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Strean Ice Cream MV!!! Have you watched it guys? Who wants more Jisoo screen time??? Haha anyway thanks for your support guys☺


I clemched my head when I felt my vission blurred and spinned.

Damn! Not now!!!

“Sir!” Jaehyun Saluted.

“Status update” I asked.

“Sir where still tracking it down. The last place where the van was seen was in a crowded place around gangnam, and our men saw the abandoned van near a market place.” he reported.

I clenched my fists. “Don't stop! FIND HER!!!” I roared.

I look at my phone where my Jane's unconscious picture is, she's tied and definitely inside the house. I received this earlier when we were on the way to the address sent by Suho. A minute after I received the photo I got a call from an unknown number we wanted to detect it but the phone was left somewhere in Daegu. It was Lim Chao Xu, she's asking for Jin and Jisoo in exchange of Jane.

I guess they waited for Jane in the airport and abducted her.

I heaved a deep sigh, I dialed Kim Taehyung's number. I hope that he's still using this number. But to my dismay he  blocked my number.

“D.O.” I called.

“Sir!” he saluted.

“Find Kim Taehyung's location A-S-A-P.” I commanded.

“Yes sir!” he said and immediately typed on the computer. D.O. has the largest Database that can easily find normal people unlike Lim Chao Xu and Gu Wook Il who's too careful in leaving some traces behind.

“Sir, his location is in a hidden villa out of the City.” he informed my eyebrows furrowed as I look at the red dot on the big screen beside me it's the same address Suho sent me...

“D.O. find who's villa does this address belongs to” I said and gave him the address Suho sent me, and a moment later...

“It was named after the retired General Jeon Jung Ho and was passed to his only heir, Jeon Jungkook” he informed freezing me in place.

What the hell is going on here?!!! Why are Jisoo and the others there?! How can Taehyung get acquianted from each other? I immediately grabbed my coat and stormed out of the headquarters.

Better explain things to me Kim Taehyung....The last time I check you loathe me to the bones because of what happened between me and your sister...I hope I'm wrong...

Not Yoongi...

Not Woozi

And definitely....not Jisoo...


I breathe out a loud breathe as I look up at the sky. I puffed my cigarette as I can feel uneasiness inside my chest. I may be safe for now, but sooner or later Kai would be back and seeing me with Jisoo would spill everything I originally planned...

“You're tensed” someone said. I looked at behind me and I saw Jungkook.

He stood beside me and for a moment we were silent.

“I'm contemplating wether or not to say Jisoo about the truth.” I started.

“I know I should say it myself, about everything...but...whenever I see her I think I lose all my guts, I can't bring myself to tell her. In thoughts of her getting hurt, imagining her hating me...s-she trusts me Kook. S-she trusted me...along with Woozi and Yoongi hyung. I don't think I could shatter their trust just like that.” I said and breathe out the smoke.

“Either way they'd know the truth sooner or later. You can't keep this anymore. It's better if this would come from you than from Kai. The pain would be much more severe knowing things from someone else” he explained.

I breathe out. He tapped my shoulders and went inside. I stayed a little more outside the veranda looking up in the stary sky.

After making up my mind I threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, then decided to get inside the house.

I came across Woozi who was carrying a glass of juice.

I was about to greet him when someone grabbed my collar and pinned me on the wall...

My eyes widen to see a furious Kai in front of me.

H-He's here....

“What are you doing with them?!” He asked and tightened his grip on my collar.

“H-Hyung...what's wrong? Why are you grabbing Taehyung-hyung's collar?” Woozi asked confused.

So are the others except Jungkook, Jimin and J-hope hyung.

“What's your motive Tae?!” he asked not heeding any attention to Woozi.

He's I closed my eyes and breathe in before opening ny eyes and look at him straight to his eyes...

There's no point in hiding it...

I breathe out.

“I came to break Jisoo...the way you broke my sister...” I answered.

Then I heard glass shattering...all eyes diverted on the second floor on top of the eyes widened, my heart tightened, my breathing hitched...

To see Kim Jisoo looking down at us her eyes teary, looking so confused.

“K-Kim....J-Jennie-ssi???” she uttered.


Nearing the climax.😉😘 stay tuned

Sorry guys I thought I already published this part😭

-Cupid's Descendant

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