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“Hi guys sorry for the late update, been fighting anxiety lately, how are ya'll doing? Hi to JerushaLima and NaveedZafar272!!! Enjoy this guys and again I'm really sorry”



I noticed how down she is, she never talk much, she oftenly look deep in thought. I can feel the tension between her, Suho and Yoongi-hyung, she's cold towards them I can tell.

Woozi went down from the second floor, and from his expression I can tell that he failed to get Jisoo to have dinner.

He sighed and as he looked down with his shoulder hanging low he shook his head.

“This is not good, in the next day tomorrow it would be her birthday.” Yoongi hyung said as he massaged his temple.

Suho closed his eyes tightly as he laid back on the sofa.

“Kai is still in a critical condition, still no sign of waking up.” He said full of frustration.

“Why the heck did you hide it from us in the first place? Especially to her??? Now look what have happened to my yeppeo noona!” Woozi said pouting and dropped himself next to his brother.

“It was my fault” Suho said after heaving a deep sigh.

Clearly Woozi looks annoyed and worried and so is Suho and Yoongi. Since new years eve Jisoo locked herself in her room, she wouldn't eat nor talk to any of us. I clenched my teeth and stood up, they all looked at me.

“Where are you going?” Jimin asked.

“I can't just stand here and do nothing, while my woman is inside suffering” I said and was about to walk towards the stairs when Suho hyung spoke.

“I told you, whenever Jisoo is mad you should keep away, you would just make things worst!” he warned.

I clenched my teeth and fists tighter “Letting her be in pain alone would make it worst, I already gave her time to think by herself. And I don't think I could let another minute letting her all by herself.” I answered without turning around to look at them.

I heard him scoffed “Even we can't reach out to her when she's mad, so how could you possibly do that whereas we who've been with Jisoo for a long time can't?” he mockingly asked.

I turned my head to look at him and gave him a smug expression.

“watch me, I'm her man afterall” I confidently said as I strived to the second floor. I saw how his annoyed expression changed into stoic and voud with any emotions.

It's already January 1, and on the 3rd day of January it would be her birthday. I've been planning on my head how would I surprise her? I've been asking naver on ways to surprise your woman, and due to this event I think it would be a challenge to make my ChiChi smile. The way she reacted last night, it was my first time seeing her like that. It flasttered me leaving me not knowing what to do, then Suho conffessed that he would like to snatch Jisoo away from me! Huh! He could try, as if I'd let him snatch my chichi away without doing anything.

I breathe out as I reached Jisoo's room, I flashed a wide smile before I knocked on the door.

“ChiChi, are you awake?” I asked, moments later not a single sound was heard so I knocked once again.

“ChiChi-ah it's me, can I come in?” I asked once again, but this time I heard sobs.

Mianhae Taehyung-ah but can you please leave me alone for now?” her faint voice said inside the room.

My shoulder fell and my lips pouted as I look at the closed door infront of me.

“Don't you wanna talk about it?” I asked again.

“No, I just wanna be alone.” she said faintly...

I sighed and turned around with my head hanging low, Jennie popped into my mind.


“So why the heck did you say you want him to leave you alone?” I asked her after she ranted on me because she and Kai quarrelled and she asked him to leave him alone to think, but now that he's not showing himself Jennie looks frustrated, much angrier and moody.

“Ugh! Oppa! You guys really don't get a woman huh! Women in particular says otherwise when they're mad, when we say we want you to stay away it means we want you to stay beside us and woo us.” she frustratedly said as she digs in on the bucket of ice cream.

“Then why can't you just say it directly???” I asked confused.

Women, they are really a walking mystery for me. Never will I understand what's running inside their mind.

“Taehyung-ah, it's a girl thing” mom said.

“Yeah right, girls are weird” I snorted and browsed the magazine I was holding mom laughed and dad shook his head.

“Yeah, though it's hard for us men to understand it, we would always find ourselves being drawn to their charm and do what we have to do without realizing it. That is to put up with their weirdness and woo them, aigoo your mom even bit my arms just so she could vent her anger towards me” dad commented.

“Honey...” mom said in a warning voice and with that scary smile she looked at dad. “you were saying?

“a-ahahaha nothing dear. I said I love you so much” dad snuggled his head on mom's shoulder.

Before I truly find it awkward looking at my parents be sweet to each other, but now I think I understand how they feel.


I heaved a deep sigh as I look up at her room's veranda, unconsciously as I was in deep thought my feet brought me here outside under ChiChi's veranda.

It's now or never, I must talk to her and comfort her. I shouldn't let another hour pass without making her smile and cheering her up.

-------------------------To be continued...

-Cupid's Descendant

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