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“Hi IloveVandSoo and Snoopy_fudge for following me, leaving a comment and voting! I dedicate this to you guys! Hope you enjoy reading this one!”


*Kim Taehyung*

I cleared my throat and slightly pushed the empty swing, I hear nothing but crickets and the grinding of chain and creeking of the swing. I looked at her who's on the next swing next to the one beside me.

“I'm Kim Taehyung by the way...” I started, breaking the silence that covers us.

I thought she won't respond on what I said and would just keep on silence when her voice invaded my ears.

“Kim...Jisoo” she said, gone the coldness on her voice.

A small smile was drawn on my face, we're actually here in the park infront of the convenient store. We were alone here, we decided to talk for awhile since I kinda saved her earlier from a drunk man. I don't know if God is helping me but as soon as I stepped out of my apartment, I saw her trying to call someone I guess, then I saw her hesitate before saying that she'll just go alone then. And then I followed her, curious to where she's going and then saw everything that has happened. Geez that old geezer stinks and he tried to get near Jisoo? How dare he?

“So...I heard hate men?” I started, acting clueless. This scheme must be perfect.

“Not to pry or anything, I'm just...curious” I said when she didn't respond.

She stopped swinging her swing and looked down on the ground.

“...I don't hate them...they hate me” her voice...there's a glint of fear.

“they...hate you?” I asked stunned...

“abeoji, samchun...georigu...” she said.

What did she say?

Her hands were slightly shaking...don't tell me...she really has an anxiety?

“JISOO-AH!” Someone called out so we both looked at the entrance of the park.

There we saw Woozi, and Yoongi running towards us.

Yoongi hugged Jisoo so tight...I don't know why but it feels unpleasant to see him hugging her. I slid my hands in my pocket to hide it as it clenched...

“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! When Woozi entered your apartment you weren't there! Damn it! We were so worried!” Yoongi asked as he held her shoulders.

“That's right yeppeo noona! W-we thought...we thought you've got caught by them. Please don't run off again, like that!” Woozi said teary eyed.

They are both worried...

And more importantly...

THEY ARE SO NEAR HER?! I thought she's scared of men?!

Why are they an exception? Why isn't she getting anxiety attack when she's near them?!


“So to say, this guy” Yoongi pointed at me.

“saved you?” He said.

Jisoo nodded.

We're in Woozi and Yoongi's apartment, Jisoo told them what happened.

“tss...” Yoongi shook his head in disbelief.

“Great! I knew it! Taehyung hyung, I'll be forever grateful to you!” said Woozi and bowed his head.

“thanks for saving my yeppeo noona!” he said and hugged me.

I was startled due to his action...I felt how thankful he is. Now, I kinda feel bad. Knowing that someday, I need to break that happiness on his face. Just by looking at them worry over Jisoo, I know...I won't be just breaking Jisoo's heart...but also their's, and their trust.

I tried to shake away the thought and feeling and tried so hard to think straight.

“Anyway, thanks for saving our Jisoo. In return, we would like you to stay over for dinner. But don't expect that it would happen again, I'm letting you join us in dinner as to thank you for what you did” Yoongi said.

I was ready to decline it, when an idea crossed my mind. In order to know Jisoo more, I need to be friends with the ones close to her. And by then, I would find my way to get close to her.

I smiled and slightly bowed my head.

“I would be glad too.” I said.

The dinner went well, Woozi and I talked the most sometimes Yoongi joins just to exert savagery for his brother, and they would argue that would end up in laughter. Jisoo smiles sometimes but everytime our eyes meet, she would bow her head and would be quiet.

After dinner Woozi and Yoongi were arguing again.

“...oh, you look like an oranggutan!” Woozi said

“Huh, look at you who looks like all the types of monkey comes together in one face” Yoongi said.

“Yah! We look-a-like you moron! So how I look like, that's how you look too!” Woozi said and put his hand on his waist like challenging Yoongi.

“what did you say? Yah?! This little twerp needs a little beating huh?!” Yoongie said and put a headlock on Woozie who tried to fight back.

I laughed at their silliness, then unconsciously my eyes diverted at the woman leaning against the opened door of the kitchen. Her eyes full of love while a little and fragile looking smile stretched on her rosy lips.

Suddenly a realization hit me, she looks like a mother looking at her kids had their little play-fight and I'm the that makes us a family. A smile made its way to my lips as to what I thought.

Wait, what?! GET YOUR SELF TOGETHER KIM TAEHYUNG! I yelled and beat myself up mentally.

I can't even get close to her yet, how come I thought of that?!

“cause I'm falling for you~” I snapped at Woozi when he sang that.

“Idiot! You should've said I'm dying instead of falling!” Yoongi said as they continue to wrestle each other.

I stood up, my face burning in heat. Woozi and Yoongi stopped at wrestling for a moment to look at me, I looked at Jisoo then Woozi and Yoongi who are still on the floor.

Yoongi is on top and Woozi is holding both Yoongi's ears.

“I-I need to go, it's getting late” I reasoned out.

Woozi pushed Yoongi away and stood up.

“I'll walk you home Taehyung hyung!” Woozi said gleefully.

When we got out of their apartment.

“Sorry about my brother, we always do that when we're together” he apologized.

“it's ok, you two were rather entertaining. No offense meant though” I said.

“None is taken” he joked.

“anyway, Jisoo noona...please don't get close to her” He said.

I stopped walking and looked at him.

“what do you mean?” I asked.

“She may be cold at times, she may act tough and all that but...she's fragile when it comes to men.” he said, gone the playful Woozi.

“if you have good intentions and would want to be friends with her, get her to trust you first. But as of now, please refrain from getting near her lesser than a meter or so.” Woozi said.

“Why?” I asked

“You'll know why...once you've known her. For now, we still can't trust you” he said and started walking and with so many doubts I followed him.

----------------To be Continued...

What is Kim Jisoo's secret? What are they hiding? Wanna find out?

-Cupid's Descendant

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