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*Kim Taehyung*

My friends and I were having a great time when my phone rang, when I saw it was my lil sister--Jennie, I quickly picked it up and answered her call.

“Hey lil sis, need anything?” I asked with a little playful smile plastered on my lips.

My smile faded when I heard her sob.

“Oppa *sobs*

“Why? What happened? Why are you crying?” I said, worry consumed every fiber of my being.

“K-Kai oppa...K-Kai oppa and I broke up...” her voice broke.

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth... That son of...

“I hate him! H-he chose that girl over me!!! I hate him!” Jennie cried.

“Calm down Jennie-ah, I'll be there okay? Just relax, I'm coming” I said trying to calm her.

I ended the call and got up, Jungkook and Jimin stopped singing along together when they saw me got up.

“What's wrong?” Jimin asked worried

“What happened?” Jungkook asked when he saw how livid I was.

“Jennie's crying” I said and left.

I'm Kim Taehyung, and my little sister is Jennie. If there is someone I treasure the most, that is my lil sister, and that jerk...that jerk just made my lil sister cry! How dare he?!

I drove my car as fast as I could until I reached Jennie's condo unit. When I entered her place--since I knew her passcode, I immediately entered-- everything was a mess, there are broken glasses scattered all over the living room's floor. I quickly ran towards her room, and I was surprise to see it is much more messier.

“Jennie!!!” I yelled because I can't see her...the whole room was dark, so I tried to turn on the lights...and there I saw her.

If her pad is a mess, so is she...and for a brother who loves his little sister so dearly, this is truly heartbreaking.

I walked towards her, she's sitting on the floor in the corner of her room, hugging her legs as she cries.

“O-Oppa” she called me.

“I'm here, I'm here...your oppa is here” I said and gathered her in my arms, but she gently pushed me away.

I looked at her straight to her eyes...

There's a strong glint of desperation, pain and hatred in the depths of her eyes.

She held my hands, they were shaking and cold.

“Oppa...y-you gotta help me...y-you gotta help me okay?” she said.

“I-I can't loose him...oppa, I-I just c-can't loose him!” she yelled.

“Jennie-ah calm down...” I said trying to calm her down.

“please... I-it was that girl's fault...s-she seduced Kai! It was all her fault!” she yelled and she started crying again.

“Y-you just need to m-make her fall...and...and then dump her, please make her feel the pain that Kai gave me because of her! Please!!!” she begged.

I closed my eyes tightly when I heard her cry in pain, I can't bear to see desperation, pain and anger in her eyes.

“Jennie calm down, you're being irrational!” I snapped at her but her crying just became louder.

She kept on crying and begging me until she passed out, I sighed and carried her to her bed.

After I called a cleaning service to clean her pad, and ordered the things to replace the broken ones.

After that I went back beside her and gently patted her head...that jerk, I badly want to go to him and strangle him for making my sister cry. But, my little sister needs me more than anyone now. I need to be beside her.

I held her hands that I used to do since we were little, I'm not in favor of her plan...I don't want to do it..

But I guess... situations keeps on pushing me to do so...days after, Jennie committed a suicide, she drunk too much sleeping pills that nearly killed her. Thankfully I visited her in her condo unit and brought her on the hospital in time, I got so worried that when she woke up...I couldn't control my emotions and yelled at her.

“Jennie-ah! Why did you do that for?! Get yourself together! There are billions of men in this world!” I nagged out of worry.

A tear fell on her eyes, she looked straight to my eyes. I saw how hopeless she is, how much pain she is in...

“Billions of men are out there, but out of that billion men...only one managed to make me fall.” she said that made me stop...

She truly loves him...

I diverted my eyes away from her...

“Other men might want me or love me, but the only man who owns my heart is him...and only him.” She said.

“Jennie-ah you're just telling that now because you're still in-love with him as of this moment, but as you try to forget'll see...”

She shook her head weakly and looked up at the ceiling, as tears contiued to fall from her eyes.

“Forgetting him is imposible...but making him return to me by seducing that woman...” she trailed and she looked at me.

“Jennie! No!” I said firmly but I melted when I saw her begging eyes stared straight in my eyes with unshed tears that she's trying to hold back.

“Please oppa...never did I ever asked you a favor...j-just this once...m-make that girl feel my pain...please...” she begged.

I heaved a deep sigh as I close my eyes and with a weak nod...I agreed, earning her weak smile.

----------------------------To be Continued.....

-Cupid's Descendant

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