Dirt Smudges and Soap Suds

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After about an hour a small boy walked into the hall, his dirty blanket in his hold as he rubbed at his cheeks, dry tear tracks making lines through the dirt.

George looked over from the kitchen, "Hey, you're awake." He walked over, sitting on the floor in front of him, "I took you to my place with my boyfriends, I hope you don't mind."

The boy just stared at George before lifting his arms again, wanting to be held again. George smiled softly, lifting him into his lap, "You're a bit dirty, aren't you? Let's give you a bath."

The boy, as usual, didn't respond, just leaning against George as he stood up, carrying him to the bathroom. Dream watched as George left with the kid, making a face, "He seems already attached to the kid."

"Well yeah, did you see how fast he got attached to Garfield?" Sapnap spoke, referencing their ginger cat, "He fell in love with that cat."

Dream sighed, "Do you think he's gonna wanna keep him?" He questioned, Sapnap nodded, "Oh definitely."

"Are we ready for a kid?" He asked a bit quietly. His partner shrugged, "I don't know, we do have a storage room that we could clean out if we actually do keep him."

Dream turned to him, "Are you not at all thinking about this? About how this might not be a good idea?" Again, Sapnap shrugged, "If George wants him then I don't care."

The taller huffed, leaning back, "We don't even know the kid's name, I doubt he does."

"Ooo! Then we could give him one! How about..." He hummed in thought, "Beckerson?" Dream shook his head with a chuckle.

"Maybe he'll tell us." Dream reasoned. Now it was Sapnap's turn to make a face, "Does he even speak?" The other shrugged.

"Oh fu- oop, frick- GUYS? DO WE HAVE ANY SMALL CLOTHES?" George called from the bathroom. Dream sighed, "Yeah but they're Patches' clothes!"

"THAT'LL WORK!" The blond stood, going in their room and going into a drawer, pulling out a too big dark green sleeveless sweater. He walked into the bathroom, George had the little boy wrapped up in a towel.

He noticed two things, his hair was auburn and not black, and that that was his towel. "George," He began, "Why are you using my towel?"

"Well I just took it out of the wash and mine and Sapnap's weren't in there." He spoke, "Besides, look at this cutie, how could you deny him?"

The boy's face was red from scrubbing off dirt, his blueish grey eyes looking up at Dream with curiosity, wet hair falling in front of them slightly. Dream hummed, "Sure... Uh- Can he talk?"

The boy nodded slightly. He waited a few seconds, "Do you... Wanna talk?" He asked.

He shook his head slightly, George awed, "It's okay, you don't have to talk." Dream shook his head at his boyfriend, he handed him the sweater and George put it on.

The sweater was a bit big, the end of it hanging below his knees, but it was comfortable, he'll wear it for now. George picked him up and carried him out the bathroom and out to the living room, Sapnap sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Gogy." He kissed the other's cheek when he sat down, the boy in his arms looked at Sapnap with intrigue. Dream crossed his arms and leaned on the wall, "What's his name?"

George hummed, "I don't know, do you know your name?" He asked the toddler. He nodded, mumbling something and leaning over to whisper to George.

"Tubbo?" The boy, now known as Tubbo, nodded. Sapnap pulled a face, "Who names their kid 'Tubbo'?"

"Who names their kid 'Sapnap'?" Dream shot back.

"Shut up, Dré."

"Make me, Sippycup-"

"Guys, shut up." George chuckled, Tubbo smiled slightly at their banter. He liked it here.

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