Mother Dearest and Sister Damned

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Tubbo's feet patted through the house, playing tag with Sapnap. Tubbo's squeals could be heard from outside, Sapnap's laugh following after it.

Tubbo ran into the kitchen, diving under the table to escape Sapnap's wrath. The chaser gasped, "Where did Tubbo go? I can't find him!" Tubbo giggled softly, covering his mouth to make less noise.

"Is he... In the cabinets?" The sound of the opening of the cabinet filled the air before he closed them again, "No... Is he... Under the sink?" The area under the sink opened before he closed them again, "No..."

"Is he... Under the table?" Tubbo could see Sapnap getting down on his knees. Before Sapnap could fully see Tubbo the doorbell rang, Sapnap stood up, pausing their game, "I'll get it!!"

Tubbo pouted at that, he wanted to play more. He crawled put from under the table, slowly walking towards where Sapnap went.

"Oh hey Mrs. Taken! Hey Drista." Sapnap spoke. Tubbo tilted his head, who was that? He turned to where Sapnap was, the front door was open, Sapnap standing there talking to two people holding shopping bags.

At the sight of new people, Tubbo ran in the other direction, hiding behind Dream's leg who so happened to walk out into the hall with George. "Hey- What's wrong?"

Tubbo pointed to the door, Dream looking at who was there, "Oh, Mom!" He called, walking towards them. Tubbo let go with a look of betrayal, going to hide behind George instead.

"Dream! I thought I'd drop by, I brought some clothes!" She spoke with a smile. Dream's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and suspicion. "Ooo-kay... Uh, come in."

They both walked in, Drista hitting Dream on the back, a mischievous smile on her lips, Dream's eyes furrowed more in suspicion. Tubbo shuffled out of the two's eye of sight, only for George to pick him up. He whined in betrayal, how dare George pick him up when he obviously was hiding?

They all walked into the dining area, Dream's mom setting the bags on the table. "I brought some clothes for the little boy, where is he?" Tubbo stiffed at that, knowing she was talking about him.

To his dismay, George bounced him slightly, "Right here, ma'am." Tubbo whined, wriggling in his hold, he wanted to get down. George was surprised at that, letting him go. He immediately hid behind his legs again.

"Awe," The lady cooed, "He's shy, isn't he?" Dream nodded, looking through the bags. His eyes widened, "Mom, you didn't buy all of these today, right?"

His mom inhaled slightly, "Well-" Drista cut her off, "She did. I had to go to the store with her, it was sooo longgg." The teen groaned. Dream shook his head, "Well, thanks, Mom."

She smiled, "Anything for my baby!" She leaned up to kiss Dream's cheek, Dream blushing. George and Sapnap snickered at that. She then walked over to George, Tubbo hiding more behind his legs.

She bent down to his height, "Hi, I'm your grandma!" She grinned. Dream went to comment on that but George shushed him, mouthing 'Let her have her moment.'

Tubbo looked at her slightly, still hiding but peeked over. She chuckled softly, "I got you some clothes, wanna see them?"

The little boy took a few seconds before nodding, moving slightly from behind George. Dream's mom held out her hand for him, he cautiously took it. She guided him to the bag, taking out some clothes and showing them to Tubbo, he smiled at some of them.

When she showed him a creeper onesie he instantly fell in love, making grabby hands at it. "Do you wanna put it on?" She asked him, he nodded.

Dream smiled at them, watching his mother interact with his child. Yeah, that felt right, Tubbo was his child. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

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