Smushed Casing

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Warning(s): Food mentioned


It was a Saturday when Tubbo and his family went shopping, Tubbo tagging along as they roamed the grocery store. It was one of Tubbo's first time's shopping, he'd much rather be dropped off at Tommy's house for an hour. 

He dragged his feet slightly as George rambled on about something to Sapnap, dragging his feet more and more until Sapnap pulled him up straight again. Tubbo groaned as Sapnap kept his hand in his. "Papa I'm bored!"

"I know you're bored bubs but don't do that, we might lose you." He spoke, Tubbo nodded slowly, huffing. Sapnap held onto his hand until he let go to pick something up and put it in the cart, Tubbo stayed next to Dream, the one pushing the cart.

Tubbo yawned, rubbing at his face as he did. He spotted something in the corner of his eye and turned around. He gasped softly, there on the shelf were cupcakes, the frosting was green and blue, little Minecraft rings sat on top of them. 

He walked over to them, forgetting what Sapnap had said earlier. Unfortunately, his fathers didn't notice the absence of their son, too busy talking about which dinner packs they should get. 

The child cooed at the cupcakes, seeing one with green frosting and a bee ring. He smiled before picking the cupcakes up, turning around to show his fathers, "Papa-"

No one. He frowned, lowering the package of sweets. Looking around his stomach began to sink, "Dada?" He called softly. When his calls went unanswered his eyes swelled up with tears.

"Baba?" He sniffed, he took a few steps in different directions, looking for three people but always ending up back at the sweets stand where he got the cupcakes.

At this point he was holding the cupcakes up to his chest, hugging them like a stuffed animal. They were no doubt ruined in their case, but Tubbo didn't seem to care at the moment.

A few people passed by him, waving him off as a kid looking for trouble. The more people that passed the more Tubbo had trouble holding in his cries. He sat down on the floor, hiding his head in his arms. 


Tubbo's head snapped up at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. The person who spoke lifted their hands in a non-threatening manner before speaking again, "I'm not gonna hurt you, are you lost? Did you lose your parents?" 

The person, who he presumed was male, had dyed green hair, he wore a large dark beige turtleneck and carried a shopping basket full of items. 

Tubbo sniffed, nodding. "Do you want me to help you find them?" Another nod. The green-haired man took Tubbo's hand, squeezing it softly before helping him up.


George checked the shopping list for the millionth time while bickering with Sapnap about how much stuff they needed. Dream sighed, they were stressed about how much they had to spend and how much they could save.

If all goes well, they could still feed Tubbo all his favorite meals without a problem. Dream tightened his grip on the cart, glaring at George and Sapnap, slightly grateful that Tubbo stopped whining, "I know they're being loud, Tubs, we'll only be a bit longer-"

He turned his head slightly to face the six-year-old but quickly stopped the cart, looking around in confusion. He backed up, looking down the aisle for the child. George huffed, "What are you doing, Dream?"

Dream turned towards them, his face flushed with anxiety. "Where's Tubbo?" George paused, turning slowly towards Dream, "He's not with you?"

Dream quickly shook his head. Sapnap dropped all the stuff in his hands in the cart, running down the aisle, not caring about the looks he got, "TUBBO?"

George quickly put down his stuff, going the opposite way, calling Tubbo's name as he went. Dream pushed the shopping cart as fast as he could, the wheels scratching against the tiles of the store as he dipped in and out of aisles. 

At one point, Sapnap slowed to a walk, breathing heavily, "Tubbo-!" He barely had enough energy to keep screaming. He spotted a man with green hair holding a child's hand. The child looked painfully familiar, they almost looked like- 

"Tubbo!" Sapnap called out, the child whipped their head in his direction, familiar blueish grey eyes locking with midnight black ones. 

"Papa!!" The little boy let go of the tall man's hand, running into his father's hold, holding on tightly. Sapnap picked him up, quickly taking out his phone and texting his partners that he found their son.

Sapnap turned to the turtleneck wearing man, "Thank you so much I- I don't know what I would have done if he was lost-" 

The man just shook his head, "Don't worry about it, I'm Sam." He held out his hand to shake, Sapnap took it, "Sapnap."

When George and Dream got there Tubbo got two bone-crushing hugs, Dream pulling Sam into it as well, Sam chuckling softly as they hugged. They were so happy to have their child back again.

"If you ever need help or anything, like babysitting or just help in general, I'm here." Sam vowed, the three parents nodded as a thanks. Sam grew to be the three's close friend after that. 

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