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“Will you guys support me if I'll write another VSoo story?”

*Kim Jisoo*

This past few weeks in our session with the psychiatrist, I've been more motivated to be cured after Kai oppa's news.

I wanna be ok and anxiety-free when they come home, I didn't tell Kai oppa nor Suho oppa about it to surprise them and I talked to Woozi and Yoongi oppa so they won't slip about it either to any of them.

I was happy because as the day goes by, I can see myself improving. It was hard, but with my determination, Woozi and Yoongi's support and...Kim Taehyung-ssi's help...I can actually manage to survive every session with Dr. Nam Joon.

“Ok, Kim Jisoo-ssi, as Dr. Nam Joon said. You need to be out of your comfort zone and slowly go out to interact with others other than Woozi and Yoongi hyung, emphasizing the word ‘SLOWLY’. So, he gave me an assignment. And might be awkward but...I-I'm gonna...I'm gonna try to ahm... Uh...” He said and scratched the back of his head as I waited to what he's about to say.

“Ahm...I-uh...I need to teach you to interact normally and uhm....I-it includes b-being close to you less than a meter or so...” he explained.

“Will that be ok?” he asked.

I felt nervous and hesitant to agree, but...if this is the only way I could be cured...then, I need to be strong. I heaved a deep sigh and meet his eyes with so much bravery in mine, I nodded and that made him slowly nod.

We are both in Yoongi oppa and Woozi's apartment, Yoongi oppa had an errand to do with his work and Woozi went to school. Actually this past few days, they actually trust Kim Taehyung-ssi to look after me. And because of our session, I was not able to attend my class. I'm actually a teacher for todlers, and it is a work that helps me relax and forget about the things that haunts me, and my part time job is being a librarian in a library in the city where Yoongi oppa is also working and guarding me at the same time.

“So, let's start with having a to what Dr. Nam Joon said, we need to create a mood that will make you comfortable while talking to me, and I just have the right place” Kim Taehyung-ssi said with a smile.

“We can...we can do it here” I suggested that made him froze...wait, did I say something wrong?

“Kim Taehyung-ssi?” I snapped at him.

I waved my hands infront of his face that took him back to reality. I don't know why but his ears were red as tomatoes and he avoids my eyes.

“are you ok Kim Taehyung-ssi?” I asked.

He gulped before answering “y-yeah..ahm, Kim Jisoo-ssi..n-next time don't just carelessly say things like that specially when you're alone with a guy in a close area like this...i-it's dangerous” he said stuttering.

I looked at him puzzled but he just cleared his throat.

“Anyway, let's go...staying here any longer wouldn't be a good idea.” he said.

He stood up and walked towards the door and I followed him, we still have that safe distance between us.

When we got out of Yoongi oppa's apartment Kim Taehyung-ssi kept on walking and I silently followed him, 'til we reached a certain cafe not too far from our apartment.

“Jimin! My man!” Kim Taehyung-ssi happily greeted the man, who is not that tall but has a sharp feature and lean body that is obvious from his fitted long sleeve turtle neck shirt.

“Hey, I thought you died since I haven't seen you for the last two weeks here. Not even a text nor a call” the guy named Jimin said

“Nah, I've been busy lately, anyway I want you to meet someone...but please don't freak her out” Kim Taehyung-ssi said as he turned to me and the guy named Jimin's eyes diverted unto me.

I slightly bowed my head and avoid having any eye contact to him.

“Well, hello there beautiful lady.” The guy said with a boyish smile.

“I'm Park Jimin, and you are?” He introduced.

“Kim...” I said trailing off to nag myself.

Come on Jisoo! Be brave!

I gulped and tried to faced him head on.

“I'm Kim Jisoo” I said.

I smiled at the back of my head...I didn't stuttered.

“Oh, what a pleasant to meet such a beauty” he said and offered a handshake that took me aback.

S-should I t-take his hand?

Will I-I be able to tolerate it if...I-I accept it?

Before I could even decide Kim Taehyung-ssi went infront of me and pushed Park Jimin-ssi away from me. I felt rather relieved.

“Hey, no touching...and if it's up to me no talking.” Kim Taehyung's voice was sharp, though I can't see his face I can sense dark cloud hovering over him.

Then he whispered something to Park Jimin-ssi that made him took a step-back with wide eyes and his jaws were hanging open.

“Oh! That Kim Jis--- I mean...fvck man!She's a real beauty!” He said shocked as he glance at me then back to Kim Taehyung-ssi.

“Yeah, so fvck off and get us some drinks. We'd be staying on the garden and please we need privacy” Kim Taehyung-ssi said with a glint of sharpness in his voice like he's trying to control his anger.

Why is he angry?

“Sheesh, yeah yeah I'll make sure nothing or no one would disturb your moment” Park Jimin-ssi said as he wiggles his eyebrows. Before Park Jimin left he whispered something on Kim Taehyung then patted his shoulders twice and he walked away. I looked around and was eaten by embarrasment when I realized that mostly of the customers were men, and their eyes where on me like I'm sort of a new specie that got lost in their teritory.

“Damn, I think it's a bad idea to come here” Kim Taehyung-ssi whispered but enough for me to hear.

“Why? Is there a problem?” I asked as I looked at him.

He shook his head.

“Let's go?” he asked and so I nodded, even though I'm not convinced that he's really ok.

When we reached the garden, it was rather breath-taking.

It was a man-made garden, with fresh green grasses as the flooring and around this rectangular space is filled with gentle green bushes. In the center was a man made tree and its leaves covered the whole area like it is its roof, and the sun's rays peeks in every spaces of it. There is a glass wall that faces the city, and near it was a table and two chairs. It was like a little paradise inside a room.

“Finally, no man can steal a glance on you, man never thought this place is crowded by wolves.” Kim Taehyung breathe out.

“stealing a glance? Who? What wolves?” I asked.

“nothing, let's sit?” he said with a smile, gone the irritation that was written on his face earlier.

There is definitely something wrong with him since this morning...

----------------To be continued...

Sorry for the late update because I'm preparing for our finals y'know final projects are the worst😑

-Cupid's Descendants

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