The Adventures of "Babysitting"

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Techno loved waking up on a Saturday, everyone was already doing their own things and didn't wake him from his slumber, even if he woke up at 2 p.m. they still let him have his peace. Saturdays insured maximum sleep and energy to waste on video games and watching TV.

Today was not one of those days.

Techno woke up with a start, gasping for air after having it knocked out of him by a certain four-year-old. "Techie wake up!!" The little boy jumped on the older, pulling off his blanket.

The older shivered at the sudden loss of warmth. He sat up and glared at Tommy, though the boy just smiled at him, "Wake u-" Before he could finish Techno shoved him off his bed, taking his blanket back in the process. 

"Wake me up when I care." Techno drawled as he pulled the blanket over his head, smirking as he heard the boy huff from the floor.

"Techie you gotta get up!" Tommy whined, climbing back up onto the bed and shaking Techno, the latter tugging the blanket further with a groan.


"Because Daddy told me to get you!" The little boy stomped, pulling an annoyed face. Techno uncovered his head, staring up at the boy who was currently standing next to his chest. 

Tommy whined when he just ducked his head back under, "Tell him I'll be up in a bit." The young teen muttered. He pounced on his older brother, the latter grunting at the weight of the little boy.

"Daaaaad, Tommy won't leave me alone!" Techno yelled, the familiar laugh of their father filled the hall as he walked to the teen's room. When Phil was visible Tommy scrambled off Techno, running over to Phil with open arms and a whimper. 

Phil rolled his eyes but picked up Tommy anyway, ("You're getting heavier as the days go on I swear-") he set a hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow at Tommy, "Why were you attacking your brother?" 

"'Cause- 'cause- 'cause he didn't get up when I told him to!! And you told me to tell him to!" The boy defended. Techno glared at them both, but Phil knew it was only because he was tired. 

"I did tell him to wake you up, Tech. I know it's Saturday but I gotta go somewhere right now." Phil reasoned. Techno scrunched up his nose, "But Wilbur's the oldest, why not tell him to babysit Tommy? It's not like it's not only just him." 

Phil scratched at the back of his neck, "Well- That's the thing-" 

"Bee's coming over!!" Tommy exclaimed, kicking his feet as Phil set him down, "Now get the hell up!!" 

Phil blinked in shock at that, Techno bursting into laughter as Tommy ran out the room, Phil following shouting "Get back here you little monster!"


Techno shuffled lazily down the stairs in a white shirt and pink pajama pants, crowns embroidered into them. He shuffled into the living room, his pig slippers sliding noisily on the hardwood floor. He had a rubber band hanging loosely from his mouth as he gathered up his dyed hair to pull it into a ponytail. 

Wilbur looked up from his spot on the couch, looking up from his phone to greet Techno, the latter grunting as a response. "Hey Techno, ready to babysit some gremlins?" 

Techno groaned, flopping down next to Wilbur as he finished up his ponytail, "No, I could've been sleeping right now, y'know." 

The older snorted, "Yeah, I know. But I can't handle them all by myself."

"Have you tried getting good?" Techno rose an eyebrow. Wilbur shoved him with a laugh, the monotone boy cracking a sly smile. After a few moments Techno broke the comfortable silence, "When's Turbo gonna be here?" 

"You mean Tubbo?" Wilbur snickered, Techno hit his shoulder, "Shut up I'm not good with names." He defended, his face a light shade of pink. 

"I don't know when he'll get here." Wilbur ignored the younger's statement, humming as he checked the time, "I'm guessing in like, an hour? I don't know." The teen vaguely shrugged. 

"That doesn't clear up anything you asshole." 

"Shut up pig boy." 

Before Techno could interject, the doorbell rang. The two teens looked over to the door before looking back at each other with an eyebrow raised. A pair of footsteps were heard running through the halls, Tommy ran down the stairs as fast as he could, "I got it!!" 

Wilbur shook his head, grabbing the door before Tommy could. The child pouted at him, his red flannel was thrown on messily and his hair was half brushed, it looked like he ran from their father just to answer the door. 

That theory was confirmed when Phil descended the staircase, a hairbrush in hand. "Who's at the door, Wil?" He called. 

The oldest shrugged, opening it to see. There stood a man with a blue button-up shirt on, a pastel yellow bowtie fitting snug around his collar, a pair of what looked like sunglasses rested on his head. He held hands with a child, Tubbo, Wilbur remembered. 

The man gave the teen a nervous smile, "Hey! Sorry I came so early without notice. I'm- I'm George." The man- George stuck out his hand for Wilbur to shake. 

Wilbur looked down at it for a bit before taking it, "Wilbur." He hummed. The man came up to his height, maybe even shorter. 

Phil peeked over his oldest to get a look at who was at the door, "Oh! Hi mate! I didn't expect you so early, come in-" 

When George walked in Tubbo immediately ran off with Tommy. Techno slid further into his seat, avoiding George's gaze as he talked with Phil. The two seemed to have the same job, Phil was also in a button-up, a very light green one and he was in a white tie. 

After a few minutes Phil waved goodbye to his sons, Tommy and Tubbo giving both him and George a hug goodbye as they left. Once they did Wilbur sighed, falling next to Techno on the couch, pulling out his phone.

After a few minutes he looked up from his phone, it had gotten quiet. Too quiet. "Techno?" The younger looked up with droopy eyes, indicating he was most likely napping, "Where's the kids?" 

Suddenly the sound of multiple things falling over in the kitchen sounded, the sound of high pitched laughter filling the air. 

The two teens groaned. Whatever that was, they knew it had made a big mess. 

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