Chapter 3

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The final bell rang and I was so nervous because I was getting my makeover!

"Alright class tonight do pages 6 and 7 of your workbook. That's it and class is dismissed," mr. Rick said and I got up and left the classroom.

I got my bag out of my locker and then Greyson shut it and laughed with his friends. I was already done so I just walked to Lexi's locker and Grace was there too.

"You ready?" Lexi asked as she shut her locker.

"I guess, I am really nervous though." I replied as we walked.

"Don't worry Lily, my aunt is the best in all of LA! You are in such good hands." Grace said.

"So what's the schedule?" I asked.

"Okay, first we go to the mall to shop, then Lexi's mom's shop to get your ears pierced and get your contacts, then we go to my aunt's salon to dye your hair." Grace said as we got in the car.

"Cool, lets go to the mall!" I exclaimed.

We got to the mall and shopped our butts off, we at least spent a few hundred bucks. But after that we walked to Lexi's shop at the mall to get my ears pierced and to get my contacts.

"Hi mom." Lexi said as we walked in.

"Hi girls, are you ready Lily," mrs. Thomson asked.

"Yup, lets do this." I said then dropped my bag on the floor and hopped on to the stool.

"Okay, let's pierce your ears and then get your contacts." Grace said. I nodded and then Lexi's mom got the needle and stuff. She put some glop on my earlobe and then put the needle in and it was a sharp pain.

"Okay, next ear then were done." Lexi said.

She did the next ear and the pain hurt less since I knew what was coming. Then Lexi's mom let me pick out my earrings and I got some diamond studs and she put them in and gave me a booklet on how to treat my new pierced ears. I then picked out my contacts and I paid her the money and we left. I slipped off my glasses and put in my contacts and I felt free again.

"How does it feel?" Grace asked as she started the engine.

"I feel so good, I can finally not wear these dumb things." I said as I shoved my glasses in my bag.

"So what color are you going to dye your hair?" Lexi asked.

"I want to be a brunette. My mom is only letting me become a brunette." I said.

"You will look good as a brunette, we can make it work." Grace said.

We got to the salon and there were a few people there to get their hair trimmed and stuff. We had an appointment so we were all set to dye my hair.

"Grace, Lexi, Lily! Your here its so good to see you here! So, are you ready to dye your beautiful hair?" Bridget asked with her crisp French accent. I forgot to mention that Grace's family is partly French but Grace has a American accent while her mom's side has French accents.

"Yup, I want to dye it a light brown. Like this hair color." I showed her the picture and she nodded and made me sit down on the stool.

"Good luck aunt Bridget and Lily remember your in good hands." Grace said then went into the sitting room with Lexi.

"Lily, why do you want to dye your beautiful blonde hair? Is it school trouble because I will walk in there and beat everyone up!" Bridget said.

"Thanks Bridget, but that won't fix anything." I replied as she started to work on my hair.

"Alright, lets get started on my masterpiece!"

After a few hours my hair was complete and she even curled the tips to make some natural looking waves.

"Your all good!" Bridget said excitedly.

"Wow! It looks great!" I exclaimed then hugged her.

"Lexi! Grace come and look!" Bridget said as I admired my hair.

"Omg! You look so good as a brunette!" Lexi said.

"Thanks Lex, I love it." I said.

"Me too, its on the house for today." Bridget said.

"No, I have to pay! You did all of this for me." I said.

"I insist, my gift to you." Bridget said.

"Thanks aunt Bridget, we have to get going though." Grace said.

"Okay, bye and be safe." Bridget said.

"We will, bye aunt Bridget." Grace said then hugged her and Lexi and I hugged her too.

"Bye!" We all said as we left the store.

"So where do you want to eat? Its my treat for all of this." I said.

"Panera!" Lexi and Grace said in unison.

"Okay, let's go then." I said.
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