Nightmares Aren't Nice

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Warning(s): Crying, Nightmares

Tommy woke up to a strange noise, rubbing at his eyes. Where was he? He remembered... getting dressed, going with Phil to the car, singing radio tunes, then- 'Oh yeah, Bee's house.'

The strange noise seemed to increase slightly, Tommy picked up his head from the pillow he was using. He was on Tubbo's bed, Tubbo was asleep next to him. So what was making the noise?

The blond boy felt something shuffle beside him, he looked over and saw Tubbo was sitting up in his creeper onesie, his head buried in his knees. A sniffle rang in the air, followed by a whine and a hiccup.

Tommy blinked at him before realizing Tubbo wasn't asleep, and the noise was Tubbo crying. Tommy scrambled up in a sitting position, "Bee?" He spoke in a hushed voice.

Tubbo lifted his head in surprise, not noticing Tommy being awake. His eyes were puffy and red, an unpleasant contrast to his blueish grey eyes. Tommy wrinkled his nose, Tommy didn't like seeing Tubbo cry.

The brunette looked at the other toddler before another whine left his throat, lip quivering before he dropped his head back in his knees, breathing more heavily as more hiccups sounded. Tommy tried to comfort him, hugging the little boy.

That apparently didn't help, since Tubbo let out a choked back sob, leaning into Tommy. His words came out in a whisper, "I w-wan' Pa-Papa."

Tommy didn't know who Papa was, but he nodded, "I get Papa for you." He vowed, determined to make the boy feel better. He kissed Tubbo's head (something Phil would do when he was upset [A/N: ship this and I'll break your bones] ) and hurried off the bed, in search of Papa.

Tommy pushed the door open, trotting down the hall. When he spotted another door he pushed on it, the door creaking open softly. He peeked inside, seeing a bed with a bundle of people under the blankets.

Tommy tiptoed inside, he climbed up on the bed, discovering that three people laid there. One with raven black hair opened an eye, black eyes looking at Tommy, "What are you doing awake?" Sapnap spoke, his voice slurred with sleepiness.

Tommy shook the bed slightly, waking up Dream and George, "Bee sad. He cryin'." Tommy informed them. They all seemed instantly awake at that, Sapnap was the first up and out the door, Dream and George following him, Dream holding Tommy as they went to the little boy's room.

When Sapnap entered Tubbo looked up at him, whimpering louder, "P-Papa!" He stammered, making grabby hands at him. Sapnap's heart ached at that, he picked up the boy, setting him in his lap. "Shh… it's okay, I'm here. We're here."

George stopped Dream when he saw the display, their fast pace stopping abruptly. Tubbo was curled into Sapnap, who was rocking back and forth as the three-year-old cried into his shirt. They could feel their heart break.

George calmly walked in with Dream following him, matching worry showing on their features. Tommy wiggled in his hold, signaling he wanted to be let go. George sat in front of Sapnap and Dream sat on the bed next to him, Tommy sliding down to the ground before climbing around him to his friend.

"Hey bub, it's okay," Sapnap spoke gently, "We're all here." Tubbo nodded into his chest, hiccuping once more, "C-Cold, Papa…" Dream and George's eyes widened at that.

Sapnap didn't pay no mind to it right now, "I know bub, we'll warm you up." Tubbo looked up at him and at his other fathers, they hated seeing Tubbo cry. He was always so small and meek, even smaller and meeker when he cried.

"P'omise…?" He mumbled, barely loud enough to hear. Dream nodded, "We promise. We love you so much, Tubs." Tubbo reached out to Dream, pulling at his sweater sleeve to come closer. Dream scooted over, wrapping his arms around both Sapnap and Tubbo.

George sat on the other side of Sapnap, hugging them as well. For a bit, it was just them. Their perfect family in their perfect home. They felt Tommy wiggle his way under their arms, hugging Tubbo as well, "I love you too, Bee! We best frien's fo'ever!"

They all laughed at that, the blond boy smiled widely. Tubbo yawned slightly, leaning against Sapnap as his eyes slipped shut. The nightmares that had plagued Tubbo's mind disappeared as he slipped into dreamless sleep, comforted by the warmth of his family.

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