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*Kim Taehyung*

I closed my eyes as I let the cold water hug my whole body, Yoongi's story kept on replaying in my head like a broken tape...


“Me, Woozi, Jisoo and Jin met in an orphanage. Jisoo was around five and Jin was around seven when they came in the orphanage, Jisoo was cheerful and Jin would always be protective over her. Jin is Jisoo's older brother and from what we heard, Jin was always beaten up by his father and Jisoo was harrased by both his father and uncle.” he said that froze me into place.


“Then one day Jisoo was chosen to be adopted by a married couple, Jin doesn't want to be away with Jisoo and so is Jisoo. I saw how they held on each other that much Jisoo begged the mother superior not to be adopted but mother superior didn't heed them any attention.”

“Then the same night, Jin planned to escaped together with Jisoo and as Jin's best friend he convinced me to come with them or else my half-brother Woozi would end up being adopted too and we would be separated some day if we stay, I may act like I hate and doesn't like my lil brother but...he's the only family I have. So, we continue with our plan and succeeded. We were too naive, too immature since Jin--the oldest amongst us was just 12 back then, we were not able to think of what could've happen to us outside the cruel world. So when we escaped the orpahanage the four of us wandered around the city, we would be lucky enough to get a snack in a trash can or meet people with kind heart who would give us food. Then Jin turned 13, I was 12, Jisoo is 11 and Woozi were 10. Jin would join underground streetfights with other street kids to earn money, of course without Jisoo knowing. Then not too long, we were caught by a syndacate and used us to steal and ask for money around the city. Our life weren't any better, Jin, Woozi and I would end up getting beat up whenever we would get the lowest sum of money. That time...I wanted to blame Jin for he is the one responsible for everything. But, seeing him enduring everything for his sister and for me and my litle brother, the sacrifices he gives just to try save me and Woozi from a massive beating...I couldn't even dare.” he said and I was silent...trying to absorb everything.

“He would give us the money and jewelries he have stolen or  he would get the lashes that we are supposed to receive, that's how Jin was.” he continued.

And finally I finally get myself to talk and ask.

“Jisoo-ssi...h-how about her?” I stuttered...

Yoongi tightly closed his eyes...

“Jisoo is with the other young girls in the basement they would go out when they need to serve the men of the syndicate I was talking about. Like rats they were caged and sometimes...fed like they are some lowly animals.”

I closed my eyes trying so hard to hold the anger rosing inside of me, God, she's been too much! The four of them went through too much!

“then one day the head of the syndicate groomed us all, we were quite happy to be fed with so many foods and be dressed well. That was the day Jin got reunited with Jisoo once again, he put Jisoo first then us before himself. Little did we know...that we were being groomed to be sell as prostitutes. Woozi, me, and Jisoo were sent to someone along with the other chosen children. Jin....J-Jin....tried so hard to protect the three of us...and....a-and got shot...we didn't know if he lived that night or what happened to him, he was too young and too weak to fight those expert men...and I...I can't do anything but to hug Woozi and Jisoo to comfort them.” A tear fell from his eyes and his fists started shaking.

The pain...the guilt and the hardship that they've been through can be heard through his voice.

“hyung you can stop now...” I said.

“The things happened too fast that the first night we were about to be offered to the foreigners the PDA raided that hellhole...and Jisoo was found in the room where she was brought...speechless and bloody. No one knows what happened but Jisoo. Every man that tries to touch her she would scream and would end up hurting herself. She didn't talked even to me nor Woozi, then the lady head of PDA took us in, since she's the only one who've managed to touched Jisoo without anxiety attack. That was the darkest time of Jisoo's life...she lost her brother, and she've been through hell from the hands of her family members to those monsters. We've been consulted to a psychiatrist...the three of us did, but Jisoo...she got worst.” Yoongi's voice held hopelessness, pain and anger.

Without noticing I was also in tears and my heart contorted in pain...such a horrifying thing to hear.

“And like a miracle in the midst of suffering, a light in the middle of darkness...Jisoo met Kai, the son of the head of the PDA agents that saved us. I didn't know how did he managed to do it but, Jisoo got better...and as we grew older Jisoo depends on Kai too much like he is the very beacon of her. Since then I vouched to Jin's memories and to everything I have. I would protect Jisoo with all my life for Jin and for Jisoo...I would dedicate my whole life just to take Jisoo and Woozi away from any harm that may get to them.” he ended...

-End of flashback-

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!” I screamed on top of lungs as I punched the hard tile infront of me.

My hand bleads but didn't heed it any attention, I'm furious...I want to bent my anger on something so I continouosly punched the hard tile, that was gradually covered with blood.

After blowing off some steams I'm still furious, I ended showering and put the towel around my waist. When I got into my room I saw my phone ringing and Jennie's name was registered on the screen. I sighed and answered it.

“Jennie-ah” I answered.

“Oppa! How are you doing?” she asked.

I'm not fine...I wanted to say, but didn't.

“I'm ok...” I weakly answered.

“How's the fashion Gala going?” I asked.

She's actually in Paris I sent her there so she could be distracted and would make her loose up a bit, I knew how much she is into fashion.

“It was quite fun, I think I have another idea for a new fashion line” she said but the way she said it was fun I knew she's just trying to have fun for my sake.

“anyway...oppa, my is it going?” she said.

I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

“It's...going great, everything is going as planned” I lied.

As much as I hate lying to her, I can't let her put everything in her hands that would be a disaster. Not only for my sister but also for Jisoo, I wanted to tell my her Jisoo's state but...I am not in the right place to do so. I don't have the rights to disclose her story...

I'll try everything in my power so I could protect Jisoo without hurting my lil sister and/or Jennie without hurting Jisoo.

“Great! Can't wait to see that girl crying and being fooled” I hear bitterness in Jennie's voice. I wanted to be mad at Jennie but couldn't she has her reasons and she doesn't know what Jisoo's been going through. If only I can tell her...

------------------------------To be continued...

Never thought someone would read my story, I'm quite overwhelmed. Thank you very much for your support☺

-Cupid's Descendant.

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