Wake Up, The Curtains Are Open

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Wilbur and Sally texted each other for a month straight, every day Wilbur would wake up to texts from Sally telling him to rise and shine. Today though, Wilbur woke up bright and early to text her first. 

wilbur craft -
good morning sal

Sally Salmon -
AH!! Who are you and what have you done to Wilbur?! He's never up this early!

wilbur craft -
nope, its me, i woke up early for you

Sally Salmon - 
Wow, just to say good morning first? Call that dedication

wilbur craft -
im just crazy like that

Sally Salmon -
Very lol

Wilbur heard a knock at his door, he quickly sent Sally a text saying he'll be right back before getting up and opening it.

Phil stood at the door, surprised to see Wilbur up so early, "Well good morning, Wilbur. Is there something I'm missing here?" 

Wilbur shook his head, "No, I don't know what you mean."

"Well," Phil started, leaning in to look at his room, "You're up before nine, which is not a Wilbur thing to do, and I saw you leave the house last night with an ironed shirt and your hair was less disheveled than it usually is."

Wilbur blushed a bit, looking away, "So what? I like to be fancy sometimes." He did not want his dad to tease him about going to hang out with Sally.

Phil just smiled, "Whatever you say. Come downstairs, I'm making breakfast with Tommy." 

Wilbur groaned, "Fine, okay. Give me a second." He gently pushed his dad out the way before closing his door. He dived on his bed, picking up his phone once more to text Sally about what Phil had told him.

"Okay have fun!" She replied, Wilbur could practically hear her voice through the text. He smiled at that, replying to her before putting down his phone and throwing on something other than pajamas. 

After he got dressed he descended the stairs to meet his father and youngest brother in the kitchen. At the sight of Wilbur, Tommy threw his dirty food-covered hands in the air, "I'm gonna touch you." 

"Don't you fucking dare, you gremlin." Wilbur threatened, pointing at Tommy. Tommy grinned mischievously before taking a step towards Wilbur.

"No, do not, I just put on a new shirt." Wilbur stepped back. 

Tommy cackled, running at the older. Wilbur narrowly dodged his hands, screaming as the eight-year-old chased him, "TOMMY NO-"

Phil laughed from where he stood, taking a few videos of the two until Tommy eventually jumped on Wilbur. 

"Dad, my shirt!" Wilbur whined, prying Tommy off of him like a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. "I just put this on!"

"It's alright mate," Phil chuckled, "You know I will wash it."

"Yeah, but I wanted to wear it today." He grumbled, sitting at the kitchen island. Tommy went to sit next to him, his sticky hands clapping together, "It's okay Wil I'm a doctor."

"That literally doesn't correlate to what I said at all." Wilbur held Tommy's hands out of his face. Phil laughed, continuing to mix the batter in a bowl. 

"Dad, what are you making?" Wilbur asked, leaning to get a better look.


"I hate this fucking house."

Phil laughed, turning to Wilbur, "Hey, don't say that now." 

Wilbur snickered, "No, this family is in shambles." 

"Ain't that the truth." Phil shook his head, turning back to the counter, "I called you down to help me cook, you know. Can you grab the waffle iron and a couple of plates?" 

Wilbur nodded, "Yeah, sure." He got up and grabbed the waffle iron, placing it next to Phil. He then reached up for the plates, grabbing four and placing them on the island, he leaned down to talk to Tommy, who was washing his hands, "Tommy go wake up Techno." 

Tommy nodded, turning off the faucet and climbing the stairs to Techno's room. Wilbur watched him go with a chuckle, "How disoriented do you think Techno's gonna be today."

Phil clicked his tongue, warming up the waffle iron, "I don't know, it is a school day." Wilbur rolled his eyes at that, hearing Techno groan from upstairs. 

A minute later, Tommy and Techno descended the stairs, Techno much slower, hair covering his eyes as it tangled together in a big bird's nest. 

Phil whistled, "That's gonna be a pain to brush." Techno just grunted at him, sitting in between Wilbur and Tommy. 

"You want waffles, mate?" Phil asked, the mop of pink hair nodded, placing his head in his arms face-first on the table. Phil just chuckled, leaning over to pat his head.

"I can drive them to school, Dad," Wilbur said. Tommy gasped at that, nodding vigorously, "Yes! Please?" 

Phil hummed, "Sure, you do remember where their schools are, right? Try not to make them late."

Wilbur gasped offendedly at that, "Of course I know where their schools are! How dare you, old man."

Phil laughed, "Okay, okay." He set a plate of waffles in front of Tommy, the boy immediately grabbing his fork and tearing it apart. 

After breakfast and a change of clothes, Wilbur was ready to take his brothers to school. He sat in his car, beeping the horn to tell them to hurry up.

Tommy ran out of the house, one of his shoes untied as he ran up to the back seat's door, "BYE DAD LOVE YOU TOO!" He shouted, climbing into the car. 

Techno took longer to come out of the house, he made sure to close the door and check the mat key to make sure it was still there. 

He walked up to the front seat, staring directly at Wilbur as he climbed in, "Cut the shit, why are you awake so early and bringing us to school all of the sudden."

Wilbur sputtered, "Can I not be a good brother-" 

"Is it because of that girl Sally?" Techno closed the door and locked it. Tommy seemed interested in this conversation, "Who's Sally?"

"No one-"

"Wilbur's girlfriend."


Tommy gasped so hard the two teens were afraid he was gonna choke, he scrambled to lean into the center console, "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!"

"No, I don't, sit back and buckle up you gremlin!" Wilbur pushed him back into a sitting position, Tommy quickly buckled his seatbelt, sitting back against the seat, "Can we meet her?! Please? She sounds pretty!" 

Wilbur sighed, "Tommy you haven't heard of her until now." 

"Can you show me a picture of her? I bet she has those things mum used to have, the pretty hats and shoes!" Tommy tapped his feet together. 

Wilbur began to drive, refusing to answer any of Tommy's questions. Techno smirked, satisfied with his answer.

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