Run away

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-Meliodas POV-

I picked her up and laid her in the bed.

"But first, you shoud sleep." I said and covered her in the blanket before laying down myself. It didn't take long before I fell asleep.

-Elizabeth's POV-

After a while, getting what just have happened, I walked up and decided to change to my clothes I come here in. Then I walked out of the room and the mansion.

It was high walls around the mansion, but I should mange to get out. I have been in worse.

It was in the middle of night and I climbed up the wall. Then I jumped down it and hit the ground. My foot hurt and my waist, but I continued. I need to get away from here.

I have a thing I must do.

-Meliodas POV-

I woke up, but no Elizabeth.

Without a second thought, I jumped up and started running around the mansion, looking for her. No one was found.

"Everyone! Come here!" I yelled and everyone ran to me. The most of the sins had just gotten up from bed.

"What is it Captain?" Escanor asked.

"Elizabeth is gone! You need to find her!" I said. Then they rushed back to their rooms, not even giving me a 'roger'.

They all know how important she is to that mission. Without her, I can't make it. We all will be rich if this works.

However, that father of hers makes me angry, but why? Why do I care about how he treat her? She is just a supplie to my mission.

Those nightmares she has could be a struggle too. Nah, it's just dreams, not anything that happens in real world. She will understand that.

Wait, her father said money until today, will she go back home? Or to work?

"Ban! Go to the boar hat and look for Elizabeth, the rest of you look around the city!" I yelled. Some rogers was heard, but I couldn't pinpoint of who. Instead, I just walked out to my black motorcycle.

Elizabeth's home. I have been there once and that was when the bet was made.

When I arrived, I walked inside the house that, to my surprise, wasn't locked. It was dark inside and blood on the wall.

"What the hell?" I asked myself. This was like some horror movie. After looking around the first floor and didn't find anything, I walked upstairs.

Nothing was found there yet, just one last room. The door to the room was the most terrifying. It looked like someone have written on the door with a knife. It stood


Assuming it was her room, I walked inside, but no one was there. The room had white walls with blood drops everywhere.

It was a bed, chair and a desk. It was also pictures on the wall. Every different.

My eyes was cough of the bandage I bandaged Elizabeth's hand with before. It wasn't blood at all, how? I saw her bleed so much. It looked like she was going to get a blood loos.

A sound was heard, but from where?! It was not in the room, but not outside either. Like if... it was coming from the wall.

Suddenly, a alarm was beard.

"Intruder!" It said.

"Intruder!" It said again.

"Intruder!" It said once again. With that, I ran out of the room and to my motorcycle and drove back.

She was there, I know it, but where is her father? He should be there as well.

I arrived at our mansion and soon everyone else come back too.

"No of us found anything." Escanor informed.

"Because I did it, but we all need to go." I said. They nodded.

"When will we go?" Gowther asked.

"Tomorrow. 6 AM." I said. They nodded.

"Ban, make some lunch to us. I think we all are hungry." I said. He nodded and walked away.

"Something we will do Captain?" King asked.

"No. Chill out and be ready for tomorrow, we need to take back Elizabeth, no matter what." I said.

"Why do we even need her?" Diane asked.

"She is worth 100 million dollars. Father wants her in 5 weeks and 2 days exactly. Not earlier nor later." I said. They nodded.

"So, basically, she is the key to money?" King asked. I nodded.

"But why is she so important? She is just a normal girl, right?" Merlin asked.

"I don't know, as long we get the money." I said. The others agreed and walked away, but Merlin seemed bothered.

"Merlin? You okay?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but what if, just if Elizabeth was in some way connected to the goddess race." Merlin said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like no one knows about it is still some demons alive nor the you is one except me and the rest sins. What if Elizabeth would be one of the last goddesses as well as you a demon?" Merlin asked.

"That doesn't change the fact that my father wants her." I said.

"But the goddesses and demons was enemies, so maybe, he wants to make sure no goddess survive." She said.

"Well, I don't give a fuck about that, that's her problem. Besides, it's not even 100% that she is a goddess, let it be." I said and walked inside together with her. A silent fell over us until we heard a 'food is ready!' from the kitchen.

With that, we all walked to eat.

In the night, we walked to bed. It felt lonely in bed. I laid down and looked up the ceiling. How can I feel so lonely? I never felt lonely in my whole life and now after getting rid of my key to money, I feel lonely. Why?

With those thoughts, I fell asleep. Someone is getting a punishment tomorrow. That was what I dreamed about, a punishment for run away. It is so many, but just one catches my interest.

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