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-Meliodas POV-

"Nothing." She answered and got back to sleep. I did too after seeing that she actually was asleep.

. . . . .

It have been a whole week since we got to know that Elizabeth is pregnant. I can't leave her alone in more then 5 minutes. If I do, she will try to get out and go to do abort.

I don't really mind being with her so much. It just means that me and Elizabeth need to shower together and everything. I really like to clean her long hair with shampoo and rub soap on her body. I like it when she does that to me too. It's relaxing.

She tried to get out one time when I slept, but thanks to that the glass is shoot safe and that everything is locked, I woke up in time and took her back to the bed.

. . . . .

It have been 4 weeks since we got to know that Elizabeth is pregnant. She doesn't throw up as much, but she is craving more. She is craving watermelon, cheese, chocolate and bananas every day. She is also craving much more attention.

My meeting with the ten commandments to do our mission will be after Elizabeth's pregnancy, so we have time to take care of her. I don't want her to worry.

Her stomach is also getting a bit bigger. You could see it if you look really close.

. . . . .

Her half pregnancy have been already and she have given up to do abort. It's too late now anyway. She is angry at me for not letting her do abort though. I can't cuddle her anymore. Not until she forgives me, because if I try to cuddle her, she will slap me until I am on the other side of the room in a corner. I will tell you one thing, she knows how to slap people.

"I have boring." Elizabeth said and turned to look at me. Maybe I could use this as a chance?

"I can cuddle you." I said. Her boring expression turned to an angry as she said "Try to and I will send you to the shame corner again!"

She is calling the corner where I end up standing a shame corner. It sounds reasonable, so I let her call it that.

"Just one cuddle. You haven't let me cuddle you in weeks! Months even!" I reasoned. She shook her head and turned her back towards me.

"I'm still angry at you!" She said, making me ask "What can I do for you to forgive me?"

"You can try to have a baby! Throwing up the most days! Won't be able to eat what you want without throwing up or feel disgusted! Not being able to do as you wants nor move as you wants! I can't do anything! Then I must give it birth too! Do you know how much that will hurt?! No! You won't! Because you is a boy!" She said.

Wow. Just wow. I thought it was hard just keeping Elizabeth in bed the whole time, but she is doing much more.

"Then I need to look after the child and feed him until it's old enough! It take more then a year for me to go through all this before I can be a spy again!" She continued.

This was making me feel really guilty. She needs to go through all that while I just need to give her attention and food.

"I'm so sorry Elizabeth. I really am." I said and laid down beside her on the bed. Carefully putting an arm around her as she started to get teary.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, but we will have a family now. Come on, try to think positively. Would you want a boy or a girl?" I asked, trying to change the subject a bit.

"I wouldn't mind either one." She said. I put my hand on her cheek and then leaned in to kiss her.

"Me neither." I said when we separated. Then she smiled and said "I just can't stay mad at you long enough."

"Does that mean I can cuddle you now?" I asked. She giggled and nodded. A smile on my face appeared and I put on a movie as we cuddled. I have really missed it.

. . . . .

Me and Elizabeth laid in bed. She had fallen asleep already. The baby will come any time soon. We have made a room for him or her and brought many clothes. The sins is so excited, but Elizabeth must be the mks rd excited. Even more then me and it feels like I'm about to die of happiness.

"Good morning Meliodas." I heard a sweet voice say, making me look at the now awake Elizabeth.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I teased. She responded quickly with "If I'm the sleeping beauty, then you are my knight in shining armour."

"I would love to be." I said and snuggled in her neck. Then I put a hand on her stomach and rubbed it gently.

"Your stomach have become so big." I said. I can feel the baby kicking.

"Are you telling me I'm fat?" Elizabeth asked and turned her back towards me. In a small panic, I said "N-no! T-that's not what I mean! You are still as beautiful as ever. It's just, you can see the baby is coming whenever. I can even feel it kicking."

"I'm just joking." She said and hugged me. I hugged her back some minutes until I felt something wet on the bed.

"M-Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked as her breathing picked up. I sat up in an instant.

"I-I think m-m-my water broke." She said. I wish we had a car by now.

"Be calm! I will get a doctor!" I said and ran up to the door.

"ANYONE! GET A DOCTOR! THE BABY IS COMING!" I yelled and I saw Ban together with Diane run past.

"We will get one!" Diane yelled on the way pass me.

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