Definitely NOT a Date

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Wilbur parked in front of an unfamiliar house, sighing a bit as he stepped out, Sally offered to bring him over to her house, and he was nervous about it. 

He wasn't sure what he was nervous about, it was just him, Sally, and her younger brother. He never did know how young he was, or how he looked, but he did know Sally lived with him after getting them out of their parent's house.

He rang the doorbell, taking a step back from the door. He heard a yell from inside, shuffling, and the sound of jingling gradually getting closer to the door until it opened.

Wilbur was shocked at the sight, Sally stood at the door, a little boy on her hip, no younger than two, jingling some kind of bell on a stick. He had the same kind of hair as Sally, orange with strands of white.

Sally bounced the boy, “Hi Wil!” She turned her head towards the toddler, “Wilbur, this is Fundy! Fundy, this is Wilbur!”

Fundy looked at Wilbur before waving at him, continuing to shake his bell. Wilbur waved back, “I didn't know your brother was that young.”

“You'll get used to it,” She joked, “Come in! Don't mind the toys on the floor.” She kicked a couple of toys out the way, setting Fundy down to run off to a toy chest that was against the living room wall. 

“I forgot you lived alone,” Wilbur elbowed Sally slightly, “Your house is surprisingly neat for living with a toddler.”

Sally chuckled slightly, “I had to scrub colored marker drawings off the wall five minutes before you arrived, luckily it was washable. I would have cried if he got into my sharpies.” 

“Oh yeah, big time.” Wilbur leaned on the wall, “So… What are we doing today?”

Sally lit up, “Right! Okay, today I was planning on teaching you about freshwater animals, and it should be time to make Fundy something to eat when we're finished. Then we can go to the aquarium and we'll make a scavenger hunt out of it! 

Then after that, we'll go out to eat, come back, put Fundy to bed, and then we can sit and watch this documentary I found until you have to go!” She bounced up and down. 

Wilbur almost combusts at how cute the sight was. He smiled, nodding, “Sounds great, Sal.”

Sally nodded, “Great! I’ll go get the books!” She took off down the hall to grab supplies. Wilbur watched her go before looking down, locking eyes with Fundy, the two-year-old’s stare unwavering as he banged to block pieces together.

Wilbur sucked in a breath, “Hey kid, your name’s Fundy, right?” The little boy nodded in response, Wilbur nodding in retaliation,  “Cool, cool. I’m Wilbur. What are you playing with?” He asked.

Fundy looked back at his blocks, “Blocks.” was his only response.

Wilbur hummed, sliding off the couch to sit next to Fundy, “Yeah, I see that. Do you want me to help?”

Fundy pulled his two block pieces to his chest, looking at Wilbur with an unreadable expression. A couple seconds later he turned around, scooting on his knees towards his toy box and pulling out extra blocks before handing them to Wilbur.

He pointed at them, then at Wilbur, “You, block.”

Wilbur seemed amused at that, picking them up, “These are my blocks to play with?” 

Fundy nodded, sitting back down and beginning to play with his individual blocks once more, but when he saw Wilbur not playing and just holding the blocks he whined, pointing at the blocks, “Play.”

He stood on his knees again, scooting towards Wilbur and taking his hands, moving them so the blocks hit each other, “Like this.”

Wilbur decided that he liked Fundy. He chuckled softly, “Alright, I’ll play.” He gently tapped them together a bit. That seemed to satisfy Fundy, as he sat back down and began to play once more.

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