Chapter 20

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Bridget just finished my last curl and then my hair was gorgeous and I loved it so much. I started to tear up when I saw myself but I already had my makeup on so I stopped myself. I put on my white flowy dress and made sure the sparkle belt wasn't going to fall off so I had Jordan help me. I put on my glitter shoes and then topped it off with my vail.

I smiled at myself and hugged Jordan because she was an amazing sister in law and friend. She kissed my cheek and I smiled and hugged her again. I sighed then slipped my shoes on and then started to give the girls their flowers. My mom handed me my flowers and I hugged her.

It was time and since the wedding was outdoors we were going to have the reception in the afternoon and then the party at night because there are lights that glow at night.

The girls started to line up with their guys and on the monitor I saw Noah walk down then Lizzie who is Noah's sister who was our little flower girl. Tyler walked down because he was the ring bear then Peyton and Logan and then Sammie and Ben and then Grace and Kyle then Lexi and Preston then Jordan and Ethan. I gripped my dad's arm and we walked down the aisle. Everybody stood up as we walked down then I took Noah's hand and kissed my dad's cheek and he kissed my cheek too.

We did the ceremony and he slid the ring on my finger and I slid his ring on his finger and then the priest said," you may kiss the bride." He leaned in and so did I and are lips met and moved slowly and people clapped and I smiled and put our arms in the air and smiled as we walked down the aisle.
3 years later-

"C'mon Kaylen, you don't want to be late." I said as I held my 2 year old daughter's hand as we walked down the stairs to the car.

"Honey, be careful." Noah said and he got out of the car and helped me down the stairs. I was 8 months and 2 in a half weeks pregnant with our second child and I'm excited!

"Buckle her up, I can't do it because my back is killing me." I said.

"Of course princess." Noah said and kissed my cheek and opened the door for me. I got up to the seat and buckled myself up and waited as Noah buckled Kaylen in. He got in the driver's seat and buckled up and backed out of the driveway.

We were heading to Tyler's 6th birthday and to see how big little Abby is. She turned 3 a few days ago so Abby was Tyler's early birthday present. Ethan quit football after his injury and he's helping Noah out with baseball. They moved here to Boston and I'm so happy to have them here.

We got there and I rang the doorbell as Noah was getting Kaylen and Tyler's drum kit that he wanted ever since he was 5.

"Lily! It's so nice to see you and how big you've gotten!" Jordan said as she hugged me.

"I'm only have a week to be pregnant and then this baby is gone from my tummy." I said and she chuckled.

"I hear my baby sister's voice!" Ethan said and hugged me.

"Hey Ethan, sorry we came late." I said.

"It's fine, kids!" Ethan yelled.

"Aunt Lily!" Tyler said and ran over to me and hugged me and little Abby came waddling over to me and I hugged her too.

"Hi everyone, sorry we're a bit late." Noah said as he made it to the house. He put Kaylen inside the house and put the gift next to the couch.

"C'mon push, you only have a little more to go!" Doctor Sadie said and Nathan kissed my cheek and I pushed. I was sweating and I was tired but I wanted to get this baby out.

"Your doing great honey, you can do it." Noah encouraged and I pushed and then I heard crying and then a tear trickled down my cheek.

"It's a healthy baby boy!" The doctor said and I smiled and so did Noah.

"You did so good pumpkin." Noah said and I smiled at him and kissed him.

The doctor handed the baby to Noah and I saw the twinkling in his eyes when he held Kaylen for the first time. I smiled and I looked at him and he wanted a baby boy so I was so happy for my boys.

"Let me see." I said and Noah knelt down and I kissed the baby's forehead and let my lips linger a bit and the doctors took the baby to wash him.

"You did great princess, you were amazing." Noah said and kissed me and I smiled.

"I love you Noah." I said.

"I love you too baby." Noah said and kissed me.

"Well, we are done patching you up so were going to escort you to the hospital room and we will give you your new son in a few minutes." Doctor Sadie said and got some nurses to push the bed back to my room and Noah finished taking off his scrubs and met up with me.

He grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat off my forehead and kissed me again and then a nurse brought the baby back into the room and he was in a blanket sleeping and I kissed his head.

"We know the name right?" Noah asked.

"Yup, of course we do." I said and smiled.

A few hours later Kaylen and my parents came and so did Noah's family.

"That's your new brother." Lizzie said to Kaylen as she pointed to him.

Noah pulled out our camera and pressed the record button.

"Hi guys! So my princess gave birth for the second time and he's so handsome," Noah said and put the camera towards me and the baby. "So we are going to announce the baby's name and how much he weighs right now." Noah said and switched the camera to us.

"The baby's name is Peter and he's 7 pounds and 6 ounces." I announced and Lizzie squealed and my parents smiled and so did Noah's parents.

"Sorry we're late!" Ethan said as he came in with Jordan and the kids.

"The baby's name is Peter and he weighs 7 pounds and 6 ounces." I said and they all smiled and hugged me.

I can't believe I had my second child with the love of my life and I got to be here with my family.

"I wasn't noticed at first by anyone but then I met you and you noticed me." I said and kissed Noah and he kissed me back.

"I love you princess." Noah said.

"I love you too." I said and kissed him.
Hey guys! Thats it for this series! The concluding chapter will come out soon and I am so excited to start my new series because its a fricking fan fiction about two people that I ship so much but they aren't dating so stay tuned for the conclusion and the new series! Also there will be a sequel but not until i finish one of my series. Happy Reading! <3

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