First Days

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"Tubbo go grab your shoes, we're gonna head out now!" A voice rang in the halls.

Tubbo scrambled up to get his shoes, pastel blue ones with bees on the side of them. He tried to put them on himself before whining, kicking out his feet and yelling, "BABA MY SHOES!"

George chuckled as he walked in, "You need help, little worker bee?" He asked, Tubbo nodded, kicking his feet up in the air. The now four-year-old was going to pre-school, and he was quite excited to go!

After George put on his shoes, he jumped up, reaching up on his bed to grab his bee plushie, "Can I take Tomo?" He asked, holding the plush with puppy eyes. George went to shake his head but Tubbo's face softened, face contorting into a deeper pout as tears collected at the corner of his eyes.

The adult sighed, "Alright, you can bring Tomo." He spoke in defeat. The child cheered, running out the bedroom door, holding his precious bee plush.

Dream was talking to Sapnap in the kitchen, spinning the car keys on his index finger when Tubbo ran in. "Hey, Tubs! You ready?" He spoke, crouching down to the boy.

The latter nodded, holding out Tomo in an excited manner, "Baba said I can take Tomo!" He grinned wildly.

Dream looked up at George with an amused smile, "Did he now?" George groaned, "He gave me the puppy eyes, I couldn't say no, show Dada what you did, worker bee."

Tubbo mimicked the face he made with George, right down to the pools of tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Sapnap whistled, "Oh, he's good."

Dream laughed, "Alright, alright. Let's get to the car." The four-year-old zoomed past the three adults and towards the door, opening it and jumping down the porch steps to the car, the trio following right behind him.

They were dropping Tubbo off at a daycare that did pre-school as well, Phil told them about the place since Tommy was going there since he was two. In the car, Tubbo was ranting about when he saw a flower bloom and saw bees fly over to it.

It's quite funny when you think about it, almost a year ago the boy wouldn't utter more than a few words a day, and now his mouth is a never-ending noisemaker.


When they arrived Tubbo jumped out of his seat, hopping where he stood as he spoke about how excited he was. Sapnap helped him out, holding his hand as they walked in.

Almost immediately there was a problem.

There were so many people, around thirty people in one room! He didn't expect there to be so many kids in one area. Tubbo quickly shuffled behind Sap's leg.

A young lady walked over to them, her short haircut an auburn color, "Hello! Welcome to our daycare, come sit over here." She guided them into a less crowded room, one with just a desk and some chairs. Tubbo relaxed at that.

She sat behind the desk, tucking her hair behind an ear. When the four sat down she smiled, holding out a hand, "Hi, I'm Miss Hayley, I'm one of the workers here! I work as a teacher for pre-schoolers."

Tubbo was sat in George's lap, giggling softly at George bouncing his leg, the latter spoke up, "Will you be teaching Tubbo?" Miss Hayley smiled, nodding.

"I will be teaching him, yes. Uhm, just a small question, and forgive me if it's too personal-" The young woman cleared her throat, "Where's his mother?"

George's eyes widened slightly, he looked over to Sapnap and Dream. Dream cleared his throat, "He doesn't have one."

Hayley seemed to take that wrong and gasped softly, "Oh, I'm so sorry-" Dream shook his head, "No I mean- We're his parents, he doesn't have a mom."

She seemed to relax at that, "Oh. Um, alright." She moved her hair behind her ear once more, "Right, you two are his parents." She motioned towards Dream and George, before turning towards Sapnap, "So who are you?"

"His third father," Sapnap answered nonchalantly. She seemed to be confused at that, "Wait- all three of you are…?" The trio nodded in unison.

"But that-" Before she could finish Tubbo piped in, "Yeah.. That's Baba, Dada, and Papa." He pointed to each of them respectively.

Miss Hayley still didn't seem to get it but she let it go, "Okay, um, what's the schedule for Tubbo?"

After talking with Miss Hayley they went back out to the public area, where all the kids were, and Tubbo was back behind one of their legs, hugging his bee plush.

They walked over to the play area before Sapnap (who had Tubbo on his leg) crouched down to Tubbo, "Hey bubs, why don't you go play for a bit?"

Tubbo quickly shook his head, going to cling to Sap, the latter chuckled, "I know it's scary, but look!" He turned around and pointed to a familiar blond boy in a white t-shirt.

Tubbo lit up before running over, "Tommy!!" The boy turned around, beaming at the other, "Tubbo!!" Tommy turned around and picked up a teddy bear, "I got Toob!" Tubbo showed him his bee, "I got Tomo!!"

Sapnap smiled, standing up as he watched the two interact. Dream bumped into him with his elbow, "Come on, smiley."

Sap pushed him, "Oi shut up-" He snorted, a smile on his face as they headed out. Tubbo would be okay.

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