Roadtrip: Wilbur Edition

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"Wilbur? Wilbur. Wiiilbuuur! Wilby? Wilby! Wilburwilburwliburwilb-" 

Wilbur groaned loudly, tearing his phone away from his sight and glaring harshly at his youngest brother. "What do you want you gremlin?" He snapped. 

Tommy just grinned at him, "Are you still goin' drivin' later?" He gave a toothy grin, one of his top teeth missing. He held onto the door handle of Wilbur's room door, swaying back and forth on it to make the hinges squeak. 

The oldest took a deep breath, calming himself down a bit, "Why are you asking?" He spoke through clenched teeth. 

"I wanna come!" Tommy exclaimed, hopping off the door and trying his best to climb onto Wilbur's elevated bed. Wilbur silently helped him up before sighing, "We're gonna be driving for a while, are you sure you wanna come?" 

Tommy nodded vigorously, "Yes! Can I go? Pleeaaase?" He grabbed onto Wilbur's shoulders and shook them with all the might he could, despite this, Wilbur barely moved. 

The latter groaned, "Look, in all honesty, I don't wanna deal with you complaining in a car for three hours." He pulled Tommy's hands off his shoulders.

Tommy pouted, "What if I bring Tubbo? Tubbo doesn't complain!" 

"But you do. Plus, Tubbo's dads probably won't let me steal their kid for hours. We'll be gone for like, ten hours at best." Wilbur picked up his phone again, starting to unlock it. 

Tommy whined, grabbing onto Wilbur's wrist, "Wilby! Please? I really wanna go! I can ask Tubbo's dads!" 

The older gave an amused chuckle, "And how are you gonna do that when he lives two blocks away? Stop looking at me like that, I'm not walking or driving you to his house." 

Tommy pouted angrily before giving Wilbur puppy eyes, "Please?

"This isn't working, you know." Wilbur just looked back at his phone. Tommy groaned loudly before an idea popped into his head.

He crossed his arms, "If you don't take me I'm telling dad you snuck out with that blue sweater guy a few days ago."

Wilbur froze, looking over slowly at Tommy, wondering how he had seen him, "You wouldn't dare." 

Tommy grinned mischievously, leaning back to look into Wilbur's eyes. Wilbur groaned, "You would."

Wilbur rolled up to a familiar light grey house, Tommy was in the back seat, the latter quickly unbuckling himself and pulling on the door. Thank god Wilbur had enabled child lock before they left. 

The teen opened the back door for his brother, Tommy toppling out onto the pavement. He got up like he didn't just trip on air and grabbed onto Wilbur's hand, his mouth moving quickly but Wilbur just stopped listening to him.

They walked up to the house, ringing the doorbell. Soon after they did the door opened. Wilbur went to look up to talk to someone, but when he saw no one he looked confused. Until the door opened a bit more and showed a small person behind it.

"Tubbo!" Tommy yelled, running forwards. The door suddenly got pushed as wide as it could, revealing Tubbo's excited face before he got tackled by Tommy. 

Wilbur pulled Tommy off Tubbo, helping the older boy off the floor, "Alright, alright. Is your parents home?" He asked the brunette.

Tubbo nodded, "Dada's home! Dada!! Tommy's here!!" The little boy ran to one of the back rooms, loudly talking to one of his fathers. The teen got dragged into the house by Tommy, sighing as Tommy began to blabber again.

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