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“The internet is killing me this past few days, sorry for late updage guys😅”

*Kim Seok Jin*

“Oppa! Oppa! Oppa!” she yelled at me as she tried her best to get out of those men's grip.

They are taking her away, no! The three of!

I run towards them, I tried so hard to catch up but I was blocked by Lim Chao Xu's men.

I was 17, yes, but still weak. Despite of feeling weak and exhausted after being winning three underground fight, I managed to take down the two guys who blocked me, I was running to Jisoo who's being taken away with two other guys for prostitution.

(NOTE: If I'm not mistaken I said Jin was 13 when the syndicate had them but I or Yoongi never said how old are they when they were groomed to be prostitutes. Help me with this one please😂)

“Oppa!” Jisoo cried.

“Jisoo!!!” I yelled as I reached out my hand.


Just a little bit more...just a little faster, I could grab her hands...when a loud gunshot flew over the place and an excruciating pain sipped through my heart and I felt my body dropped and my head hit into a hard object. The last thing I saw was father's face...why?


H-how did this happen?

I opened my eyes as I got up on my bed, I'm dripping with sweat all over me as I pant. I looked around and I felt a sudden relief when I saw that I'm in my room.

“The same dream?” I asked myself, I clenched my chest where my heart is located...

She is my sister, this past few days I've been dreaming about this girl much more clearly. I think that guy has something to do with it.

After I woke up from a deep coma for a year, I always have dreams about a girl, it's not vivid but rather blury. I can see myself protecting her, comforting her...but this past few days after talking to that guy named Kai who approached me secretly, he said things that I can't understand but definitely makes sense if I think about it deeper.


"What d'you want from me?” I asked.

“I heard you lost your memories after being in a coma for almost a year” he started.

I was on my guard but acted usually, if this guy does something funny I can kill him in a heartbeat.

“Kim...Jisoo” He said that made me froze.

That name...

I looked at him with my sharp eyes.

“Does that name ring any bell to you?” he asked.

I tightened my grip on my whiskey trying to keep my cool facade unwavered.

“What about that name?” I asked smoothly.

“Someone who's waiting for you for a really really long time now.” he said.

I gulped, so...that name does really exist. I oftenly hear it in my dream as I call this girl...

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Jisoo, is your little sister, she's waiting for you since the day you've been separated.” he explained.

“She's there, waiting and longing for you...while you, you who doesn't have the memories of her...who unknowingly longs for her, is here being the top dog of the guy who separated the both of you.” he said and looked at me straight in ny eyes.

“Stop lying before I take your fvcking life away” I threatened him.

“My father said she died long ago, we were kidnapped...I was shot trying to protect her and she got raped and murdered! I even killed the guys who murdered her!” I said gradually loosing my cool.

“Lim Chao Xu, did you kill him? As far as I know you're treating him as your own father while he treats you as his hunting dog.” he smirked.

I grabbed his collar tightly.

“If you wanna know more, I can tell you” he said and took out a picture on his wallet. My eyes trailed on that until he showed it to me...

I froze upon seeing a grown up woman in the picture...

Without knowing I had let go of that guy's collar and is crying as I look intently on the picture he is holding.

My hands reached for the picture, pictures of the young girl flashed on my mind I clenched my head when it started aching.

“*sigh* Mr. Kim Seok Jin...she's waiting for you to come home. Meet me here if you made up your mind, I'll tell you everything that you wanna know. But, the truth this time...let's correct everything that Lim Chao Xu has said.” He said before walking towards the door.”

“and...I don't wanna be rude but by then give me that picture back, it is very important to me. You can have yours when you meet each other again” he said before leaving me in this private room of the bar we have rented.

-End of flashback-

Why did father lied about my little sister?

Why do I see another man in my dreams that I called father? A father that beats me? And an uncle that harrasses my sister...

That kind of dream have once haunted my sleeping hours...

Is it true? Is that guy telling the truth?

A knock on the door pulled me from my deep thought.

“Come in” I said and rubbed my palms against my face as I tried to wake up myself to reality.

Secretary Ho stepped in the room

“Lim Xiao Jun, you are given an assignment by your father.” he informed

Kim Seok that my real name?

“What is it?” I asked coldly.

“Clean the house of De Vale, none must be seen breathing and leave evidences that would point at the Hovens by your father's command.” he said.

Lim Chao Xu...I swear if you fed me up with lies this whole time. I'll destroy you ten folds, and if that guy is lying to wouldn't be hard for me to kill him.

As of now I cannot trust any of them.

------------------------To be continued...

Twitter: Chicklien_Nation/JenoSperbund

I posted some VSoo/TaeSoo edits check it if you feel like it☺

-Cupids Descendant

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