Not sick

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-Meliodas POV-

It have been two weeks since Elizabeth got sick. She is always tired and won't eat as much as she should too. I'm really worried about her.

She continues to say that everything is fine, but I won't let her up from bed.

I laid half asleep like every morning since Elizabeth got sick. Elizabeth was asleep like always when she got up and ran to the toilet. It have been like this in two weeks. She wakes up by needing to throw up again, like always, I ran after her.

"We should go to a doctor." I said to her, making her shake her head and say "I'm fine."

"No, you are not." I said as we walked to bed again. Then I continued "You won't eat if it isn't watermelon or cheese and you are always tired. You need to see a doctor."

"Fine, but if I do, you need to let me do missions if it isn't too bad." She said, I just nodded in approval.

"But I'm the one deciding how bad it is." I said, making her complain with "That's not fair! You think a small cough is too bad!"

"Well, it's decided now. We go to the hospital tomorrow." I said. She just groaned and laid down. I laid down too beside her. She put her head on my chest while I put an arm around her. Before I knew it, Elizabeth had fallen asleep.

After a half hour trying to get back to sleep, I decided to go and get breakfast. When I was down, I noticed Ban was there making breakfast to everyone like always.

Like the two last weeks, he have made cheese sticks and a watermelon plate to Elizabeth while we others ate a toast or something.

"Here is your and your princess food." Ban said and gave me two plates, making me say "Thanks!" and walk upstairs to the already awake.

"You're back. You should have woken me up before going anywhere!" Elizabeth complained. She have had very little patience the last two weeks.

"Why so little patience?" I asked and gave her the breakfast. She responded with "I'm just hungry."

I sat down on the bed beside her and kissed her cheek before eating my breakfast. When both me and Elizabeth was done, we watched a movie until lunch.

The next day, I woke up to Elizabeth throwing up again. I walked to her and held her hair away. When she was done, we walked back to our room.

"We are going to the hospital right away." I told her as I passed her a set of clothes. She groaned as she made herself ready. We took the motorcycle, me driving as usually and went to the hospital.

We walked inside and to the receptionist.

"What can I help you with?" The receptionist asked. I answered with "My girlfriend is sick."

"Name?" She asked, making me answer "Meliodas Drake."

"A doctor will come in 5 minutes." She informed, making me nod as me and Elizabeth sat down. After one minute of waiting, Elizabeth asked "When will they come?"

"Soon." I answered and got on my phone. From then, she asked the same questions every 10 seconds.

"They will come soon, okay? You have so little patience." I said and pulled her closer. I'm starting to lose patience me too.

To my luck, the doctor come and we walked to a room.

"Please, sit on the bed Mrs. Drake." The doctor said. Elizabeth was about to say something, but let it be. Honestly, I'm happy he thinks we are married. He won't try anything funny then.

"Okay, you need to tell symptoms you have experienced." He said, making me tell everything about it. Elizabeth being bored the meanwhile.

"I just need to do one test to begin with. If it is positive, then I know why." The doctor said, making me nod. He took out some stick and gave it to Elizabeth.

"This is your test. You can do it on the toilet if you want." The doctor said and gestured to the bathroom. Elizabeth nodded and did as told.

While she was in there, the doctor started a small talk.

"So, how did you find a so lovely lady such as her?" He asked. I chuckled and said "Well, believe it or not, but it all started with a bet."

Then I asked "What about you? Have someone special?"

"No, not really. I haven't any interest in anyone." He said, making me nod.

"I thought so too before I meet here, it wasn't that long ago." I said, sticking my hands in my pockets. The doctor then asked "Planning any family yet?"

"No, we haven't talked about anything like that. You know, live in the now?" I asked and he replied with "Same for me, but would you want to have a family?"

"I kinda have one already with my friends and Elizabeth all living together, but I wouldn't mind a little one running around." I answered. He was about to respond when Elizabeth come back. She gave the test to the doctor.

"So, what is it? Positive or negative?" I asked as he responded with "This will take some minutes."

We nodded and sat down on the bed in this room. Elizabeth yawned a bit and laid her head on my shoulder, making me take my arms around her in a side hug.

After some minutes, the doctor come back, making Elizabeth sit up straight.

"So, what is it?" I asked. The doctor smiled a bit and said "It's positive."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"It means that she is pregnant." The doctor said with a smile.

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