It's Christmas!

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A/N: This isn't necessarily canon to the plot but if you see it that way then that's fine :)


It was six am on the dot when Tubbo awoke, the five-year-old tumbled out of bed once his eyes were open, a wide grin plastered on his face. It was Christmas after all!

The little boy sprinted his way to his parents' room, almost knocking the door off its hinges when he pushed it so hard, but that didn't matter. Santa came last light and he didn't want to waste a second more without ripping into colorful paper. 

He jumped onto the bed. Dream, who was sleeping in the middle, took most of the impact, sputtering awake in a coughing fit. Though the little boy didn't seem to notice he was struggling to get air into his lungs, since he just continued to bounce directly on his chest.

"Dada!! Up!! Up!! It's Christmas!!" The brunette chattered excitedly, once Dream finally got enough oxygen he scooped up the squirming boy, waking up Sapnap and George in the process. 

Sapnap was pretty annoyed at being woken up so early, Christmas or not, but when he saw how excited his son was he smiled softly. He'd stay up. Just for today. 

George slumped sleepily onto Sapnap's shoulder as they walked into the living room, under their Christmas tree was full of bright red and green presents, some blue and yellow wrapped gifts as well. 

At the mere sight of all the gifts Tubbo squealed, wiggling himself down and over to the tree, pulling out present after present, looking for his name. Dream watched him with a chuckle, putting presents into piles by name. 

Of course, Tubbo's pile was overwhelmingly larger than the three adults combined. The three didn't seem to care. 

Once the piles were sorted Tubbo picked up a random present and held it out to Dream, "Whas'it say?!" Dream hummed before gasping, "It's from Tommy!" 

Tubbo gasped at that, tearing into it immediately. Inside was a medium-sized rock, it had a heart carved into it that had "BFF" in the middle of it, along with what looked like a bracelet that said the same thing. 

The boy immediately slipped the bracelet on, "Whas'it mean?" He asked, looking up at his fathers. "It means 'Best Friends Forever', bubs." Sapnap answered. Tubbo awed at that, "Tha's so cool." The parents chuckled at that. 

After they opened presents Tubbo commented on something he noticed, "How come Santa didn't get you any presents?" He tilted his head slightly.

The group of three looked at each other before George spoke up, "We're adults, so he doesn't bother giving us presents so he can save more you little kids like you." He booped Tubbo's nose, Tubbo pouted, "You should get gifts too…" 

"We do get gifts!" He quickly cut off the child, "We just get them less often, so they're more special when we do get them." Tubbo still didn't like the idea of his dads not getting anything from Santa, but he nodded anyway, "Okay."

After cleaning up the wrapping paper, the four sat down for breakfast, Tubbo talking fast and energetically about his gifts and how he wanted to surprise Tommy with his gift for him (it was a drawing of them holding hands in a flower field, the trio thought it was adorable).

Sapnap made some gingerbread men the night before, Tubbo swung his legs as he ate it as he waited until he could stuff on his shoes and winter gear so he could go see Tommy and his family. 

Once it was time, he did exactly that, hoping to pull up his pants as George helped put his shoes and jacket on. Once they were all ready they left, walking to Phil's house. 

Dream and Sapnap were on each side of Tubbo, holding his hands as they swung him gently, the little boy giggling up a storm. Goerge smiled at them, snapping a few pictures as they went. 

They made it to Phil's house and was immediately hit with a tiny projectile. Said projectile squeezed Tubbo like there was no tomorrow, the smaller boy squeaking out a laugh. 

Phil had to claw Tommy off of Tubbo so they could enter, though, the trio didn't mind. They'd rather have days like this than anything else in the world. 

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