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“They're everywhere!” -Suho hyung said.

“That smartass psycho truly prepared well to entertain us!” I heard Kai said.

I panted as I wiped off the blood from the corner of my lips, I spitted out as I look fiercely at Lim Chao Xu who blocked my way. I had a close encounter with him and his men, I already killed ten of his men and now he only has 3 beside him.

I am ragging in anger as I kept on seeing and hearing Kim Jisoo's suffering, that damned psycho pushed that botton well...he knew I'd snap...he knew it and he succeeded in pissing me off big time leading for me to ruin the plan. Even the rest who also heard everything through my earpiece was enraged.

That image popped from my head, the video that Gu Wook Il ‘accidentally’ played in the midst of our conversation. The video that showed his monstery towards my full volume I heard every cry and pleas of Kim Jisoo as Gu Wook Il filmed her like a f***ing movie I hear his satisfied laughter while he forced Kim Jisoo to do his bidding.

I closed my eyes tightly along with my fist and my grip on the gun, anger is consuming every fiber of my being...and when I opened my eyes, it automatically settled on that b***ard Lim Chao Xu.

I saw how he took a step backwards as a nick of fear flashed on his f***ing face.

“Y-you should give up young lad, there's four of us and one of you. You wouldn't stand a---”

“Shut up and die” I said in a low voice and moved to attack them, I never diverted my gaze away from him as I attacked his men expertly. And each man I kill his eyes got wider and wider.

His men tried to shoot me but I dodged it perfectly, those lousy movies that says you can't dodge a bullet  are bunch of nonsense. As long as you are focused and has a fast reflexes you'll be able to dodge it.

When I got to the first guard I kicked his hand that holds the gun catched it with my free hand then gave him a round kick. Shot him in his head then shot the other two who was stunned due to my quick attacks.

Then there's Lim Chao Xu who fell on the ground as he looks at me with wide eyes and slightly opened and trembling mouth.

I pointed the gun at his head and I saw how his throat moved up and down as he swallowed down his own saliva.

“D-d-don't please, I-I have three children...t-they'll be o-o-orphaned if I die.” he pleaded.

I gritted my teeth.

“Have you thought of those children you've sold, enslaved and killed?! You dare to bring up that you have children but the fact that you're one of the reason why thousands of children suffered just to satisfy your greed makes me sick to the core!!! F*** you!!!” I said and kicked his face making him stumble as he groaned in pain.

“Kim Jisoo...Kim Seok Jin, Min Yoongi, his half-brother Woozi and those other kids whom you've put into either prostitution or in an underground fight to risk their lives while you watch them be killed, laughing your ******* ass off!!! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU!!!” I said and dropped both my guns to blow off some steams on him.

I punched him, some of my anger receded as I kept cussing him and beating him to no end. He's the reason why Jisoo was traumatized! If it weren't for his monstery, Jisoo wouldn't end up meeting a psychologist then Gu Wook Il wouldn't have met Jisoo...

My chichi...along with countless of children, suffered in the hands of this b***ard!

I kept on punching him until someone grabbed both my hands and pulled me away from Lim who turned dark and bloody.

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