Chapter 18

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"Hi Ethan, hi Noah." I said as I sat down next to Ethan.

"Why are you late?" Ethan asked.

"Girl problems, that you won't understand." I replied.

"Clothes or period?" Ethan asked.

"Clothes." I replied.

"Your helpless." Ethan bickered.

"Whatever, loser. Why am I here exactly?" I asked.

"Noah here is trying to get on the baseball team so I want you to help him." Ethan replied.

"Hell no! I never agreed to this and wasn't he the hot shot of his old school?" I questioned.

"I guess but-" Noah said but I cut him off.

"Also I got on the team by myself so figure out how to get on the team yourself because I will never help you." I replied.

"Lily, just this once please." Ethan said.

"Ethan, as much as I hate you. No." I said.

"Harsh, but anyways please Lils!" Ethan begged.

I let my inner sass kick in and said," Hell no! I earned my spot on the team. I paid money and went down to the batting cages by myself just to train. I'm not someone who you can just ask to help you. I worked my ass off to get on the team and you should too. So just work hard and train just like I did." I huffed as I got up and walked out of the diner.

I'm not going to be the girl you can walk all over. Watch out EastWood High the new Lily is in town.

I got up extra early to plan my outfit because the new Lily is here and she's going to rock this senior year.

I got on my navy blue skirt that had pink flowers on it and my light blue shirt that had ruffles on it too. I put on my pink cardigan and also slid on my leather belt. I put on my boots and put on my golden locket I got when I was born. I curled my hair and sprayed some perfume and shimmied it on.

"Lily it's time to get up." My mom yelled.

"I'm already up." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Honey, you look stunning!" My mom smiled and hugged me.

"Thanks mom, I'm just going to grab a Pop-tart and head to school." I said.

"No Ethan today?" My mom asked as she handing me a pop-tart.

"Nope, bye mom love you." I said.

"Love you too!" My mom said then kissed my cheek and I raced to my car.

I got to school and I sighed when I saw the girls crowding around Noah and Jake and also Austin. I guess Ethan's running late today.

"Lily!" I heard Noah yell as I got out of my car.

I walked to the front of the school and Noah caught up to me.

"What do you want?" I asked with a death glare.

"I just wanted to ask if you would help me?" Noah asked.

"Why me? Ask a actual baseball player." I replied.

"You are an actual baseball player." Noah said.

"I'm a softball player there's a difference apparently." I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Noah asked.

"Bryce 'Harrison' told me that softball and baseball is a guys sport and girls shouldn't play it." I replied.

"Don't let him get to you, I met him and he's an asshole." I chuckled.

"I'll think about it, but that's NOT a yes. It's a maybe." I said.

"Thanks for at least thinking about it." Noah said and patted my shoulder and ran off to Jake and Austin.

"Boys." I mumbled and started walking towards the senior pod.

"LILY!" I heard Lexi yell as I came into the pod.

She ran to me and stopped dead in my tracks," Bryce Tanner is gone, for good."

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"Bryce told his dad how you knew about the plan so they went on to a different girl in a different state! Finn and Bryce are gone! It's like in the Wizard Of Oz when the witch died its celebration over there and it's celebration here too!" Lexi announced like a munchkin.

"Thanks for telling me Lex, I have to get going but bye." I said and ran to my locker.

"Hey Lily." Justin said and he had his flirtatious smile on his face.

"Hey Justin, what's up?" I acted sexy because I wanted him to think I was following along.

"You look hot today, how about we go out tonight me you in my room?" Justin asked.

"Sure, how about on-" I said and stepped on his toe so hard he screamed.

"Just because your kissing up to me right now doesn't mean I didn't forget about what you did to me all theses years." I replied and slammed my locker shut and walked to English.

I decided to go to the music room for some peace and quiet during lunch. I wanted to just sit alone and eat lunch today because I wasn't in the mood for high school drama today. Mrs. Doric's classes were at a field trip so they aren't here so it was the perfect day.

I went inside and set my bag down and sat on the piano bench. I started to play the piano and play Say Something by the Great Big World. I sang along and when I played the last notes there were claps and I looked at the door and Noah was standing there and my face heated up.

"So you sing too?" Noah said.

"No, I'm going to leave now." I said and picked up my bag but Noah blocked the entrance.

"You're a singer, dancer, athlete, actor, and a smartie! Interesting." Noah said.

"I'm not a singer, dancer, actor, or smartie." I said.

"Really? I just heard you singing. Your brother told me you dance and Ethan also tells me you do the plays here every single year. Also you have all A's and have a 4.0 GPA with perfect attendance." Noah said.

"How do you know all my grades?" I asked.

"Your brother might have told me." Noah said.

"Ethan." I said in anger.

"So, since I know you sing and since I have it recorded are you going to help me?" Noah asked.

"You have it recorded!" I screeched.

"Yup!" Noah said and played the video on his phone.

"Fine, if I help you then your going to delete the video of me singing and show it to no one?" I questioned.

"Yup, just help me get ready for baseball try outs." Noah said.

"Fine, but this is the only time I'm ever going to help you." I said and he cheered and I sighed.
Hey guys! Is this new romance or new enemies or even new competition? Who knows? Anyways thanks for the support you have been giving me it means a lot and I love you guys! Next chapter is the beginning of Lily's Baseball Bootcamp! Yay! Happy Reading! Bye! <3

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