Hey Sister, How Does Your Hair Grow?

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Tommy sat nervously in the cafeteria before school started, waiting for Tubbo to walk in and sit with him. He fiddled with a smooth shiny rock, planning to give it to his best friend as an apology. 

He was going to also give him a candy bracelet, but one of the birds outside snatched a piece of it away before he could put it away safely, leaving it torn in half to rot at the bottom of his backpack. His head snapped up at the sound of the cafeteria doors opening, frowning slightly when it was just a random person.

His face immediately lit up when Tubbo walked in behind them, he went to get up before freezing, Ranboo was with him. And they were talking and laughing. Tommy hesitantly sat back down, looking down in his lap once more and fumbling with the rock. 

He wondered if his best friend would even notice him if he kept quiet, if he would walk past him like they were strangers. Despite his worries, though, Tubbo easily picked him out from the crowd, quickly tugging Ranboo to the table.

“Hi, Tommy!” He cheerfully spoke. Tommy’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment, how could he think Tubbo wouldn’t notice him, they’re best friends after all. 

Tommy waved, "Hi-" He took a deep breath when they sat down, shoving the rock into Tubbo's hands as he looked away, "I'm sorry." 

Tubbo gasped at the sudden movement, but awed at the pretty rock that was handed to him. He looked up in confusion, "Sorry? For what, bossman?" 

Tommy fumbled with his fingers, "I was mean to you… and I was mean to you too," He looked at Ranboo, the other surprised at that, "I'm sorry. I was jus' a big jealous jerk." 

Tubbo just smiled, "It's okay Tommy! We forgive you. Right, Ranboo?" He turned to the taller boy, Ranboo nodding. "Yeah, um, it's okay. I understand." 

"Does this mean we're friends again…?" Tommy asked, Tubbo's grin widened, "Bossman! We were never not friends!!" He got up from his seat, going around the table to hug Tommy, "You're my bestest friend in the whole world, nothing can get in between that!"

Tommy smiled at that, hugging Tubbo back. He lifted his head to look at Ranboo, "Are you just gonna sit there and not join? Get in here, you bitch!" 

Ranboo scrambled up at that, quickly joining in on the group hug. Soon, the starting bell rang, all three children got up and walked to class, talking and laughing together. 


It was dismissal, Ranboo walked closely behind Tommy and Tubbo, who talked loudly at him, him responding with nods. Both boys were dragging him to who was picking them up today, insisting on him coming over. 

He nervously laughed, pulling them back a bit, "I uh- I have to ask my sister-" 

Tommy huffed, turning back to look at him, "Well? Where is she? Let's go ask." 

Ranboo pointed to a pink-haired girl at the far side of the yard, just outside where the gate opened. She was looking around for Ranboo, a small frown on her face.

Tommy laughed slightly, "She looks like my brother Techno! She's gonna love me, watch, come on!" He began to drag the two over. 

His sister sighed when they were in sight, smiling at them, "Hello! Ranboo, are these your friends?" 

The boy nodded, smiling back at her, "Yeah, this is Tommy and Tubbo." The other two waved at her. 

"Hello you two, I'm Niki." She bent down to their height. "Did you want to tell me something?"

Tubbo nodded, "Yeah! Can Ranboo come over to our house? Please? My dad's over there!" He asked before pointing to Dream, who was watching them with an amused look. 

Niki looked over, humming, "Alright, but I'll have to ask him as well. Would you like that, Boo?" 

Ranboo nodded, "Yes please." Niki ruffled his hair, following them as they brang her to Dream. 

"You look like my brother by the way, Niki. I like you. We're friends now." 

"Okay Tommy, I don't mind that."

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