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If I were to write a Tagalog story would anyone read it? You've waited too long huh? So here's your treat.

*Kim Jisoo*

I sighed and walked along my brother and Kai, after the meeting Suho oppa had to do something, Yoongi took Woozi to the kitchen of the HQ, so Kai oppa and Jin oppa are walking me to my room.

“You should rest early” Kai oppa said as we walk.

I looked at him pouting.

“Oppa can I stay in the rooftop for a moment? I wanna unwind for a minute” I said. “please? Pleaseeee...” I pleaded.

“Tss.. Ok ok, but I'll leave you with your brother you gotta catch up with him, you missed each other way too much. But please, rest after ok?” he said and I can't help but smile and hug him.

“Thanks Kai oppa!”  I said gleefully she just smiled and tossled my hair.

Jin oppa helped me as we walked towards the elevator, when we reached the rooftop we sat on the bench. This rooftop is like a mini park, it has many different plants, grass, different lights on plants and  japanese lanterns above.

I smiled when oppa took off his jacket and hanged it around my shoulders.

“Comfortable?” he asked and I nodded.

“ have you been?” I asked.

“Just doing things there and here for that Lim Chao Xu” he shrugged.

“how much can you remember about me?” I asked.

“I remembered being in a house, getting beaten up by our dad and uncle, I remembered my life on street fights and the rest are from the moment I woke up from a coma up to now.” he said.

“W-Were you in so much pain?” I asked and played with my feet.

“It's worth it...” he uttered making me look unto him. “looking at you now...sitting here beside you...I feel everything's worth it.” he said and I smiled.

“thanks for holding up to now Jisoo, Kai told me about everything...and I swore to finish things with Lim Chao Xu and that sick bastard Gu Wook Il...I'll make a safe place for you” he said and tucked some strands of hair behind my ears. “I'll lay my life if I have to” be added and my eyes softened.

This is my brother...protecting me with all his might and tries to make me happy in many ways..

“oppa...can you stop laying your lives for me? I appreciate it a lot that you guys protects me and spoils me but I don't want you guys to be indanger that you guys already are.” I said.

“Let us be” he said looking at me softly and patted my head “someday or maybe'll have a man by your side. Who'll protect you and love you, taking my place.” he said and I pouted as I shook my head.

“No, no one will take my oppa's matter what happens.” I said and hugged him tightly. “stop saying things like that oppa I don't like it...I-I-I feel like I'd lose you any time...I don't want that” I said

“No worries. I won't this time, we've lost a lot of times together already and I don't want to have another minute or days being separated from you” he said and sighed.

“but I guess I need to spare some second for someone.” he said that made my brows furrowed at him as I pulled away from the hug.

“who?” I asked.

He smiled at me and pinched my cheeks “my baby sister is now a grown woman. Talk to him...he's been looking at you the moment we went out of the office---no scratch that, he's been starring at you since we were building our plan.” he said and my curiousity heightened...he stood up and ealked away.

“We'll catch up for the rest of our lives baby sis, for now I'm giving you to him. Be back in your room before the clock strikes 10” he said as he waved his hand without looking back at me

I sighed, is it me or my brother has become weird?

I looked up in the starry sky.

He truly loves you Ms. Kim Jisoo...believe on that

I remembered Jimin-ssi said I sighed...will I dare hope that everything wasn't only pretentions and deception?

Will I still have the strength to trust him...again?


The meeting ended but my eyes are still settled on a certain woman...Kim Jisoo.

Kai and that guy named Jin was with her as they walk all along and without noticing it my body follows them not taking off ny eyes from her beautiful face.

I miss her...

How many times did I utter thatevery second since the day she left the mansion?

I found myself following them to the rooftop as I heard it, I stood far from them ad I watch her with her brother.

Jisoo....I miss you so much...

I explained myself countless of times at the back of my head, I confessed everything but doesn't have the strength to go and talk to her...and it just adds up with the pain I'm feeling and the heavy thing on my chest.

I was pulled out from my deep thoughts when I saw Jin walking towards my direction, I immediately hid behind the pillar near the elevator's door.

I saw him stopped right in front of me. “Hurt her again and I'll kill you with my bare hands” he said without looking at me then continued to walk towards the elevator...

I blinked enurable times before gis words sunked in my head....h-he knew?

I stepped out from behind the pillar and looked at Kim Jisoo as she looks up in the sky...and as if my heart stopped when I saw a lone tear fell of from her eyes....

Oh Jisoo.

I sighed and my feet started walking towards her and before I knew it I am now sitting right next to her...I felt her stilled and looked at me with wide eyes.

“K-Kim Taehyung...” she uttered and was about to move away...

“Stay...” I said as I look at the ground...

“Please...just for a moment...I-I want to be with you again” I plead and I thanked all the Gods above when she stayed.

Silence befall upon the two of us.

“How are you this past few days?” we both asked in unison as we look at each other. We looked away from each other at the same time and looked at each other

“You go first” we both said we stopped  for a moment before bursting into laughter.

“Serioudly are we copying each other or what?” she asked chuckling

“Nah...maybr it's a couple thing..” I blurted out without thinking further...I stilled when I realized it and slowly looked at her...she has now that bitter smile as she looks down. I sighed and cleared my throat.

I interwind my both hands  together.

“Jisoo...can you listen to me? I won't ask you to believe me....o-or maybe I would but, I won't force you...b-but I wanna...I-I wanna explain myself to you and ask for forgiveness.” I said, she didn't talked nor leave, so I took a deep breath and started talking.


Wait for the next😉

-Cupid's Descendant

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