Bad Vibes At Preschool

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Dream smiled softly as Sapnap and George continued to bicker over something small, more precisely who got to get the last cup of hot cocoa. The taller shook his head as the two argued back and forth, but he knew it was only playful.

"George come on, I'm younger therefore I have the high ground-"

"Well, I work harder than you, so."



Suddenly Dream's phone buzzed, the familiar song of "Lonely" indicating he was getting a call. He took out the phone from his pocket, reading the ID name. "Middleton's Daycare"

"Guys, shh, Tubbo's school's calling me." Dream spoke, standing up from where he sat. The male could never sit still when making or receiving calls, he'd always have to pace. Sapnap and George's mouths snapped shut at what Dream said.

Dream answered the phone casually, "'Ello?" He spoke, the accent something he picked up from George. He walked into the other room away from the noises the other two made. 

Sapnap turned to George, "Why'd they call? Tubbo's not supposed to be out until later." He questioned. George shrugged, but Sapnap could see the way he tensed with worry. He took a too still hand in his, feeling it relax and melt into his hold. That was his favorite part about holding George.

"I'm sure everything's fine, no need to act like someone shoved a stick up your ass." Sapnap quipped, George smirked slightly at that.

"Well, you might as well have." The older boy's smile grew as Sapnap squawked flusteredly, laughing as the other shoved him for the innuendo. George kissed him smugly, leaning against the other as he sputtered. 

"you're disgusting, George. I can't believe how naughty you are when Tubbo's not here." George lifted his head with an eyebrow raised at that, Sapnap hit him on the head, causing him to burst out laughing as the other shouted words of disgust. 

When Dream walked back in the room Sapnap was pouting as George laid quite smugly against him, despite his pout though he ran a hand through George's hair. Dream chuckled softly, "Seems like you two are getting along." He joked. 

George flipped him off, his eyes closed as he leaned against his boyfriend. Dream laughed a bit louder, shaking his head, "Alright, well, Tubbo's school wants us to go over there, they said he and Tommy got into trouble?" 

George immediately sat up at that, much to Sapnap's disappointment, "Is he hurt?" The oldest asked. 

"Didn't say." Dream spoke, he threw on his sweater before walking towards the door, "Are you guys coming?" 

"Of course we are! What the hell-" George got up at record speed, pulling on his shoes in a few seconds. Sapnap just slipped on some slides, grumbling still at how fast George got up from his chest. 

When they arrived they weren't too surprised to see a familiar grey car pull up before them. George climbed out of their car, waving to Phil, "Hey Phil, did you get a phone call?" 

"Hey mate, I did get one actually." He spoke, "We here for the same thing?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sapnap shrugged off his seatbelt, opening his door, "I guess so." He hummed nonchalantly. The four conversed as they entered the building, going straight to one of the back rooms. 

Low and behold, Tubbo and Tommy sat in plastic chairs in front of a desk, Miss Hayley sitting behind it. Tommy's arms were crossed angrily, a deep pout on his face while Tubbo was more nervous and timid, both were covered in scratches. 

At the sight of the adults Miss Hayley let out a breath of relief, "Hello gentlemen, please take a seat." She recited. 

When Tubbo saw his fathers he immediately grew antsy, grumbling softly and shaking his head when George offered to carry him. He chose to ignore the look of confusion and heartache that flashed on his father's face. 

Tommy, however, just pouted harder at the sight of his dad, huffing as he jumped back in his chair. Hayley sighed at the two boys, "I think you know why we called you in."

"Not entirely." Dream piped up, a bit annoyed at how they didn't tell them the two children were scraped. The lady hummed, "Well, they managed to get into a brawl with another child, quite out of nowhere-"

"He had it coming," Tommy grumbled. Phil shook his head, "We don't fight people, Tommy."

Tommy looked up at his dad in disbelief, "He made fun of Tomo! And I can't just let him make fun of Tubbo's favorite stuffie so I told him I also had one so it was cool, but then he made fun of Toob too! 

So I shoved him and he shoved me back but he was stronger than me and Tubbo was behind me so we both fell and then he kicked me so I pulled his feet and jumped on him, and Tubbo tried to get me off him but then he tried to bite me so I pulled at his hair and then a teacher split us and told me to say sorry which was stupid-" 


"So I said no and then we got put here," Tommy spoke, ignoring the comment from their teacher. Phil sighed softly, "I know you wanted to stick up for Tubbo, but you could have told a teacher. They could have helped."

Tommy wrinkled his nose, throwing his hands in the air, "That's- That's bullocks!! They didn't do anything until I pulled his hair!!"

"Language, Tommy." Phil's voice was cold. Tommy stared up at him, blowing in his face before crossing his arms again, Phil sighed heavily.

Miss Hayley smiled apologetically, "They're not in too much trouble, but they do have to do some clean up during snack time tomorrow, right now you're all free to leave early."

George nodded, muttering a small thanks as he scooped up Tubbo, the boy curling into him as they walked out. Tommy shouted loudly about how their punishment was unfair and how he hated daycare. Phil wasn't sure if he meant it or not. 

While George was buckling in Tubbo the little boy sniffed, "Am I in trouble…?" He muttered softly. Dream turned from the driver's seat, "No. You didn't do anything wrong, Tubs." 

"But I got hurt…" The boy sniffed once more, Sapnap leaned from his seat planting a kiss on his forehead, "You still did nothing wrong, none of us are mad at you, I promise." 

George nodded, echoing what Sapnap did and also kissed Tubbo's forehead, "We could never be mad at you." Tubbo smiled gently, mumbling a soft "okay" as the car started. 

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