You're Insecure, You're Insecure

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Warning(s): crying

A/N: Did someone say bedrock bros? No? Too late sorry


Tommy sat curled up on his bed, his brown teddy bear in his lap. The teddy bear stared at him, one of its eyes slightly popped, and its fur almost completely flattened from how much he hugged it. He stared at the plush in frustration.

"You get me, Toob. Why would Tubbo just leave me? Is it because I'm too clingy?" He frowned when the teddy bear stayed silent, shaking the bear, "Answer me, bitch." 

He threw Toob across the room, curling up more on himself. He sat there for about ten seconds before getting up and retrieving Toob from where it landed, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have thrown you. Just because I'm upset doesn't mean I should take it out on you."

He hugged the bear, burying his face in its fur. He shuffled back to his spot, sniffling a bit as he spoke to his stuffed animal, "Am I ugly? Is that why Tubbo doesn't wanna play with me anymore?" 

The door creaked open, Tommy quickly wiping away his tears and turning away from the door, "Knock, bitch." He grumbled. 

"Toms, you've been in your room all day. Don't you wanna come downstairs and get something to eat or something?" A voice he recognized as Wilbur spoke. 

Tommy shook his head, "No. Leave me alone." 

"You sure? Dad made chocolate chip pancakes~!" Wilbur teased. But still, Tommy shook his head, "I said no. Leave, bitch!" 

Wilbur blinked at that, Tommy would never pass up his favorite breakfast. "Oh, uh-" He stumbled to find something to say, not prepared for this outcome, "I'll save a plate for you, alright? Love you, Toms." 

He didn't get a response, just closing the door. He sighed, going down the stairs to the two waiting figures in the living room. 

"Anything?" Phil asked, Wilbur shook his head, "Nope, he's just facing the wall holding his bear. I even said you made chocolate chip pancakes, but he didn't budge." 

Techno got up from his spot on the bed, "You suck at comforting, I'll go up there." 

"Careful, he'd probably bite you, literally-" Wilbur warned, Techno just took that as a challenge, grabbing a soft blanket from the couch before he left. 

Techno knocked on Tommy's door, "I'm comin' in." He spoke, opening the door. Inside the room Tommy sat on his bed still, facing the wall as he had his face in his teddy bear. 

"I told you to go away." He muttered. Techno just sat on the bed, "Unfortunately, I do not listen. What's got you all slumpy?" 

"None of your business, bitch." Tommy responded. 

Techno pulled his feet onto the bed, into a criss-cross position, "Well, it becomes my business when it makes you like this. What happened?" 

The youngest stayed silent for a minute, before speaking in a choked-up voice, "Does Tubbo hate me now?" 

"What? Of course not," Techno faced the little boy, "Why would you think that?" 

He sniffed more, "He- He found someone new and he keeps talking and talking about him and- and he sounds really cool and- and I'm not cool and- and- and what if Tubbo doesn't want to be my best friend anymore?!"

Techno picked Tommy up, setting him in his lap. The child leaned into his chest, crying into his shirt. "Tommy… Calm down. I can't understand you when you're like this." 

The boy continued to cry, hiccuping, shaking his head. "Here-" Techno held his hand out, "Come on, do the breathing with me okay? Pinky to pinky, breathe in." 

Tommy held his pinky to Techno's, inhaling as he traced his finger up. "Now breathe out," Techno instructed. Tommy traced his pinky down, breathing out. 

"Good, ring finger to ring finger now." 

They repeated the breathing exercise until they had no fingers left. The little boy slumped against his brother, holding onto him with no intention of letting go. Techno gently wrapped him in the blanket he brought.

"Toms, Tubbo still loves you. I swear on it. He's just got a new friend, that doesn't mean he'll forget you." Techno spoke lightly, chin resting on Tommy's head, "You guys are more than best friends, you're like brothers." 

Tommy tilted his head up to look Techno in the eyes, his eyes red and tearful, "You promise?"

Techno nodded, setting his forehead on Tommy's, "I promise."

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