Hit The Books, Kid

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Techno dragged Wilbur through the heavy library doors, the older of the two groaning the entire time, “Techno, why did you have to bring me instead of literally any of your school friends?”

“Firstly, bold of you to assume I have friends, and secondly, you’re the only one I know who would drive me to the library at 7 P.M. on a Saturday.” Techno spoke blankly, “Stop whinin’ you’re ruining the peace and quiet.”

Wilbur continued to murmur, standing slightly behind Techno as his little brother began to look through book spines in the historical category for something to peak his interest. “Bur, could you look for a good book with me please? I want books on-”

“Greek mythology and weapons, yeah yeah I know, you nerd.” Wilbur waved him off, heading towards the nonfiction books. A deep frown settled on his face, grumbling about having to do boring tasks like looking for boring books in a boring library.

He made it to the section, skimming through book spines like Techno was, albeit slower. He contorted his face distastefully, not enjoying any of the books in front of him. How was he supposed to know which ones Techno had liked, or possibly already read?

As he was looking for books he unfortunately wasn’t paying attention to anything else, more focused on getting the books to leave, and collided with someone, the person’s stack of books and papers falling to the floor. Wilbur immediately began to pick them up, “I am so sorry-”

The person dropped next to him, picking up skewed papers, “It’s okay, sorry I bumped into you I should have looked where I was going-” They laughed. 

Wilbur shook his head, standing up and holding a hand out, “Don’t worry about- it…” His words trailed off as they locked eyes with each other. 

This person was easily the prettiest person he'd ever seen. She had big curly ginger hair, a couple of white strands weaved in, she wore a light brown turtleneck and a black skirt, a fish necklace hanging loosely from her neck.

She pushed some hair out of her face, taking Wilbur’s hand with a smile, “Thank you for helping, I’m Sally.”

“Yeah- Yeah no problem,” Wilbur looked away as he let go of her hand, “Uh- I’m Wilbur.” 

Sally smiled, “It’s nice to meet you, Wilbur! Uh, can I have my books back please?”

His face reddened when he realized he was still holding the books, quickly holding them out for her. He caught a glimpse of one of the titles, “So, you like fish?” 

She immediately lit up at that, “I do! All sorts of fish, I’m studying to become a marine biologist!”

And at that moment, Wilbur’s brain decided to do something incredibly stupid, and will 100% bite him in the ass later.

“Oh, uh- Me too!”

Wilbur had never felt more like curling into a ball and disappearing into thin air than he did now.

She raised an eyebrow at that with a smile, “Really? You don’t look a day over sixteen. Besides, you know, the height.” She chuckled.

Wilbur shook his head, “Nah, I’m eighteen, I haven’t started university yet but that’s what I’m planning to do.” He lied, hoping she bought it. 

Luckily, she did. She gasped, “Oh! Maybe we can study together then! When you get into it, of course. I go to the college just down the street from here.” She grinned.

Wilbur nodded, “Yeah, definitely! I will absolutely look into it.”

“Great! We can talk all about it then, are you coming back here any time soon?” She asked. 

Wilbur shrugged, “I don’t know, I just drove my brother over cause he wanted more books.” 

Sally awed, “That’s so cute! How old is he?” She cooed.

Wilbur coughed, looking away, “Uh- Sixteen-”

“Oh-” Sally laughed, doubling over a bit, “I’m so sorry- I just have a really young little brother that loves to read, I thought you did too-”

“No no it’s totally fine-” Wilbur joined in on her laughter, “He really likes to read as well.”

Sally stood up straight, recovering from her laughing fit, “Right, right. Speaking of little brothers, I should check out and go now, being an adult is hard.” She joked.

“Tell me about it,” Wilbur added, fishing his phone from his pocket nervously, “Text me? About you know- The books and stuff-”

She chuckled softly, taking the phone to put her number in, “Definitely.” She handed it back as she finished sending herself a text message.

“Bye Wilbur! I’ll text you when I get home!” She turned and took off down the aisle. Wilbur waved goodbye with a smile. Wilbur stood there in silence for approximately seven seconds before booking it back to Techno.

When Techno say him come up empty handed he whined, “Bur, my books-”

“Techno shut up. I just made the worst decision in my life.” Wilbur covered his face in agony.

The younger one just blinked at him, “I’m sure it's not that bad.” 

“Techno I pretended to be interested in marine biology to get a pretty girl’s number.”

“Oh it is that bad.” Techno whistled, hoisting his stack of books onto his knee, “Good luck getting out of that one.” 

Techno she thinks I want to be a fish guy! I don’t want to be a fish guy, I wanna be a musician!” Wilbur wallowed, his future career slipping more and more away as he imagined sitting in a dimly lit room and looking at fish. Fish.

Techno flicked him in the nose, “Firstly, pull your shit together you’re a grown man now. Secondly, I’m sure she’ll understand if you explain it to her.”

Wilbur whined, “But then she’d know I lied!”

“Okay hear me out, maybe don’t lie? I know it’s so hard to be honest-”

“Oh, fuck off- I’m leaving, you’re no help.” Wilbur turned, fishing his car keys from his pocket.

Techno quickly held his books correctly, “Don’t, asshole, I still gotta check out!”

“Hurry up then! I’ll wait in the car.” Wilbur walked out the library and climbed into the driver's seat. He let his head slam into the horn, making a loud, long beep. He definitely just dug himself into a hole, and didn’t see himself getting out of it any time soon.

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