Sleepy Mornings

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Dream's eyes blinked open, the sun's rays hitting the corner of his eyes in just the right way to be just enough for him to get up. He's always been a light sleeper, the sun usually waking him up, even if it was cloudy.

He looked up from where he was sat up, George and Sapnap were still asleep next to him. He noticed his door was open, it usually was now, since Tubbo started living with them.

Speaking of Tubbo, he stood in the doorway, hiding behind it slightly as he held his blanket, which was a dark red instead of the brown they all thought it was.

Dream smiled softly, that was usually their early morning routine, Tubbo would wake up before everyone else, scramble to the doorway, and just stare at the three until Dream woke up and gave him something to snack on before George woke up and made breakfast.

He carefully unwove himself from his boyfriends grasps, walking over to Tubbo. The little boy bit his blanket softly, looking up at Dream with pleading eyes, pointing at his stomach. He was hungry.

Dream held his arms out for him, the other backed up slightly before cautiously walking in his arms, letting Dream pick him up. Tubbo was always reluctant when Dream or Sapnap went to pick him up, he'd much rather George to be carrying him, they all noticed.

Dream sat Tubbo at the island in their kitchen, Tubbo's eyes peeking out from over the marble top. Dream hummed, walking over to the fridge and writing on the paper what was hung up on it; "Things to Get Tubbo".

He wrote "highchair" under the numerous things on the list before turning to Tubbo, "What do you wanna eat for now before breakfast?" He asked.

The toddler pointed at the fridge, "Pu'ing." He spoke softly. Tubbo would say about one or two words each day, the three adults try to get him to speak more but he seems like he just doesn't want to. If he does speak more than one or two words, it's usually to George and no one else.

"Pudding?" He opened the fridge, taking out a pudding cup for the toddler, handing him it and a plastic spoon. Tubbo nodded as thanks, beginning to eat the pudding.

Dream went into the living room, sitting on the couch and turning on the tv to watch something in the meantime. After a few minutes, Tubbo shuffled into the room, climbing up on the couch next to the other.

The adult expected this, Tubbo usually wanted to be with one of them when he was alone. What he didn't expect was Tubbo crawling into his lap, leaning on his chest.

Dream's heart faltered, skipping a beat at the sign of trust. Tubbo usually only leaned on George, trusting him the most. He didn't really know what to do, he stiffly laid a hand on the child's back.


His thoughts were cut off when Tubbo yawned, pushing against Dream with his cheek. He whined, his eyes closed as he blindly felt around for Dream's hand.

Dream let the boy hold his hand, leaning back on the couch so Tubbo could fully lay on him. Tubbo made a noise of satisfaction, getting what he wanted. The little boy quickly fell asleep on the other's chest, breathing softly.

After a bit Dream felt his own eyes drooping, his eyes closed longer each time they opened again. Soon Dream fell asleep himself, gently holding Tubbo on his chest.

George tiredly walked out into the kitchen around twenty minutes later, taking a look at the list on the fridge. He went to call for Dream before noticing two figures on the couch.

He awed softly when seeing Dream and Tubbo, tiptoeing back to the bedroom to grab his phone, taking a picture of the two. That was definitely becoming his lock screen.

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