J Stands for Jealousy

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Tubbo was at school, it was the third week of second grade! Though, his assigned seat was kinda far from Tommy's, a whole two seats away! He didn't understand why Tommy had to sit so far away, there was an empty seat right behind him!

But alas, he sat in class, he was feeling a bit bored, as school was sometimes. The clock was a bit too loud, the chairs screeched too much, and the air felt thinner than usual with the classmates he had come accustomed to but not quite friendly with. 

He doodled a bit on a piece of throwaway paper, head in his hand, elbow on his desk. He doodled nothing in particular, letting his brain drag the pencil and make random shapes instead of listening to the teacher speak. 

But, something the teacher said caught his attention, he looked up at her with curiosity as she spoke, "-will have a new student! Now, come on, class- Why don't we be nice and welcome him? He should be just behind the door." 

Tubbo perked up at that, a new friend! When the teacher opened the door the class gasped, he was two different colors! Tubbo caught a glimpse of two different hair colors, and two different skin colors.

The new kid quickly hid behind the door, his black and white hair the only thing visible. The teacher cooed slightly, leaning down to talk to him behind the door. After a bit of talking, she coaxed him out from his hiding spot. 

He shuffled to the front of the room, looking down at his shoes. Now that Tubbo and everyone could see him better, it looked like his hair was split in half, the right side white and the left side black. He also had lighter patches of skin that littered his face, arms, and hands. 

"Class," The teacher started, a hand on the new kid's shoulder, "This is Ranboo. Everyone say, 'Hi Ranboo!'" The class echoed the teacher, Tubbo doing so with a smile. He liked how Ranboo looked. He looked cool. 

"Good, good! Ranboo, would you like to introduce yourself further?" Ranboo flinched slightly at that, shrugging softly. He looked up slightly, nervous at how many eyes were on him.

He cleared his throat, "Um. I'm Ranboo Beloved. Uh… I'm seven. I- My favorite color is purple and um- I have poliosis and vitiligo, which is um. It makes my hair and skin lighter in some places." 

The class made an intruded noise at that. "Alright!" The teacher clapped, "We will go around with individual introductions a bit later, for now, though, why don't you sit… behind Tubbo! The boy in the light blue, Tubbo, raise your hand!" 

He enthusiastically shot his hand up, grinning as Ranboo quickly made his way over. The teacher began to speak once more but Tubbo had tuned her out, spinning around to be face to face with the new kid. 

"Hi! I'm Tubbo, you look really cool!" He spoke. Ranboo seemed to sink into his seat slightly, "I- Um, thank you. I like your- um, bee sticker." He pointed to Tubbo's shirt, a bee sticker that read "Have a Buzzy day!"

Tubbo bounced in his seat, "Thanks! My dads gave it to me, do you have dads? I have three!" The words rolled out his mouth at lightning speed, Ranboo was barely given any time to answer. 

"Um- No? I have uh, I don't have a dad. Or a mom. I live with my big sister-" 

Tubbo cut him off, "Whoa! You have siblings? I don't- I'm adopted, but I like it that way anyway! I have a best friend though, his name's Tommy- He sits right there! Tommy!!" 

He yelled out for his blond friend before the teacher cleared her throat, "Inside voices, Tubbo!" 

He apologized before turning back to Ranboo, "I'll introduce you to him later- At lunch! You can sit with us!" 

Ranboo smiled softly, nodding, "Okay." 


"Tommy!!" Tubbo ushered Ranboo over to where he and Tommy usually sat. Tommy looked confused, lowering his fork back down. "Tubs, what- Who- What is he doing where we sit?" 

Ranboo seemed to sink into himself, Tubbo quickly speaking before Ranboo decided he didn't want to sit with him anymore, "This is Ranboo! The new kid, he's our friend now! And I said he can sit with us." 

Tommy's eyes narrowed at Ranboo, he scooted a bit in his seat, "... Okay. We're still gonna hang out at your house later though, right, best friend?" He asked, emphasizing his words. 

Ranboo gulped as the blond made eye contact. Tubbo, oblivious to this, nodded, "Yeah! Ran, come sit!" 

He didn't catch the looks Tommy had thrown Ranboo's way all day. 


"-and Ranboo folded the paper so nicely, and made a bird! I wish he could teach me how to do that, it was really cool! Right, Tommy?" Tubbo turned to his friend.

Tommy had a scowl on his face, chin in hand as he looked out the window of the moving car, watching the trees blur together. "Sure." He spat, turning away from the boy in blue. 

"Tommy," Phil said from the driver's seat, "You doing alright buddy? You've been awfully quiet." 

"Mmm. I don't think I wanna go over Tubbo's house today." He mumbled. 

Tubbo groaned at that, "Whaaat? But- You said we could today!" 

"Well, I don't want to anymore!" Tommy snapped, turning towards Tubbo. The latter looked surprised at Tommy's outburst, looking hurt. 

Though, Tommy just turned away once more. The ride was unbearably silent the rest of the way home.

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