Chapter 13

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“Sweetie are you okay?” My mom asked as I woke up and my head was throbbing so badly.

“I’m fine.” I said as I looked around and I was in my room and there was some ice on my head.

“Well rest up I’ll tell your dad that you’re awake.” My mom said and left the room.

I sighed and the door opened and my dad walked in with Ethan and I was just not wanting to talk to Ethan he’s such a bastard sometimes.

“Are you alright pumpkin?” My dad asked and I felt the mattress dent beside me.

“I’m fine, just a bit shaken up.” I mumbled.

“Ethan, say it.” My dad said in a harsh voice.

“I’m sorry.” Ethan mumbled.

“What?” I asked.

“I’m sorry.” Ethan mumbled again.

“I don’t know what you’re saying, so speak up.” I replied.

“If you’re going to give me that sass I wish I threw that shoe harder.” Ethan said then stormed out of the room and my heart broke. He’s my twin and he has never said anything that rude to me ever… I was crushed in an emotional and physical state.

“Lily, are you okay?” My dad asked as a tear dripped down my cheek. Soon the dam would come out and I needed my dad to leave before that happens.

“Yeah, dad can I just have some alone time?” I asked and he nodded and left the room and I just sighed.

The dam came flooding out and my heart was broken so bad that I didn’t want to talk to him in awhile then my phone went off and I got a text from Peyton on the group message.

Your mom texted me on what happened when I texted you. Are you okay? –P

I’m fine, just shaken up a bit. –L

Your dad told me what Ethan said to you. –G

What happened? –P

He told me that he should have thrown the shoe harder. –L

Things will get better <3 –S

Keep your head up and don’t let your snobby brother get to you and he’s a bastard. –Lexi

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it and I know Lexi. –L

Brothers are jerks during senior year but it’s worse for Ethan because of the break up. –P

Yeah, just ignore him for now and just give him some space. –G

Sage went through the same thing during senior year because he wanted to have the best senior year and it just got to his head. –P

So he couldn’t enjoy his senior year? –L

Yup, Ethan just wants to make his last year his best year but he’s thinking to hard about having the best parties and the best time. –P

Just give him some space and time. –S

That’s probably the best thing to do right now and I bet he’s stressing over football and Isabel. –Lexi

I still can’t believe they broke up. –G

Yeah, they were the cliché couple. –P

I think Ethan is better off without that witch. –L

Ethan definitely needs someone better than that witch. –Lexi

Someone like Peyton ;) -L

Not going to happen.–P

You guys would be a cute couple. –S

Sammy! Not going to happen! –P

But you have to admit he’s your type and he’s attractive. –S

Gross! –L


Haha –Lexi

I’m going to go before the Grinch comes back. –L

Bye. –G

See you boo! –Lexi

See ya girly girl. –S

Bye girl. –P

Bye guys –L

I sighed then put my phone on my bedside table and put my icepack there too and hopped out of bed. I got up and walked to my closet and changed into some exercise clothes and put my hair in a high ponytail. I slipped on my socks then tennis shoes and went into the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” My dad asked as he sipped his coffee and read the daily newspaper.

“On my usual Saturday morning jog.” I replied as I grabbed my backpack and put my water bottle in there and my penny board and my soccer ball too.

“Be safe and if you get a headache then go to one of your friends house that’s close or come home.” My dad said.

“I will dad, is mom gone?” I asked.

“She’s at the store getting some groceries before she goes to Aunt Gina’s house for the day.” My dad replied.

“Okay, I’ll be back in half an hour.” I replied then slipped on my snapback and went out the door.

“Lily!” I heard Bryce yell but I just put on my ear buds and kept running.

I think we might be outlaws I think I might be in love because I’m all out of reasons like seasons winter, summer, fall there all washed up.  

David Lambert’s song Outlaws played as I jogged through the neighborhood and I was getting tired so I slipped out my board and put my hair down and started riding my board back to my house.

Ethan was outside with Austin and Jake throwing the football and I just ignored them and kept riding my board to the house. I don’t know how long this is going to take but it better not take that long just for him to say sorry!

“Hey Lily nice penny board you got there.” Austin said as I passed him.

“Thanks, nice Dodgers hat rooting for LA.” I said as I stopped and looked at his hat.

“Thanks but you know once a Dodgers fan always a Dodger fan.” Austin said as he caught the ball and passed it to Jake.

“Yeah, I’ll see you at your house at like 2:00 I’m tutoring Ally.” I replied.

“Cool, see you there.” Austin said and I rode up the driveway and got to the front door.

Hey cookies! Welcome back to another chapter hope you guys enjoyed and make sure to check out my twitter because I post updates and other things on there because I love talking to you guys and I will reply to your tweet if you tweet me! Thanks for reading this chapter and see you in the next one. Happy Reading! <3

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