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Here's a christmas gift😉



*One year later*

I sat on the stool next to Kim Jong In and heaved a deep sigh. The whole gang is here except for Jisoo and Jennie.

“Hae In, one glass of whiskey--oh wait a glass of milk please” I ordered.

If Kim Jisoo smells me later and he smells alcohol I'm doomed!

“Got kicked?” Kai asked and so I nodded.

“Here's a glass of milk” Hae In said and gave it to me, I straightly drunk it and ordered another glass.

*sigh* how can someone change so much?” we both said in unison, we both looked at each other.

Pulling a long face we sighed and tapped each other's shoulder. At this very moment we know how each of us feel.

We both got kicked out from our houses, I got kicked out because Kim Jisoo is pregnant and she literally HATES the sight of me! I mean I was just breathing on the side not even making a sound but she would glare at me like she's beating me up in her mind...my sweet chichi...T.T

“Your sister is moody too, one minute we're in the great mood then all of the sudden she'd push me away and ignore me. It's frustrating the heck out of me!” Kai said and drank his milk.

He'll drive so yeah no alcohol for us.

“My chichi used to be so shy and gentle, how come she've become so hostile to me? She even hates my smell tho I've already changed my cologne brand for the 10nth time already” I frustratedly said.

“if marrying looks like this, I think I'll pass” Yoongi hyung said.

“I'm no OB but as a psychologist I think it's normal for pregnant women to be like that” Namjoon hyung said.

“ugh! will it last forever?” Kai asked.

“nah, I think just for the first 3 months or so, pregnant women has weird mood swings and they'll change their ways of treating their husbands.” Namjoon hyung shrugged, Kai and I groaned as our shoulders dropped.

I hope chichi won't have that mood swing for long, I miss my sweet chichi...I miss my wife. I haven't kissed her for a week!!!

“Kim Taehyung you better take good care of our Kim Jisoo” Suho hyung said.

“I am, but she keeps on rejecting me” I said.

“Really??? That's good” he jokingly said and took a sip on his ram so I flipped him off with a middle finger.

“I know I'm f---able but I don't do married and unmarried men, I respect LGBT but spare me Kim Taehyung” Suho hyung dramatically said.

“Zup” Jin said and went to sit on the stall next to me. “One bottle of whiskey” he ordered and we both looked at his fingernails.

“dude we know you like pink but damn, what happened to your finger nails?” Hoseok hyung asked.

“tsk. Jisoo did this, I dropped off some kimchi pancakes on the way” he huffed and shook his head. “she said if I remove it, she won't talk to me again.” he flatly said.

“Women are really scary” Woozi said.

“A toast for men who loves their wives and sister dearly” Jimin said and we all did.

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