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*Kim Taehyung*

The atmosphere was tensed, Yoongi has this serious expresion, Jisoo has this deep thought expression and so does Woozi who's clearly worried and shaking in anger.

“What do we do now? Showing himself like this, he must've planned something already and any minute he could come and attack us or worst...he'll get her.” Woozi said and looked at Kim Jisoo.

Yoongi sighed and looked at me.

“You should leave for now.” He said to me I frowned at him.

“No, I wanna know what's happening. I know there's something you're hiding from me, I wanna know. Who is he? And why are acting like this? I know he's a bad news but, I still need an explanation here” I demanded, even though I don't really have the rights to do so...but, am I still an outsider after all this time we all spent together?

“Kim Taehyung, this is not a joke. You should keep yourself away from us this instant!” Yoongi hyung said raising his voice that surprised me.

“Being with us won't do you any good, now that he's found us. You'll only be in danger if you stay close to us” he seriously added.

I looked at the three of them, they are all looking at me with worry in their eyes.

“hyung, Woozi-ah...Kim Jisoo-ssi...” I said as I looked at them one-by-one, both Woozi and Jisoo just looked down as if agreeing to what have Yoongi hyung, while hyung has this serious expression on his face.

“Hyung...tell me, I wanna know” I pleaded.

“No, stay away from other people's business Taehyung. This problem is not for you to step into-” I cutted him off.

“It is my business damn it!” I blurted out as I stood up.

“You guys aren't some strangers who are just passing me by, you guys are my new found family. And that makes it my business, I're all worried to me, that I'd get myself into trouble with that guy...but what can I do? He already knows that I'm connected to the three of you, he even warned me ok? Turning my back at you won't be a solution, instead...I wanna help you, please let me hyung. Please don't keep me in the dark like you did the first time.” I pursuaded him.

The three of them were silent.

“Hyung, I already told you how I feel. You know my thoughts, and it won't be changed by a mere danger lurking around like this” I added with full of sincerity.

Finally Yoongi hyung's expression softened.

“Taehyung-ah, this danger we're talking to can either kill you or ruin your life for eternity. We don't want it to happen to you as well, this hell-hole that is pulling don't have to jump in it just for us.” he said.

They care for me...I know this started because of a simple revenge, but it turned out to something unexpected...brotherhood was formed, and a good friendship binded us together. I'm not doing this for revenge, I knew that I already gave up going through my plan.

Unconsciously I looked at Jisoo, then to Woozi and him then looked down.

“If it's a hell-hole, I won't jump in there with you...” I said and looked straight at his chinky eyes.

“I'd pull you out there without jumping in that just have to let me...and if I got sucked up in that hell-hole then so be it” I said determined not to leave them.

I'm scared of what might happen but...I'm more scared to lose them, to loose Woozi and Yoongi hyung....and to lose Kim Jisoo.

The three of them have become a vital part of me.

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