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“Thanks guys for your votes and comments specially to those who followed me! I can't mention you all in this chapter but this is dedicated to you guys...LOVE LOTS!😘 Anyway are there any Filipinos out there?😅”

Chapter 35

*Kim Jongin*

“Team A in position?” I asked on my earpiece that is connected through my team members.

“Sniper one in direct position from Northeast building sir, ready for your command” I heard Chanyeol said

“Sniper two from eastwest building ready to fire in your command sir!” Baekhyun

“Team B, ready?” I asked the other team.

“offence team in position sir!” Luhan

“Team C?”

“Undercover code: 162-25 (civilian) already in position sir” Kris

“Undercover code: 162-23 (waiter) already in position sir.” Tao

“Undercover code: 162-270 (janitor) is ready sir” D.O.

“Team D ready?”

“Team D-1 for back up from front is all geared up sir!” Sehun answered.

“Team D-2 report?”

“Team D-2 ready for blockings sir” Lay, Xiumin and Chen said in unison.

I sighed and tried to calm myself down, as I watched everything on the monitor. It shows the surrounding of the restaurant where Jin is sitting and patiently waiting for Lim Chao Xu.

Jin patiently sat on the table near the glass window and took a sip on his coffee.

I'm getting nervous as time passes by, this might not turn out as planned and things might go wrong since we're dealing with Lim Chao Xu anyway.

“Target on sight sir” Chanyeol reported so I diverted my gaze on the monitor that shows where the front of the restaurant was shown.

I laid my back on the back of the chair I'm seating on and calmed myself.

“Team C, stay alert” I said.

I saw Lim Chao Xu stepped out of the white vintage car, he was immediately surrounded by his bodyguards.

Tsk. You fvcking coward!

He was about to enter the restaurant when somebody accidentally bumped into his bodyguard causing him to be bumoed by the same bodyguard.

“Team A status report, who's that woman who bumoed into them?” I asked.

“A civillian sir, she was busy looking at her phone and didn't noticed Lim Chao Xu's gang.” Baekhyun reported.

I closed my eyes tightly and when I opened my eyes I stared at the monitor, seeing the woman bowed countless of times like appologizing to Lim Chao Xu's gang. My eyebrows furrowed as realization hit me...I'm not that sure but I think I know that woman.

“Taeyong zoom in that civilian's face” I ordered him, he's responsible in the hidden cameras on the surroundings.

He did what I asked and I froze when I saw Jennie's awkward face asking for forgiveness infront of Lim Chao Xu.

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