The Halloween Special

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HEY BESTIESSS I just got finished trick-or-treating and I'm so tired, sorry its so short- but enjoy!


Tubbo sputtered as Sapnap was doing his face paint, "Paaaa!! That feels all icky!" 

Sapnap chuckled at him, holding his chin still, "You said you wanted face paint, bub. Sit still for just a little longer okay-" 

The eight-year-old whined, grimacing as Sapnap finished up. He stood there in his patchy green outfit, various shades scattered all over his costume. He shook around in the suit, "I'm a square."

Sapnap responded to him, packing up the face paint, "Yes, creepers are square, amazing observation." 

"Why am I a creeper, Papa? I wanna be a bee!" He stomped his foot, crossing his arms.

"Tubs, you were a bee for the last three Halloweens." Sapnap joked, ruffling Tubbo's hair.

Tubbo pushed his hand away with a smile, "Yeah that's cause I like bees!"

"You also like creepers." His father hummed, turning and putting the palette in the drawer behind him.

"Yeah, but not as much as bees!!" 

Sapnap laughed, guiding him out the room, "Alright, beekeeper, why don't we go meet up with Tommy and Ranboo? They should be waiting for us." 

Tubbo immediately lit up at that, nodding, "Yeah, yeah! Let's go!" He grabbed Sapnap's hand, dragging him into the living room.

In the doorway stood two children, both undoubtedly Tommy and Ranboo. Tommy wore a long dark green shirt, and what looked like a moss and grass cloak hung over his head and shoulders. He held a bright red pumpkin bucket in his hands.

Ranboo wore a classic white sheet with two holes cut in it for the eyes, only his costume had a crown hot-glued onto the top. He held a dark purple pumpkin bucket, matching Tommy.

"Tubbo!" Tommy exclaimed, opening his arms, "Look Tubzo! I'm a Glare!!" 

"Whoa!! I'm a creeper!!" He did a twirl to show Tommy and Ranboo. "Ranboo, what are you?"

The boy tilted his head with what he assumed was a smile, "I'm King Boo! Look, I have a crown!" He pointed to the crown on his head excitedly. 

"You all look amazing," Dream smiled, handing Tubbo a dark green pumpkin bucket, "Now, we're in charge of supervising this year, since Phil did it last year, and it's Ranboo's first Halloween with us, why don't we have some fun?" 

All three children cheered, running out the door chanting "This is Halloween! This is Halloween!"


"Kids, what do you say?"

"Thank you!"

The ghost, creeper, and glare laughed as they ran back to Dream, Sapnap, and George. "Alright boys, I think that's enough trick-or-treating for today, all your buckets are full." 

The boys groaned before each holding one of the adult's hands. Tubbo, who was holding George's hand, began to ramble about all the candy he got, happily skipping with George's steps.

"This was so fun with Ranboo! We should do this every time!!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"We will Tubs," Dream said, "Next year we'll do the same thing. And the next year, and the year after that." 

"Yay!!" Tubbo shouted, "Best Halloween ever!!" 

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