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Warning(s): Food mention

A/N: Yknow how I said you'd get a new chapter in two/three days? I lied, you get one today :] Enjoy!


It had been a stressful Thursday, to say the least. When school was over, Dream had an app-appointed babysitter watch Tommy and Tubbo after he had dropped them off at his house, since he had to be out of the house for a job interview.

Everyone else he had thought of was busy; George was at work, Sapnap was at college, Phil was also at work, Wilbur was at a friend's house, and Techno was working in afterschool programs. After about an hour into the interview, he got a call from the babysitter, he excused himself as he answered.

Her stressed voice was apparent when he picked up, "Sir I'm sorry but could you please get to the house as soon as possible? Your children are getting out of ha- Tommy- No, put that down- Tubbo get down from on top of the fridge-"

The call cut off abruptly. He sighed heavily, standing up from where he sat. He turned to the interviewer, "I'm sorry, there's an emergency with my kid," He spoke, gathering his things, "Can we reschedule this for a later date?"

The interview nodded, "Sure. Tomorrow around 3 p.m. works for us." Dream gave a strained smile as he left, apologizing once again.

He went back to his car, hurrying home. When he got there the house was very messy; clothes, food, toys, and what looked to be glitter were everywhere. "Dada!!" A voice called from down the hall, he smiled as Tubbo came running at him, hugging him tightly with Tommy not too far behind.

 He sighed as the babysitter walked out in front of him, covered head to toe in glitter glue. "I'm so sorry about this. I'll- I'll pay you extra-"

The babysitter stopped him mid-sentence, she inhaled deeply as she began, "I have never met such chaotic and disobedient children in my life. I quit." 

She started to walk out of the house, Dream looked defeated. He looked down at the children hugging his torso, "What did you do to that poor woman?"

"She threatened to put us in the bad boys' box!!" Tommy yelled, sticking out his tongue, "And! And! And she said she was gonna give us hot sauce as punishment!!"

Dream winced, leading them to the couch, "You know what, good call." Tubbo and Tommy sat patiently on the couch while Dream looked for the remote, it seemed like the disastrous play they had put on was more so just to get the babysitter to leave.

He put on a show for them to watch as he cleaned up the mess they had made, humming along to some of the songs the show had played. When he finished both children were still engrossed in the show. He slipped off into his bedroom, calling Sapnap.

It rang about four times before Sapnap picked up, "Dream, I'm in class-"

Dream cut him off, "I know, but I had to leave the interview early, the babysitter quit." 

"What?! Why?"

"She said they were, quote-unquote; "The most chaotic and disobedient children she had ever met in her life". According to Tommy though she was a real bitch and tried to discipline them with hot sauce."

"Holy shit. Who does that-"

"I have no clue," Dream sighed, "But now we have no babysitter and we need one for tomorrow." 

"Hm… I think I have someone in mind. Do you remember Sam?"

"The guy we met at the grocery store?" Dream asked, confused.

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