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“Okay guys, I'm overwhelmed when I saw that my story is now #1 in VSoo!!! I'm still in daze and couldn't believe it! I mean wow, didn't expect that this would happen. I'm so happy and it's all thanks to you guys!!! Anyway becareful of the COVID guys, our town is closed due to its outbreak. And to help you pass the time here's an update, again. I'm grateful to your support both silent and voters and commentors Love lots”


I was in the middle of having a glaring contest with Kim Taehyung in front of the baking materials and ingredients. We're both helping Jisoo to bake and we're sporting glares at each other, I mean. How dare he make a move on our precious Jisoo?! I wanna get mad and nag him but looking how happy Jisoo is, I can't bring myself to do so. Tch. This retard probably took advantage of my Jisoo to date him.

My phone rang so I put the bowl and the chopstick that I use to mix the eggyolks, I looked at the caller ID and when I saw it was Taeyong I immediately excused myself to Jisoo.

I went to the garden and answered it.

“Agent Taeyong” I said.

(Sir, Agent Taeyong reporting) he said in a saluting tone.

“At ease” I said “How is Jeong In's state? Did he wake up?” I asked worried

(Still in a bad shape sir, he was hit in a vital part of his body and lost a lot of blood. According to agent Ten whom is also a Med agent said that the most fatal hit was on his chest)

I breathe out as I closed my eyes close tightly.

“Ok thanks agent Taeyong, please inform me of Kai's condition” I said.

“What's wrong with Kai oppa” a soft voice asked that made me froze.

I turned around and saw Jisoo, her eyes held worry and confusion.

“J-Jisoo-ah...” I blurted “I'm gonna call you later” I said on the other line and turned it off. I faced Jisoo and looked at her.

“What's wrong with Kai oppa?” her eyes started watering.

I gulped and moved to envelope her into a tight hug.

“Jisoo-ah There's nothing wrong with Kai, h-he's just...he's just stressed out about his mission. That's all don't worry.” I tried to lie.

She pulled away and looked at me, her eyes looks vurnerable.

“Don't lie to me, I was here since you answered the call. I-I heard everything”

I sighed, I guess there's no point in lying then.

“J-Jisoo-ah, Kai...Kai got shot and is now in a state of coma, a-and...”

“Was it Lim Chao Xu?” she asked, her tears started to fall and her body shaked as she clenched her both fists.

“Jisoo-ah calm down” I tried calming her and was about to touch her but she turned around and left. I was shock to see anger on her eyes.

That was the first time I saw it, it was a dangerous glint on her eyes. No!

I quickly followed her, and saw Taehyung who looks puzzled as he blocked my way.

“Hey, have you seen my chichi?” he asked.

I looked at him annoyed.

“Not now dimwit!” I hissed and pushed him away and followed where  Jisoo went.

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