The day inside THAT room

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-Diane's POV-

I gulped before asking "Captain?"

"What is it Diane?" He asked calmly, but sounding very hurt.

"Why did you take Elizabeth to THAT room? What did she do to deserve it?" I asked, really nervous.

"What did she do?! WHAT DID SHE DO?!" Captain yelled the last part. The he took a breath in to calm down a bit.

"What she did was that from the beginning, from that bet, it was just a trap for us to take her in so that she could get information! Everything she did was an act! She didn't love me, she just used me! I don't even think she likes me! I don't think she likes any of us!" Captain said, nearly yelling.

"And... and how could you be so sure about that? Just because that was... that was the reason she come here doesn't mean she didn't change her mind!" I said. Me and Elizabeth become really close the few days we knew each other. She's like a bestie to me.

"I know that because she told me herself that that's why she come here!" Captain nearly yelled.


Captain was just quiet as I cried and said "She's like a bestie to me. She tells me everything and I tell her everything, but I would never think she would do that just as an under cover."

"Did she really tell you everything? She is an amazing actor and could just have lied in your face. Like she did with me." Captain said, sounding so hurt.

"Maybe she didn't tell me about the spy part or s ol something like that, but I can tell that she didn't act happy! She was happy! She talked about things with me that no one else have! I trust her and you should too, or at least if you really love her!" I said.

Captain was just quiet as I spoke. He didn't argue back, just said "Let me be. She doesn't love us. She doesn't even like us. I don't want to hear a single word more about Elizabeth."

Then he went upstairs, making me start doing my breakfast. Then I decided to do some to Elizabeth too.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I don't know how long I have been in this room. It's so cold I can't stop shaking. I can't see anything either. Everything is just black.

I wish I was with Meliodas. Cuddled up in bed like on the nights. It was so quiet and peacefully.

It feels like I will get tinnitus down here. It sounds like someone is yelling upstairs and it is echoing in my ears.

It's so cold I can't even sleep. I wish this was all a nightmare. That I will wake up any second in Meliodas arms. I miss him so much. Diane and the others too.

Suddenly I heard the door open slowly and I looked at the light coming from the hall way. I didn't see who it was, but he or she had something with them.

"Hey Elizabeth, how are you?" I heard a familiar voice. Diane's.

"D-Diane?" I asked as she walked closer. I wish it was Meliodas.

"Yes, it's me. How are you doing? You have been here the whole night. Did you get any sleep?" She asked, she sounded so worried. I bet Meliodas have already forgotten me. After all, he was the one who wanted me in here.

"N-no, it's t-too c-cold to s-sleep." I stuttered. Then I felt someone a bit warmer come around my body. A blanket.

"I took this blanket from my and King's bed, we could always share one, so you can have this while you are in here." Diane said.

"T-thank y-you." I said with a small smile. Then she fave me something and said "I made you breakfast. Hot chocolate and a sandwich."

"Thank y-you. Your c-choclate i-is the b-best." I said and took a sip. Then she sat down beside me and said "I tried to convince the Captain to let you out of here, but he didn't. He's so stupid."

"I-it w-was worth a t-try." I said with a smile. She is doing so much for me.

"Elizabeth, I have a question to you. Answer honestly, do you like the Captain? Like love the Captain?" Diane asked as I immediately answered "Of course I do!"

"Thanks, anyway, why did you come here? Captain told me a bit, but I want to hear it from you." Diane said as I smiled.

"Well, in the beginning, it was just a mission to get as much information of you as possible, but... after talking to you the first time. Our real talk, I started liking being here." I started. Diane humming in understanding.

"At first, the only thing that made me want to continue the mission was because I didn't like Meliodas one bit, but I loved to hang out with you others. Then, just before Meliodas asked me out, I started liking him." I continued.

"In a romantic wayyyy?" Diane teased, making me giggle and say "No, in a friendly. He asked me out and, just for the mission, I said yes..." I said the last a bit more sad.

"When did you start to love him then?" Diane asked as I answered "It was just a day after he asked me out. It just started with a small crush, but it grew bigger for every minute I spent with him. Before I realized it, I was in love with him."

"Awww, so cute." Diane said and then I started crying a bit. Worried, Diane asked "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I miss him. I just want to be with him. With Meliodas." I said and Diane hugged me to comfort me.

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