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-Meliodas POV-

I woke up and remembered the meeting was today. I lightly shook Elizabeth awake and she looked at me, tired.

"It's a meeting with my brothers and the commandments. Want to come? We could use your smart brain too." I said. She nodded with a small smile that melted my heart. I'm happy I have seven. Meaning, I can take 6 of her smiles before I die of happiness.

"Yes, come on, they will get here soon. We need to get ready." I said, making her nod and do as told.

After eating breakfast and everything, maybe have a making out season, we walked to the planning room where the sins already is.

"What took you so long?" Ban asked. I just sat down with Elizabeth on my lap and said "Just had some fun."

"Th-" Gowther was cut off by the door bell and I looked at Gowther who nodded and got up. All the sins was on one side of the table and the commandments will be on the other.

Soon the commandments and Gowther walked inside and sat down on their places.

"So, what was it?" I asked and Zeldoris said "We need to steal the heart crystal. Worth 20 millions. The Demon King wants it."

I nodded, but Zeldoris and Estarossa seemed a bit uneasy.

"What's up? You seem a bit shocked or uneasy." I said, but they just shook it away and said "Everything is fine."

"Okayyyy, so how will we do this?" Diane asked. Estarossa was the one to speak this time, saying "The heart crystal is in the white house. It have 24/7 watch except the short 5 minutes they change guards. They change guards every 3 hours. They also have a security with cameras, laser and alarm."

"Hmm, something more?" I asked. They nodded and Gloxinia answered "Yes, if the alarm goes on, every way out will be blocked with a 1 dm thick metal wall."

I nodded and then said "Do we have a map of the place?"

Then nodded and Galand put a map on the table. We all looked at the map. Ban was the first one to speak "This will be a pain in the ass."

I agreed and responded with "Hmmm, anyone any ideas?"

Everyone was quiet, making me ask Elizabeth, who nearly fell asleep of boredom, "What do you think Elizabeth?"

"First, I think we need to know more, like, the laser, is it burning laser or just for the alarm? How many cameras is there? Is it any ventilation? Every escape?" She asked. Wow, first time and thinks one step more then a pro.

Then Gloxinia said "I have wanted to ask you this since we come in, but are you a thing?"

"Yes, she's my girlfriend." I said. Then Frowdrin said "I don't understand why we should listen to a small girl like her. Why is she even here? She is clearly too innocent for anything. This is not some kind of game."

"Yeah, he's right." Galand said, following by Melascula saying "She's just too innocent."

"Th-" I was cut off by Elizabeth standing up and slammed her hand on the table.

"It's fine if you don't want my help, but you have no idea of what I am capable off. Oh, and I'm not gonna help you if you don't apologise!" Elizabeth said and then pushed something she had in her hand to the middle of the table. After that, she walked away and we all looked at the thing at the middle of the table.

All our eyes widened when we saw what it was. It was three things.

1. A license for using a weapon
2. A driving licence for a airplane
3. The last thing was a ID, but not a normal ID, a ID saying she is a spy.

It wasn't big, but had some facts about her and a picture.

Spy, Supreme Deity's daughter:

●Name: Elizabeth Liones
●Age: 22
●Gender: Female
●Rank: 1-A
●Speciality: Base and field
●Gang: The Liones
●Boss: Supreme deity

"Good, your girlfriend is our enemy." Galand said and started laughing. I, however, was just shocked. Supreme deity's daughter, I have meet her once before. On a mission.


"Grizzly, Serpent, ready?" I asked. They both responded with "Yes Captain."

"Lion and Boar? How about you?" I asked. Merlin responded with "We are in."

"Good, you hear me Goat?" I asked.

"Yes Captain." Gowther responded and I looked at Ban. We nodded at each other and I said "Go!"

"I will open gate 1, 3 and 5 now." Gowther said and hacked the doors. Then the door in front of me and Ban opened. We walked inside at the sams time Diane, King, Merlin and Escanor did it.

"Fox, Serpent and Lion, the laser." I said. Ban, Diane and Escanor nodded and each got to a own red botton.

"Push the botton in 3... 2... 1." I said and they pushed the botton. Then I spoke "Don't let go no matter what, of you do, the laser will get come back and the alarm puts on."

As I said that, me King and Merlin walked to the glas cube. We slowly lifted it up and laid it on the floor. King and Merlin carefully deactivated the motion detector and I slowly lifted up to diamond.

Then I saw something wrong. It was something written on it. It stood:

'Too bad, so sad, you are late.
Supreme deity's daughter'

I looked at the door where a girl in black, tight suit. She waved and suddenly all the doors started closing.

"It's a fake! Run!" I yelled and we all started running towards the door.

"Goat?! Can you have the doors open a bit more?" I asked.

"Sorry, they have blocked me out. You have 5 seconds before they closes." Gowther responded.

"Everyone! Get through now!" I yelled and they all ran out of the room.

"3... 2... 1..." Gowther said. I'm the only one that need to go though now. I jumped and then rolled on the ground under the door and made it the same time Gowther said 0.

"After that girl! She has the diamond!" I yelled and pointed at the girl who was now climbing up in the ventilation.

"Captain, the alarm goes on in 10 seconds. All the guards will come." Gowther said, making me say "Changed plans! Get out of here as fast as possible!"

"Roger!" They all said and ran the way they come in while I ran and climbed up in the ventilation. She is not getting away.

I crawled after her, but she had come about 5 meters away. Faster and faster did I crawl. Then I was in reach for her shoe and took in it.

She turned around and looked at me while I held in her foot. Then she started kicking with her other foot, but I held still. It was first when she kicked me in the head I actually let go.

She continued to crawl away and I crawled after. When I was close enough, I jumped on her back, forcing her do a somersault. I easily cough her foot again, making her push me up over both.

"Hey." I said as she responded with "Hi." before she pushed me off of her. I got up, but when I saw her, she just said "Bye." and then she fell down.

I immediately crawled to the hole in the ventilation to see her on a black bike driving away with the diamond.

Then the part of ventilation that I was on broke, so I fell, but cough myself at the end, leaving me hanging from the ventilation. 5 meters from the ground.

Soon Ban come and stopped near me.

"Hey Captain, having fun hanging there?" He asked as I say "Ha Ha, really funny Fox. Let's go back."


"Wait, wasn't she the one that tricked us when we was getting the words most expensive diamond?" King asked, making me answer "Yes King, yes it was."

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