Something wrong with it?"

"No, it's just really, really special." Elizabeth said and caressed his cheek. I'm starting to feel a little jealous of all the attention he gets from Elizabeth.

"Can I get as much attention?" I asked and sat down beside Elizabeth as I took my arms around Elizabeth.

"Sure, in a hear or two." Elizabeth said, making me groan.

"Why so long?" I asked.

"Because Tristan needs as much, maybe even more attention then you. Oh, and no more babies. I don't want to go through the pregnancy again... and don't whine about it, it was you that chose it." Elizabeth said, making me groan one more time.

"I nearly forgot, why didn't you tell me you was a goddess?" I asked. She smiled a bit and asked "Didn't you see it on the spy-leg?"

"No, Gowther did though." I said and kissed her cheek. Suddenly, Tristan laughed again, making us look at him. When we did, we saw that his eye that was blue before was now black with a demon mark looking like half mine was on his half forehead. His green eye was orange with a goddess symbol.

"Both our powers, huh?" I asked as looked at Elizabeth's reaction. She was smiling and said "Yes."

"I love you two." I said and embraced Elizabeth and Tristan.


It will come a book two that will be named 'Be parents is hard' but it could be a while.


-Ban's POV-

After meeting the Captain's son, I walked back to Elaine. I took my own keyes Elaine gave me and walked inside her apartment.

"Hey babe." I said as I closed my eyes.

"Why are you so late?" Elaine asked as I walked inside the living room and plopped down in the couch beside her.

"Elizabeth's and the Captain's baby have been born. Today. We needed to go and get the doctor." I said and pulled her close and put on the TV.

"Lancelot and I have missed you." Elaine said, making me chuckle and say "Well, soon you are moving in with us in the mansion and we will tell everyone about our two weeks old child."

"Yeah, I can't wait to see their reactions." Elaine said.

"King's gonna kill me." I smiled, making Elaine agree.

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