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Chapter 55


“It all started when Jennie called to me, informed me about how Kai broke up to her. She was crying and I treasure her a lot so it pained me to see her in such state because of man.” I started. “I wasn't planning to do anything until I saw her killing herself, it angered me and started planning to get back at Kai, and I found out after I my investigation thag he has you as his weak spot.” I said partly lying, I don't want my sister to get involve in their anger, they can curse it all unto me....I'll accept it.

I cleared my throat. “So I started forming my plan to get to you, at first it was so hard to know where you live, I had to ask my friend who is good at finding people even those who are in a hiding. Then your face was caught on one of the convenience store's camera near your place that lead me to you. I admit, everything was going as planned, when we first met I was so confused as to why you reacted like that tho I haven't done anything...well at least not yet. I thought you were just faking it and even thought to myself that you're just doing that to wrap these men around your fingers...'til I knew what you are suffering from. My head was in total chaos that time, I was thinking of stopping this so-called vengeance and just help Jennie move on but I know my sis---” I stopped when I almost spilled about Jennie so I breathe out “myself better than anyone, knowing your situation I won't be at ease...since I grew affection with you guys I was just shrugging it off due to my unclean intentions. I couldn't just walk away from you guys, so I tried helping you and without realizing it, I truly and unexpectedly fell for you deep, fast and hard. And as day goes by, it was so hard to hide it nor stop it...I always find myself slipping and there was that time I kissed you because I was too drawn to your lips, your eyes that helds sadness and fear.” I look at her deep in her eyes. “I fell in love with you genuinely Kim are not that hard to love. It was easy for you to crept into my heart without even doing anything.” I said and I saw a lone tear fell from her eyes I gently dried it off with my thumb and caress her face, she started crying silently.

“You can blame me it was all my fault...I won't force you to forgive me and even if it hurts me it's okay if you keep on pushing me away...but Jisoo, can I atleast stay near you? I may be a thick face asking this but, I want to be near you I may not be beside you but at least I wanna be near you, for my sanity's sake. Believe me when I say that I can't function well without your precsense  Kim Jisoo...Seconds since you left the mansion unconscious ummediately drove me mad, they even drugged me to sleep when I tried to stop them from taking you away from me. I begged them...I-I begged them to let you stay even just for awhile 'til you get your conscious. God knows I want to stay beside you but I hurted you when I promised not to, I broke your heart tho I didn't tend to...not anymore.”

Without noticing I was also crying and Jisoo was drying my tears away as she looks at me softly.

“Why are you looking at me like should be angry at me, you should hate me....w-why are you looking at me so softly?” I whispered.

“Don't cry Kim Taehyung...please don't” she said softly as she held my face with her both hands.

I pressed my lips together and nodded, I closed my eyes for a moment to feel her hands' warmth...slowly I can feel my sanity coming back to me.

I breathe out and look at her with a faint smile on my lips, I held her wrist and felt something slowly I removed her hands from my face and look at it and froze when I saw her wrist, it has a bandage on both wrist and each has a trace of blood.

Worry consumed every fiber of my being as I look at her.

“W-what happened?” I asked.

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