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"Hi WendySantos598, thanks for your comment, I appreciate it a lot. This chapter is dedicated to you! Enjoy^_^"


*Kim Taehyung*

"Base on what the other tenants said, Kim Jisoo really has an issue towards men getting too near her. She can't tolerate men getting near her not to mention even touch her, the only men who could do so are Woozi, Yoongie, Kai and a guy named Suho."

J-hope hyung reported.

"Suho? Who's that?"

"I'm still looking for his background, as of now all I know is that. Kai, Suho and Jisoo has been classmates since high school. Some said that they're both Kim Jisoo's lover, the elders even said that they've seen the two men entered Jisoo's apartment late at night and leave before the break of dawn the two of them take turns in visiting her at night" he continued.

I clenched my fist, so...he's been cheating on Jennie way too long! That son of a...

"Scared huh?" I scoffed as I look at Kim Jisoo's picture on my desk.

My blood boiled in anger.

"Don't fvck with acted scared so you could tie those men around your fingers. Well, I'm sorry Ms. Kim, I won't buy that little scheme of yours." I said while greeting my teeth.

I looked at the clock hanging on my wall, it's 11:01 pm, I leaned on the open window and stared at Kim Jisoo's picture.

"your innocent face won't conceal your dirty deeds" I said.

"Two lovers huh? Or maybe..." I looked outside the window...

Or may be Woozi and Yoongi are also your lovers...

I facepalmed as an uneasy feeling lingers on my chest, what the heck?!

Maybe this apartment is too small for me, I think I need some fresh air.

I was about to get out of my apartment, when I slightly opened the door I stoped when I heard a man's voice.

"...That's all for now, you need to be careful not to get caught. We're doing our best so don't worry...and, thank you for tonight" said a man's voice.

I slightly tried to look outside, and carefully slid my head. What shocked me is that a guy actually kissed Kim Jisoo's forehead.

I clenched my fist...This woman...

The guy stopped kissing Jisoo and was about to leave when...

"Oppa" Jisoo called out.

The guy stopped and looked at her.

"Y-you're coming back right?" Jisoo said in a low voice as she looks down.

Tch. Acting demure huh?

The guy smiled at her and messed her hair.

"Sure I will, 'til the day we'll be all happy under the sun...I swear I'd always be back" The guy said and left, leaving Jisoo looking at his back.

"Suho...oppa..." she whispered on the wind, enough for me to hear.So he's Suho...damn it!

I tried calming myself first before getting out of my apartment, she was still looking at the hallway where that guy went to get down from this floor.

"Are you ok now?" I asked getting her attention.

She looked at me, gone the fear...nothing but the coldness in the depths of her eyes.

What's the sudden change? Is it because we're alone?

I scoffed at the thought predictable.

"I'm ok" she answered and was about to enter her aprtment but I was quick enough to block her way despite of our distance. For the second time--well, let's consider the first time an accident-- I was able to held her hand.

"Wait...ahm, I just wanna..." I was frozen to see her shaking as she stepped back and tried to pull back her hand.

I can see she's trying not to show it, I can see she's trying to fight the fear eating her...why? Why is she acting like this again?!

I looked around thinking that someone might be looking...but, not a single soul is present besides the two of us.

"H-hey...are you okay?" I asked and tried to get near her but she motioned her hand to stop me.

"P-please...d-don't...d-don't hurt me..." she said as she closed her eyes, her voice were shaking...

"but...I just wanna be friends with you since we'll be neighbors" I said.

"I don't need a friend!" she yelled that startled me and opened her eyes.

They may seem to be fierce but her eyes were begging and full of fear and sorrow.

She bumped my shoulder as she went in the apartment...and for the second time...I had the privilege to smell her scent.

I looked at the closed door infront of me...

Seems like my mission would be harder than I thought it would...hang in there Jennie. Oppa will do it, you just have to wait and you'll move on as you've said.

*Kim Jisoo*

I came out of my apartment as I dialed Yoongi oppa's number...

"The number you have dialed is unavailable as of the moment, please try your call later"

I sighed and was about to dial Woozi's number when I remembered that he might be busy taking his bar exam...

I sighed...I guess I have to go alone then.

Going alone without Yoongi oppa or Woozi would be dangerous for me, from going to my workplace to going home I always have someone to accompany me. Helping me not to get close with any other men, but there are circumstances like this where I need to be alone. I need to buy pads for my monthly period, and Yoongi oppa is busy with something and so is Woozi.

"I-I need to go alone then..." I said and put on my hoodie as I started walking.

When I exited the apartment building I tried my very best not to get too close to any men, it was rather hard specially when I needed to walk through a narrow path to get into the store or else I would need to go around at least 10 km walk. Since I can't really take a cab, it would not be a good idea.

I tried so hard to avoid everyone's gazes then a man walking in an unbalance manner was ahead, like he was drunk.

He sways left and right as he walks towards my way, I was going to avoid him when he bumped into me and the man dropped on the ground.

"aish! Look at where you're going!" The man yelled and stood up.

"s-sorry..."I said.

"eh? A woman? Well, well, well...if I ain't lucky huh?" the man said as he stepped closer...

The fear arises as the distance between as drew shorter and shorter.

"Come on, young lady...don't be shy, I won't hurt you" said the drunk man.

I closed my eyes and screamed for help in my mind...

Yoongi oppa!


Suho oppa!

Kai oppa!

J-Jin oppa...

None of them...none of them could help me right now.

"Don't you dare, lay your dirty hands on her!" said a familiar baritone voice.

And when I opened my eyes, a familiar back was blocking the drunk guy who is now sitting on the ground with his nose bleeding.

T-the guy next door...

-----------------To be continued...

How's that for an update?


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