Boys Will Be Bothers

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A/N: I got Fanart!!

 This is from Daydream_Child or @/sanrio

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This is from Daydream_Child or @/sanrio._.babie on Instagram, go check them out!!


Tommy sat next to Tubbo on his couch, Techno sitting on the floor in front of them on his phone, letting the two children play with his hair. It was the day after Tommy's sixth birthday, he and Tubbo were both happy they were the same age again. 

Tubbo stuck out his tongue as he weaved a few white and pink flowers into Techno's hair, Tommy trying to follow him but his pattern was sloppier. "How do you get it to look so good?" Tommy grumbled. 

Tubbo shrugged, "Papa lets me do it to his hair sometimes. He taught me how." 

The younger huffed, grumbling at Tubbo doing something without him, "Well, did you know I'm the champion flower braider? Yeah, I can do an even flower-er braid than you can."

Tubbo giggled, "Sure you can."

"Yeah." Tommy beamed with false pride, he was the champion of flower braiding! Until his flower got tangled in Techno's hair. Tommy yanked at it slightly, Techno grunting at the tug.

"Tubbo how do you unbraid it?" Tommy turned to his best friend, holding up the piece of hair.

Tubbo rose an eyebrow, "I thought you were the champion flower braider?" 

Tommy huffed, "I am! I just didn't want to make you feel bad so I got it stuck on purpose. Unbraid it." He demanded.

The older hummed slightly, "Magic word?"

"... Please unbraid it?" The six-year-old mumbled in an embarrassed voice. His brunette friend smiled before leaning over and untangling the flower from the pink locks. 

They continued braiding flowers into the teen's hair until Techno yawned, "Alright, that's enough flowers for today." The fifteen-year-old spoke, the children behind him groaning.

"Techieee I was almost done!" Tommy complained, crossing his arms with a pout. Techno turned around and ruffled Tommy's hair, much to the younger's disagreement, "I'll let you finish later. I'm going to my room." 

Tommy pouted harder as Techno walked off and up the stairs. There was silence for a few seconds before Tubbo smiled, "Wanna go play?"

"Yeah!!" Tommy sprinted off the couch and up the stairs, coming back down with NERF guns that he got from his birthday. He tossed Tubbo one, a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Who's our first target?" Tommy asked, pointing the toy at things around the living room like a secret agent. Tubbo hummed at that, keeping his back against Tommy's as they both moved in sync. 


"I like how you think, Big Crime." 



Tommy burst into laughter as he pulled Tubbo as fast as he could, running from the dreaded angry Wilbur. They had successfully sneaked into his room while he was practicing and pummeled him in NERF darts. 

Tubbo smiled brightly, he had gotten the winning shot, shooting Wilbur right in between his eyes before they booked it. He didn't regret a thing, even if they were currently running for their lives. 

Before they could get outside both of them ran into a figure that opened the door. Disgruntled, the two looked up at the person, forgetting about the chase for about a second. 

Tommy lit up at the blond in front of him, "Dad!!" He clung to the adult, Tubbo doing the same. Phil laughed, "Hi boys, how did the babysitting go?" 

"Absolutely horrible." Wilbur groaned, the seventeen-year-old fell onto the couch, "They shot me with a NERF gun, Dad." 

Phil looked down at the six-year-olds, both of which were holding the toy guns behind their backs with a cheeky grin. He sighed, chuckling as he closed the front door, "Alright boys, no dessert today then." 

"What?!" Tommy groaned, throwing down the toy gun. Tubbo laughed at him, "Ha! I still get dessert cause I don't live here!" 

"Nope, I'm calling your fathers and telling them no dessert for you either." Phil hummed, pulling out his phone as he took his sweater and shoes off. 

"What?!" Tubbo whined, Tommy pointed at him and wheezed, falling to the floor in a fit of laughter. Tubbo stomped softly on his stomach, causing the other to gasp for air. 

"Ha-" The brunette was cut off as Tommy swept his ankles from under him, Tubbo falling to the ground. They sat there for a few seconds before bursting into loud barks of laughter. 

Phil shook his head fondly, sighing. Boys.

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