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-Elizabeth's POV-

"Hey, Elizabeth! Your shift is over for tonight!" Elaine said.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded and walked over to me. I picked up my hand bag.

"How many shifts do you have to pay back your father's bet?" Elaine asked as we walked out.

"I would think about a year to pay his bets he have now." I said.

"Your father is a real asshole. You are only 22 and need to live this kind of life." Elaine said.

"Yeah. Anyway, how is things going with the chief? Ban, right?" I asked. She nodded.

"It's good. Do you want a ride home? I mean, our uniforms is quite... revealing." Elaine said.

"No, I will walk. I don't like the outfit, but I like to walk." I said. She nodded.

"Then see you tomorrow?" Elaine asked. I nodded.

"Bye!" I yelled as she got in the car. Then she drove off. I started walking home. It was a 20 minutes walk and 3 in the morning, but who cares? I don't.

I walked down the street and come to the usual way where many cars drive in the day, but nearly no one at the night. I felt a buzz and took out my phone.

"Sorry, but I didn't have a choice." I got a text from my father.

"What did you bet this time?!" I wrote back.

I walked, waiting on my answer as a car drove, but then it just stopped where I was and 5 people come out. All in different colours. Red, orange, yellow, blue and pink. Red, orange, yellow and blue walked up to me, each taking a leg or a arm, making me unable to fight back. Pink opened the back of the car as the four others throw me inside. Then they closed the car, making it black and soon after, I could feel it moving.

I punched and kicked the car to make it open, but it was to no use. After about 5 minutes, the car stopped and the people was opening the car. They look familiar.

They pulled me out of the car, making me stand on my feet. Red and Blue held in my arms as they pushed me to a big mansion.

"Don't try anything, it won't work." Red said.

"It's for your own good." Blue said. I stamped on blue's foot and kicked the red's leg. They let go of me and I ran to the walls surrounding the mansion for intruders.

The other 3 people and one more ran after me. Pink, orange, yellow and purple ran after me. Purple was close to me and was about to catch me when I dogged her grip and spun around with my leg out, making her fall on the ground.

I got up and continued running to the gate, but when I was nearly there, orange come from nowhere and cough me. I intertwined my leg with hers and then pulled my leg up to my back, making her leg rise and she lost her balance and fell. I was about to run again when yellow and pink took my arms and started pushing me back to the mansion.

When we was at the door, all the people had gotten there and was watching me. One more stood there too, a green.

Now when I look closer, they doesn't just have colours, their masks are animals. Red is fox. Orange is snake. Yellow is lion. Green is dragon. Blue is bear. Pink is goat and purple is pig.

"We told you that it won't work." Blue said.

"Why do she have those clothes?" Green asked with a dark voice.

"She had those when we kidnapped her." Pink said.

"Take her inside." Green said. I took away my arms from yellow's and pink's grip.

"No way in hell!" I said. Green looked at me a bit angrily.

"Don't talk in that way towards me!" He said.

"What if I do?!" I asked. The next second, he had picked me up in bridal hold.

"I will punish you." He whispered in my ear. I kicked his head with my knee. He dropped me and I landed on my feet. I kicked his private place and then started to walk away to the gates.

I had walked the half way when orange and purple took my arms and led me hack to him with force.

"You aren't going anywhere." Green said.

"And why not?!" I asked as orange and purple let go of me, but still stood behind me.

"Because I won." He said.

"That doesn't answer my question, supid!" I said.

"Don't talk to me like that!" He said, more angry.

"Oh, are you gonna punish me?" I asked, being ironic.

"We have for gods sake kidnapped you!" Green said.

"So scary." I said, being over dramatic as I was ironic.

"If you don't stop, I will kill you!" He said.

"Wow, you are so scary. What will I do..." I started, pretending to be scared. Then I walked some steps closer to him.

"... boss?" I continued, stopping to be ironic as I poked his nose with my finger for a second. He looked as shocked as everyone else.

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