Love her

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-Meliodas POV-

I laid down in bed beside Elizabeth. I don't really mind sleeping with her. Don't know why because I don't really like to be with people that is not my brothers or the sins.

Elizabeth is already asleep.

Was I really in love? She come here just some days ago. I can't love her already, can I?

She is a really smart and brave girl. Beautiful too. Maybe I am in love?

I turned to look at Elizabeth and then sleep took over me.

-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas have fallen asleep. Perfect. I stood up and put on my shoes. I have about... 5 hours before I need to be back.

-Meliodas POV-

I woke up to see Elizabeth sleeping. She looked so peaceful. I think I am in love with her.

Then my eyes traveled down to her big bruise I made. She will never even like me after what I did to her.

I signed and got up, letting her sleep some more.

Think I should shower before eating breakfast. So I took a shower.

When I come out of the shower, I saw Elizabeth sit up in bed and rubbing her eye. She have slept in those revealing clothes I gave her 3 days ago. She needs new clothes and a nightgown.

Wonder what she likes? I will go and buy some clothes to her later today.

"Breakfast is ready soon. Want me to get it to you?" I asked her, making her look at me confused.

"Umm, I can go down and get it by myself." She said and I nodded. I'm so stupid. Of course she doesn't want anything I hive her! I have kidnapped her, bruised her and been a real bitch towards her, of course she don't want anything from me.

I got my breakfast and eat up. Just a minute after I was done Elizabeth come down and did her own. She ate hers while I watched her. She used her phone.

Wait, she uses her phone? Didn't we take it from her? Now when I think about it, we never took it. Her father even called and I didn't notice?!

I really am an idiot. She could have called the cops when ever she wanted... but she didn't. Maybe she likes to be here? Or was too scared to do it? If she did, she would need to go back to her father. Maybe therefore?

It's soo many questions!

"-das? Meliodas? Hey! Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked and looked at me. I snapped out of my thoughts and asked "Y-yes Elizabeth?"

"Why was you staring at me?" She asked. Must have spaced out staring at her. Great.

"Just spaced out, it was not like I was looking at you like that. Not like you are so beautiful I could look at you like that- I-I mean, you are beautiful, but I.. eh... I just spaced out." I said and sighed. Seriously? Why do I always need to mess things up?

"Oookaay. I'm done anyway, see ya." She said and was about to walk away, but I took her wrist.

"Your phone." I said as I held my hand in front of her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I don't want you to have it." I said. She won't be able to call the cobs now and maybe I even get more attention from her.

"No." She said and was about to walk away when I pulled her in my lap.

"Give me your phone." I said and put my hand in front of her. She gave me the 'are you serious?' look.

"Give me." I said. She shook her head and said "No."

"Well, I won't let you go anywhere if you don't give me your phone." I said. She shrugged and said "I'm fine with it."

Maybe she does like me? Just a bit?

She then pulled out her phone and started gaming on it. Should I take it? If I do, she will go away and I would prefer if she was here.

Maybe just some minutes. It couldn't hurt. I pulled her a bit closer to me and she didn't seem to mind it as long as she could play, so it's a win-win.

After just one minute, she pulled away a bit, making me look at her.

"Okay, I have boring. You can have it now." She said and gave me it and walked away before I knew it.

"Ah, man. I liked that." I said to myself and then heard laughing.

"It was at least not any argument." Ban said with a grin. Then I looked at her phone again, getting a idea.

"You hope she will have pictures of herself naked." Ban spoke and I responded happily "Yep."

-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas have just fallen asleep like usual. He looked so peaceful. I made myself ready, but before I would go, I heard him mumble "I love you Elizabeth."

Then I went out of the window and walked down to the gate. It was locked like usually, so I climbed up the wall and down again.

As usual, the car is here and I went in.

"Hey Ellie, how's it going?" Veronica asked. I smiled and said "Good."

She nodded as I sat down and put on my seat belt. Then Veronica drove away.

"You know, father wonder how it goes. He wants you back soon. He want you to do something else." Veronica said. I nodded.

"Sure, but it might take a while before I am done with this." I said. She nodded as we arrived at our house.

We walked inside to see father at the stairs with his knife. Margaret beside him.

"You are finally home, let's go upstairs. It's easier there." Father said. I nodded and we all walked upstairs to my room.

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